Inside and outside: How to realize the brand image through brand videos? | To watch the advertising guests share in the cinema

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This article is edited and deleted based on the dictation of the guest of the event "Go to the cinema to watch advertisements"-Liang Shihui, the creative manager of internal and external brands.

What everyone saw in the screening just now is Teacher Tan Yuanyuan’s "I am a dancer and myself". This film is the first in the series of "I am ____ and myself" launched by inside and outside in the first half of this year. One story. There are three stories in this series. They are directed by the new director Mai Zi, who was known by everyone for directing "The City of Fantasy". It tells the story of the three women Tan Yuanyuan, Mai Zi and Du Juan.

I want to summarize the perspectives of these three films in one sentence: We want to understand the "inside and outside" of different women in multiple identities. So today I also try to share my understanding of the theme from this perspective, that is, how to reify the brand image through brand videos. The

Inside and outside: How to realize the brand image through brand videos? | To watch the advertising guests share in the cinema - Lujuba

method is part of the content. How should

understand them? Before the idea of ​​this story came out, the two founders, Liu Xiaolu, Li Jiang, and director Mai Zi, both inside and outside, were able to shoot a documentary. Later, in a sharing session, Mai Zi said that she would rather use "capture" and "record." "To describe the entire shooting process. For example, in her own story, she recorded daily forcing her daughter Xiaozao to go to ballet class. She used a camera to follow Teacher Tan Yuanyuan’s dance performance in Shanghai, life in San Francisco, and this spring. Go to Dali for a mini vacation with her cuckoo senior sister.

As you can see, walking in, listening and perceiving are our ways to understand them. Naturally, what we hope to present is what kind of image the "inside and outside" is perceived by everyone. I think this is a personal image. This image is real, free, companionable, and empathetic, so we have chosen a more life-oriented and private narrative way to present it. This is what I mean by "Methods are part of the content".

Inside and outside: How to realize the brand image through brand videos? | To watch the advertising guests share in the cinema - Lujuba

People's stories and brand image

"People's stories and brand image" is our thinking about the content itself. Usually when we introduce the brand inside and outside, we will say that inside and outside are one thing to make people free. Brand of underwear starting from. From the beginning of the establishment of the brand, what has been discussed inside and outside is not only the clothing itself, we also pay attention to the physical feelings, the expression of emotions and a discussion of the relationship between people and clothing, hoping to be between people and clothing There is a tacit and warm emotional connection that encourages people to explore and understand the inner self and the outer world. This concept is always reflected in our product and brand narratives.

Take the film "I am a dancer and myself" that everyone saw today as an example. I want to tell a kind of "bonding" between people's stories and brand image. In fact, in our film, its focus is not to give product close-ups and body close-ups, but through teacher Tan Yuanyuan’s monologue, we can use a more direct way to understand her story and to understand her multiple identities. "Inside and Outside". The brand’s sense of existence seems very weak. In the film, the clothes that Teacher Tan Yuanyuan wears are some of the clothes she usually wears. Maybe not all of them are internal and external clothes, including some of her practice clothes that have been used for a long time. There is no strong brand exposure, but the brand feel seems to be everywhere. To extend

Inside and outside: How to realize the brand image through brand videos? | To watch the advertising guests share in the cinema - Lujuba

, there are three points between the story represented by Mr. Tan Yuanyuan and our brand to share with you. First, we have always felt that dance is a free expression of body and emotions. In fact, underwear can also be the free expression of girls' bodies and emotions, because we are all free to perceive and interpret. The second point is that among all dances, ballet may be the most suitable to illustrate the confrontation between beauty and body. Softness and strength become a very natural community, which is in line with the spirit of women that has been advocated both inside and outside. Yes, "gentle and firm, both inside and outside." I don’t know if you still remember a sentence in the film "Once a dancer, forever a dancer." In fact, this is what Mr. Tan Yuanyuan mentioned. One of the lasting effects of ballet on her is in her daily life. Will habitually compete with myself to pursue perfection. The third point is that when we are making brands internally and externally, we also have a strict demand for ourselves. We regard internal and external as a standard. This standard is reflected in, for example, we can listen to when we usually hold design meetings.When it comes to saying "I think this series is very inside and outside", "The color scheme is very inside and outside", "I don't think it seems like inside and outside", "inside and outside" has become an adjective. What we do is not only to meet the "inside and outside" standard, but also to improve the standard itself. I think this is also a competition with ourselves. Combining the above three points, I think there can be a very fluid and beautiful bonding between people's stories and brand image.

