Listen carefully, because what I'm talking about now is the best movie sequel of the 21st century!

movie 917℃

"You think you are special, but you are not."-just like ordinary people like us.

Listen carefully, because what I'm talking about now is the best movie sequel of the 21st century! - Lujuba

"Blade Runner", as one of the greatest works in the history of science fiction films, did not get the recognition it deserves when it was released.

Dystopian future setting (Los Angeles, which is known for its sunny in reality, is dark and rainy in the movie), the core of film noir, the elusive plot and narrative method, the composer Vangelis' provocative but epoch-making electronic soundtrack, and the extremely slow plot advancement, could not win more attention and attention to the film when it first screened.

because "Blade Runner" is too advanced.

was finally in theaters for decades, it was rehabilitated and became an unsurpassed classic in the hearts of science fiction fans.

So 35 years later, when Dennis Villeneuve, the director from Canada, said that the sequel to "Blade Runner" was coming, no one was optimistic about him. The reason for

Listen carefully, because what I'm talking about now is the best movie sequel of the 21st century! - Lujuba

​​is simple, because "Blade Runner" is too classic.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the sequel of "Blade Runner" can definitely be called "the hardest science fiction sequel to shoot".

However, director Dennis Villeneuve turned "the world's most difficult sci-fi sequel" into "the greatest movie sequel of the 21st century!" when the world is not optimistic about it. The reason is very simple

It lies in the perfect unity of movie style and core.

is right. It is cyberpunk, which is entertainment and optimism of gear, machinery and dust compared to steampunk.

Cyberpunk represented by "Ghost in the Shell" and "Blade Runner" always allows us to see that the rapid development of technology has brought discomfort and worries about the future. This is a world full of artificial light sources, artificial intelligence, quiet, and highly automated. There are all kinds of unintelligible equipment, aircraft. Full of words such as brainwashing, prosthetics, cloning, genetics, etc.

and environmental pollution that is inconsistent with the highly developed technology at that time. The old impoverished streets are incompatible with the towering high-tech buildings, and the old cars have new equipment.

In "Blade Runner", there is such a cyberpunk world. Its sky is always humid, and it seems to be drizzling 365 days a year.

In "Blade Runner 2049", we once again step into this familiar dystopian future: Los Angeles in 2049 will still be raining dirty and heavy, and the fog can even make people feel uncomfortable across the screen, neon lights The decorations and huge female advertising portraits are still full of every inch of land the protagonists walked through like the previous work.

is also familiar with the appearance of the previous characters: the old Harrison Ford returns with the protagonist of the year, Blade Runner Dirk, and even in reality, the old replica Rachel played by Sean Young can do it Because of computer special effects, it was restored to its original appearance.

However, these are still on the screen of the movie, and on the kernel.

"Blade Runner 2049" is an almost perfect artwork. The most fascinating thing about

's original "Blade Runner" is that the extreme loneliness created by the film may also be the biggest reason why I can watch the film repeatedly.

As an audience with a fairly good reading volume, what I care about after watching a sci-fi movie is not the depth of the scientific theory, but the temperature the story brings to me. A sci-fi story with a temperature is great in my opinion. "Blade Runner" deserves the word "great".

Tide uses "self-doubt" to describe the original "Blade Runner".

In "Blade Runner", Rachel doubts whether he is a copy, Dirk is at the end, holding a unicorn origami, nodded thoughtfully, as if to prove that he is also a copy .

​​With this meaningful nod, does Dirk suspect that he is a human or a copy? The problem of

has also been entangled by the audience for more than ten years. The classic "tears in rain" monologue of

makes us wonder what is true and what is false. If the copy person is implanted with real memories, and has normal emotions and sorrows, Is his existence real? Is his existence meaningful?

Like the original, "Blade Runner 2049" also tells a very simple story, a story about "hunting". The story of

took place 30 years after the previous work. Taylor, the company that produced the replicas, went bankrupt due to riots, which caused the old model of bionics to encounter an unprecedented genocide crisis, and a person named Wallace bought it. The bankrupt Taylor Company began to develop new types of replicators, creating a society where humans and replicators live together. Of course, these new types of replicators are still in the slavery of mankind, but they have gained a small "freedom." . Officer

K is a cloned blade killer. During a hunting mission, he found a skeleton left under a dead tree. This skeleton belonged to a female clone. The strange thing is that the skeleton was pregnant. Mark of. In order to ensure the order of society, K’s human female boss asked K to find the child born by the female copy and destroy it, so K started investigating the child’s whereabouts.

K found a lot of clues, but he also gradually discovered that the child was inextricably linked with himself, and that the child’s parents were Deckard and Rachel who had fled 30 years ago. As a copier,

K suddenly learned that he might be the child of Rachel and Deka, the female copier who had fled. He seems to have found the meaning of life. He was born viviparously, he is unique, and he is no longer alone.

In this way, K and his holographic girlfriend joi embarked on a journey of searching for the truth, and K is also finding his soul step by step.

In fact, according to the tide, the story of "Blade Runner" tells the story of how a lonely soul finds its kind and awakens, while the story of "Blade Runner 2049" is another lonely soul who finds his own A story of emotion and identity. Director

allows our audience to experience the new lifestyle of the future world with Officer K, played by Ryan Gosling, while also experiencing the subtle emotional changes of this character.

