U.S. midterm elections: Ukraine will lose if Republicans win

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U.S. midterm elections: Ukraine will lose if Republicans win - Lujuba

The conflict between Russia and Ukraine has been going on for eight months. The war has reached a stalemate, and Russia feels a little powerless. The reason is that Ukraine, with the support of the United States and the West, has created a lot of trouble for Russia, continuous weapon support, Starlink satellite technology The information provided on the website has caused serious losses in Russian soldiers and soldiers, and their weapons and equipment have been severely damaged.

encouraged Zelensky to resist Russia because of the support of the United States and the West. It can be said that the attitude of the United States and the West in assisting Ukraine will determine the final fate of Ukraine. However, as the US mid-term elections are approaching recently, all US media have consistently predicted that the Republicans , who are opposed to helping Ukraine, may win the midterm elections. If the situation in the US midterm elections reverses, the Democratic Party Failing that, it is widely believed that Zelensky's good days are over.

U.S. midterm elections: Ukraine will lose if Republicans win - Lujuba

According to a number of media reports, the New York Times , Washington Post and other mainstream American media recently made one-sided predictions that the Republican Party will eventually win the midterm elections. According to polls, issues such as abortion and the protection of democracy, which the Democratic Party has been emphasizing, are not the focus of voters. Economic and security issues are the "most concerned issues" of voters. According to another poll, more than 70% of the respondents believe that the current national situation in the United States is "out of control". It is generally believed that all this is caused by the Democratic Party. The Democratic Party in the ruling position of and has been widely questioned by the people, and the Republican Party participating in the election has an obvious advantage.

U.S. midterm elections: Ukraine will lose if Republicans win - Lujuba

The situation of the mid-term elections is very unfavorable for US President Biden. The Democratic Party's confidence in aid to Ukraine has remained unchanged. The Republican Party is full of confidence in this mid-term election. House Republican leader McCarthy has publicly stated that if the Republicans can successfully take control of the House of Representatives, the United States will withdraw aid to Ukraine. Such a statement means that if the Republican Party can really win the mid-term elections, the situation in which the United States and Western countries assist Ukraine will undergo a huge change. In fact, many European countries have already complained and are trying to find a way to relieve the pressure. If the United States takes the lead in stopping the Aid to Ukraine, which other countries in the EU and may not be able to ask for, will immediately stop aid to Ukraine.

U.S. midterm elections: Ukraine will lose if Republicans win - Lujuba

In fact, the United States and Western countries do not expect Ukraine to win Russia at all. With that little assistance, it is impossible for Ukraine to defeat Russia. It is nothing more than using the situation in Ukraine as an excuse to bring allies together to sanction the Russian economy. The purpose is to suppress Russia's development, to achieve the purpose of weakening Russia's power. The Russian-Ukrainian war plunged the European economy into recession, and its impact on the American economy was obvious. At present, the high inflation and rising prices of the US economy have led to a rapid decline in the living standards of ordinary people in the United States, and more and more social contradictions have been exposed.

U.S. midterm elections: Ukraine will lose if Republicans win - Lujuba

The main reason for this situation is that the United States and the West always use the banner of political correctness and regard Russia as the strategic opposite. The Republican Party believes that in order to solve the country's economic problems, it must first stabilize the current situation in Ukraine. If they continue to assist Ukraine, It will only add fuel to the fire.

If the United States continues to intervene in it, it will get deeper and deeper and will be unable to extricate itself, and there may be a possibility of direct military conflict with Russia. This is obviously a dangerous move that runs counter to the core American interests of the United States. Therefore, in order to save the United States from falling to the brink of collapse, the Republican Party must make up its mind to promote the easing of the conflict between Russia and Ukraine as soon as possible, and finally move towards the line of peace negotiations. .

U.S. midterm elections: Ukraine will lose if Republicans win - Lujuba

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