A date from Alishan to Ginkgo! "Cross-Strait Peace Originates from Jinling" The first cross-strait single youth networking event was successfully held

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Source: Junction News Client

Junction News In early winter, the 330-meter Ginkgo Avenue is full of warmth. When the New Year bell in 2022 is about to ring, young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait gather together. On December 26, the first cross-strait single youth networking event "Cross-Strait Harmony originates from Jinling" kicked off at the Nanjing Women's and Children's Activity Center and the Yinxingli Cultural District. It spans 827 kilometers, from Zijin Mountain to Alishan, and from Xuanwu Lake to Sun Moon Lake. Witnessed by the "City of Fraternity", young people from both sides of the Taiwan Strait approached each other in a fun and competitive way, harvesting beautiful and warm moments together.

A date from Alishan to Ginkgo! 'Cross-Strait Peace Originates from Jinling' The first cross-strait single youth networking event was successfully held - Lujuba

Fate leads both sides of the strait, Ningtai young people meet

"Jasmine" because of love, the music lingers around the event venue, and the colorful ginkgo red ignites the enthusiasm in the cold day. The four sides were decorated with lanterns, and the scene was re-framed.

This event is sponsored by the Nanjing Taiwan-affiliated Friendship Association, the Nanjing Women and Children Activity Center, the Nanjing Taiwan Youth Association, and the New Taipei City Cross-Strait Youth Exchange Association. With the purpose of expanding the horizons of making friends and creating an environment for keeping people close to each other, we will actively build a platform for single young people in Ningtai to make friends. Feng Zhicheng, Deputy Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Jiangsu Provincial People's Government, Zhao Xiaohua, Director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Nanjing Municipal People's Government, Wei Qun, Vice Chairman of the Nanjing Women's Federation, Lv Fang, a first-level researcher of the Nanjing Civil Affairs Bureau, and a first-level researcher of the Nanjing Taiwan Federation Zhang Xiangyang, Wu Yang, member of the Standing Committee of Jianye District Committee and deputy head of the district, and Liu Bing, chairman of the Nanjing Taiwan-affiliated Friendship Association, attended the event. Also present at the event were leaders and guests from the Municipal Education Bureau, Municipal Public Security Bureau, Civil Affairs Bureau, Municipal Women's Federation, Municipal Taiwan Federation, Jianye District Government, Municipal Women and Children's Activity Center, and Municipal Taiwan-affiliated Friendship Association.

It is understood that more than 30 young people from Ningtai came to participate in the networking activities today. Among them, the "post-90s" have become the "main force" of the association. The guests present included "senior Taiwan compatriots" who have lived in Nanjing for more than 20 years, as well as exchange students studying in Nanjing universities.

A date from Alishan to Ginkgo! 'Cross-Strait Peace Originates from Jinling' The first cross-strait single youth networking event was successfully held - Lujuba

​​"At present, there are 4,000 resident Taiwan compatriots in Nanjing, including nearly 1,000 single young people. The marriage of these young people is not only a big wish of the parents on the island, but also a big concern of Taiwanese officials at all levels as 'maternal family'. Feng Zhicheng said in his speech, "Nanjing and Taiwan have a special historical connection, as well as a deep connection with reality. The number and quality of marriages and families across the strait are important indicators of our connection with reality, and they are the most beautiful things formed by cross-strait exchanges and exchanges. Flowers. I hope that the young people in Ningtai will be the protagonists, communicate more, dare to express, enhance friendship through communication and gain true love through deepening understanding, and young people from both sides of the strait will join hands to create a better home in the future. "

build bridges, cross-strait marriage and family joint meeting Mechanism was established

"I am in New Taipei, I wish the first cross-strait single youth networking event to be held successfully. At the same time, I also wish that in the future, the two sides of the strait will be reconciled, and the origin of Jinling..." The event site, the New Taipei City Cross-Strait Youth Exchange Association Friends sent congratulatory videos. In their message, they wished the event a success, hoped that the communication bond between the youths on both sides of the strait would be further strengthened, and at the same time expressed their earnest expectations for the peaceful development of cross-strait relations and stable and long-term cross-strait exchanges in the future.

straddles the mountains and the seas, and loves both sides of the strait. In order to promote better exchanges between Ningtai youths in various districts of Nanjing, the United Front Work Department of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee, the Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, the Municipal Education Bureau, the Municipal Public Security Bureau, the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, the Municipal Justice Bureau, the Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau, the Municipal Health Commission, Twelve units of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions, the Youth League Municipal Committee, the Municipal Women's Federation, and the Municipal Taiwan Federation have joined hands to establish a cross-strait marriage and family joint meeting mechanism. On the spot, the heads of the representative units of the joint meeting took the stage and held the signing ceremony.