And K went from being a copy to think that he is not a copy.

He found Rachel who was pregnant and thought it was his "mother".

Later, he finally met his "father"-Deca

and met many clones of the same kind. After all kinds of hardships, they were finally able to join the rebels of the clones. He doesn't seem to be lonely anymore, K thinks he is that special existence, when he intends to recognize father and son.

found out that the memories in his head belonged to others. He was not that special existence. He was actually just an ordinary copy. He was not Rachel’s child. This kind of twists and turns of self-doubt is similar to the previous work. Kernel.

So both "Blade Runner" and "Blade Runner 2049" are actually about the same thing.

What is the definition of human being?

Who are we?

"The Matrix", "Prometheus", "Minority Report" and a series of science fiction films have metaphors in this regard.

Maybe we are also clones, our memories are implanted.

At a certain moment, do you feel familiar with what you are doing or what you see?

This is called the "flashback phenomenon", which means that when you see a new scene, you feel like you've known each other before, as if you've been there.

According to Baidu Encyclopedia's explanation, this is a temporary short-circuit of memory cells, which led to our wrong judgment, and the error that just occurred was stored in the memory bank.

But if the memory implanted with artificial intelligence goes wrong as described in "Western World", it can also explain the "flashback phenomenon." So, are we not the receptionists of "Western World"?

even, we may not really exist at all, like online games are composed of 0 and 1, and the whole world we feel is just a giant computer.

Maybe we are like Joey in "Blade Runner 2049", just a string of codes that survives on the computer.

However, in "Blade Runner 2049", the film gave us the answer:

I remember there was such a line in the film, it was K that asked the memory creator whether his memory was a real conversation.

"Can you see that something really happened?"

"People generally think that more details are true, but memory is not like this"

" What we remember is feeling"

is very popular and straightforward The dialogue means: the essence of true memory is feeling. The reality of memory has nothing to do with the content recalled, but the reality of emotion.

In the movie, Wallace once copied the exact same Rachel for Deca. Since

are all clones, the fake new Rachel obviously cannot replace the Rachel in Deka's heart. why?

All this stems from the fact that the feelings between Dyke and the dead Rachel were real, and such feelings can never be reconnected through an object with the same appearance.

This is where humanity lies. Rachel is just a copy, but for Deca, Rachel’s existence is a wife and a child’s mother, and there is an inseparable connection and conclusion between them.

This is the meaning of existence.

And in the movie, K also has a girlfriend, although it is a virtual girlfriend, and in the future, everyone can buy a virtual girlfriend similar to Siri's holographic projection, her name is joi. In the movie, advertisements for her holographic image are all over the street. From the beginning, she can't be a special person, and it can even be said that it is the best kind of artificial intelligence to be replaced.

After she disappeared, K saw another joi with the same face on the bridge. If K wanted, it seemed that he could still copy a girlfriend, and just spend money to buy one.

But this is not the case. In fact, joi and K have experienced a lot together, joi tried his best to find prostitutes, and let K feel the truth in this way of combining soul and body. joi does not seem to have self-awareness, all emotions exist around the existence of K.

joi reminds K of his possible identity. When K realizes that the memory of pony is true, joi is extremely excited to say that he has known that K is different.

She is like a clone of K, and she persistently pursues the "difference" and "miracle" of being a clone with him.

joi has never done anything for herself. Except in the end, that was the most touching moment between K and joi. Joi knew that she was going to "die". She rushed to K and said "I love you" to K. The joi who was near, she only had a sentence, so she said such a sentence. For the whole movie of

, joi only made two decisions for himself, one is to delete the data on the machine, and the other is the final confession.

tide always believes that every sentence of "I love you" has a soul.

So joi is also special, and every copyist is special.

So K does not have a new girlfriend, even if he can buy exactly the same joi, they look the same, speak the same way, and have the same personality. Only K knows that she is not joi.

If you slightly change the background of the plot and replace it with an old-school lonely hero movie, you will see a girl in love who decides to leave everything behind and run away with her beloved. She doesn’t know whether he loves herself or not, but she only knows that she is very love him.

is just that this girl was out of luck and lost her life at the very beginning of the adventure. If she can live longer, she will find that she has become the white moonlight in that man's heart. From then on, every person he sees exactly like her is not her.

Rachel is a clone, but he will always live as the special and only appearance in Deka's mind, and so is Joi.

What is the meaning of life?

may be at the end of the movie, when K learns that he is not actually that special person. He sat hard on the steps in the snow, took a few pieces of snow with his hands, opened his clothes, looked at the wound and the red-stained snow, and then slowly leaned on the steps.

He didn't say anything, lying alone in the snow, what was he thinking about? Is it the meaning of life?

No, everything seems to have become so overwhelming and insignificant.

no longer said that tears would be washed away by rain, he didn't say a word.

Maybe we have spent too much time searching for the meaning of life, searching for the soul of ourselves, but we can't even understand ourselves.

wants to reach the future, to challenge nature, perhaps life itself is to smell a broken yellow flower, to touch a bee flapping its wings, let the smoke drift by, and let the snowflakes melt in the palm of the hand.

Tags: movie