We told some stories, let’s tell another story

I want to start from where everything started. In 2012, there was also a female charity forum jointly established with the brand inside and outside, called "She said". We hope to provide women with a platform for free expression. Regardless of their age and background, they can tell her life story in the "first person" sincerely and without modification. Confusions often need to be solved by ourselves, but in fact, sometimes we just want to find some strength and courage through other people, and perhaps we can see the different possibilities of female lives.

So in 2018, I started to make brand videos with the theme of "My inside and outside, you know". The first film of this theme was where the story of our brand spokesperson-Du Juan and inside and outside began. From the monologue of the cuckoo in the spring of 2018 to the story of the three people this year, we are very fortunate that we have received a lot of precious resonance along the way, which makes us realize that inside and outside clothing can also have a deep narrative life, get along It's about the body, but also about the heart.

We started to rethink the multiple possibilities of recording and sharing. Just yesterday we launched a brand new video column called "In a Sea of ​​People". This video column is planned and directed by our in house team inside and outside. The first series is called "She Lives Alone", which tells the story of young women living alone around me. Today, I also want to share the first time with you. A story, we named it "Sister Hong Kong Island, 169 pajamas for inside and outside", this is the story of an inside and outside designer.

Obviously, this is a more daily and life-oriented narrative that is different from our previous films. What we are looking forward to is that we hope to pay attention to, understand and connect with you in the crowd by regularly releasing a series of short films on different themes. This is why the name of this column is called "In the Sea of ​​People". I remember the director Jia Zhangke said that he took many stories of ordinary people and kept recording them. He felt that the dignity of life is in the sea of ​​people, so we hope to not only pay attention to the stories of some successful women and elite women, regardless of age. What is the background? Everyone will have those shining points, and as long as this story is sincere, true, and sincere, it can be deeply rooted in people's hearts. Finally,

would like to share a letter from a fan with everyone. In the spring of this year, a girl from Shenzhen in 1998 told us that she is a loyal user inside and outside. She said that nowadays, everybody who wears inside and outside will have a kind of herself. People’s intimacy and fit, I think this is one of the most touching comments we have ever heard about inside and outside. It is the seventh year since the brand was established this year. A group of us have done a lot of things, but it seems that we have only done one thing, which is to define "who is inside and outside" with all those who like inside and outside. Similarly, we have recorded some stories of women. All the way we have felt love, recognized the uniqueness, respected the differences, and understood their inside and outside. But looking back, what we are telling seems to be just a story. This is a story. Stories of people who have similar smells.

Audience question: just now you shared a lot of stories about inside and outside and people. Will inside and outside also share some stories about products in the future?

Liang Shihui inside and outside: actually shared with the brand studio just now, we can know that the boundary is blurring, expanding, and extending, so we have never strictly distinguished between people's stories and products. I think these two are the same thing. I just say that there may be some videos that focus more on expressing our brand concept through products, and some are more on people's stories, but in fact, the two have never completely separated. In comparison, the stories of our three women in the first half of this year are more human-oriented. It is a more vivid story of people who weaken the product. Then in the second half of this year, we want to focus on videos with some concepts. To let everyone know about our productsFor the product itself, we have released three concept videos describing our autumn and winter products, capturing the characteristics of the three products "warm, soft, and light." Why does

want to do this? In fact, both inside and outside have never forgotten that the product is the most fundamental thing. Many people may remember "comfort" for internal and external products. But "comfort" is a very big word, that is, we hope to introduce our products to you in a more specific and tactile way in autumn and winter through the three keywords of "warm, soft, and light". These three videos have not been brought over today. If you are interested, you can go to our official public account to watch them. In fact, it is not a completely divorced expression when shooting. Although it focuses on showing the texture of the product, it is Using a kind of clothing to get along with people is the direction we have always discussed. What we understand as “warm” is that it has layers. On the one hand, it corresponds to the warmth requirements of different levels and different scenes. At the same time, I think the layers of warmth correspond to different ways. You need different ways of hugging. Softness is A commonly used word, but we are showing the softness of different textures. The final effect we want to achieve is to make you feel that the ultimate carrier of "softness" is your body. "Light" I think it is a description of this kind of weight, but it is also a description of your own light posture and light mood. I hope that through wearing it, it may be very heavy but warm in autumn and winter. The coat becomes a very light piece of clothing that can bring you a relaxed posture, and at the same time it is warm, so I want to explain our products through some ways that are also connected with the human body. This is a more "internal and external" way of talking about products that we understand.

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