A date from Alishan to Ginkgo! 'Cross-Strait Peace Originates from Jinling' The first cross-strait single youth networking event was successfully held - Lujuba

The cross-strait marriage and family joint meeting mechanism will give full play to the functions and resources of each unit, and fully serve Taiwanese youth in various districts of Nanjing in terms of friendship, prenatal and postnatal care, employment and entrepreneurship, and protection of rights and interests, and increase their sense of belonging in Nanjing. Feeling and happiness, promote them to better integrate into Nanjing's life, condense nostalgia, friendship, love and family, and build a bridge across the strait and communication.

"In the activities, we learn and understand each other together." Chen Xue, a young man from Nanjing, said that with the accelerating pace of life, there are fewer and fewer opportunities to make friends. This event provided a valuable opportunity for young people on both sides of the strait to expand the scope of friendship and enhance their relationship.

promotes harmony through love, and conveys colorful culture in interesting competitions

A date from Alishan to Ginkgo! 'Cross-Strait Peace Originates from Jinling' The first cross-strait single youth networking event was successfully held - Lujuba

​​"5, 4, 3, 2, 1, start! "With the sound of the countdown, "Fate leads the two sides of the strait, allure for love - Ningtai Public Welfare Marriage and Dating Project" was officially launched in the colorful balls. Under the guidance of the organizer, they were divided into two groups, and they carried out interesting competitive activities with the theme of "qin, chess, calligraphy and painting". Treasures and Taiwan snacks experience coupons. One by one, the colorful and characteristic mini-games convey the rich and colorful customs and culture of the two sides of the strait. Through interaction, young people quickly cultivated tacit understanding, shortened the distance between each other, and immersed themselves in a laughter and laughter. In a harmonious atmosphere.

A date from Alishan to Ginkgo! 'Cross-Strait Peace Originates from Jinling' The first cross-strait single youth networking event was successfully held - Lujuba

"invest in Mu Tao, and repay it with Qiong Yao. "After the game, the ingenious guests at the scene made a series of exquisite handmade gifts such as tie-dye and nail painting, and gave them to their favorite objects. "This is the first time I have participated in the event for young people on both sides of the strait. Friendship activities. "Taipei youth Tong Yuanhao has lived and settled in Nanjing for seven years. He told reporters that there are more opportunities to display his talents here, and he really feels the meticulous care and service provided by the Taiwan Affairs Office of the Municipality for Taiwan compatriots." I am very happy to meet friends from all over the Taiwan Strait at this event, and I hope that there will be more similar networking events in the future. ”

A date from Alishan to Ginkgo! 'Cross-Strait Peace Originates from Jinling' The first cross-strait single youth networking event was successfully held - Lujuba

In the evening, everyone gathered together to watch the movie "Antique Game in the Middle Game". This social activity came to an end in the audio-visual feast of light and shadow. Since 1988,

has registered a total of 2,141 marriages on both sides of the strait in Nanjing. However, there are still many young Taiwanese compatriots who are temporarily single due to work rhythm, cultural differences, living habits and other reasons. "Today, together with the Nanjing Women's Federation, we officially launched the Nanjing-Taiwan Public Welfare Marriage, Love and Friendship Project, striving for every future life. We hold 20 networking events every year, invite single young Taiwan compatriots to participate, expand their circle of friends, and promote the spiritual harmony of compatriots on both sides of the strait. Zhao Xiaohua, director of the Nanjing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office, said that the Nanjing Municipal Taiwan Affairs Office will combine the actual situation of Nanjing to actively explore new ways of cross-strait integration and development, so as to attract more Taiwan compatriots to Nanjing for employment and development, and to take root.

Xinhua Daily, Junction reporter Jiang Li / Coordinator Zhou Xiaoyu / Wen Wang Ruifeng Zhao Yu Cao Yang Yu Qin Yong Zhou Tianqi / Video Pan Haibing / Photo

Editor: Li Shuang

This article is from [Interchange News Client] and represents the author's point of view only. The national party media information public platform provides information release and dissemination services .

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