DC villains: Why do bad guys do good things? Check out the real villains in DC

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<> is ​​a film adapted from DC Comics, which tells a group of villains who are extremely sinful and protect people in order to reduce their sentences. Several criminals, including the Fire Control Man, Death Shooter, Boomerang Captain, Harley Quinn, and Crocodile Man, formed Task Force X. The movie

DC villains: Why do bad guys do good things? Check out the real villains in DC - Lujuba

also made Harley Quinn and the clown’s popularity soar. Harry Quinn used to be a psychiatrist who was responsible for the clown’s psychological problems. But during the treatment process, Harley Quinn fell in love with the clown and was willing to do He did everything, and Harley Quinn became crazy, his love with the clown was as fierce as a storm. Although the film did not tell the story between the clown and the clown girl in detail, it evoked the desire of the audience to watch it, and it was very successful. The death shooter in the

DC villains: Why do bad guys do good things? Check out the real villains in DC - Lujuba

movie is also very popular. He is proficient in all guns and his shooting ability can be described as incredible. He wants to reduce his sentence so that he can get together with her young daughter as soon as possible. His character's emotions should be relatively normal inside.

DC villains: Why do bad guys do good things? Check out the real villains in DC - Lujuba

Although the plot of this movie is relatively old-fashioned, it is still a good movie in terms of its visual effects, and the characterization is also relatively complete. It is also unique in the DC series of movies. Its plot is different from the old-fashioned in the previous DC series, but it is somewhat humorous. The villain is a hero. Although the subject matter is old, the actor is strong enough to hold up the entire movie, as if telling people "As long as you want, you can be a hero" It conveys to us more than just an hour-long movie Appreciate and relax. What's more, it brought us a different DC. Although the evaluation was mixed, it was an important breakthrough. The release road of the

X task force is also very difficult. It was originally a highly anticipated DC movie. For various reasons, it also pushed this movie to a cliff. Fortunately, the character of Harley Quinn is more lovable, straightforward, and will do her best to protect the things she loves. She is crazy just right, and she is really an impressive role. The depressed world of

needs some crazy things to stimulate one's brain. At the same time, this comic film also restores the characteristics of DC comics. Justice and evil are only a difference in thought. In our hearts, each of us hopes that the villain will be probated and become a kind person. The Suicide Squad fully demonstrates this characteristic. We are bad guys, bad guys, but in the end, we protect you. The dividing line between good and evil is inherently fuzzy. Since primitive society, people's thinking has been improving. That's why some people have moved their crooked thoughts and become evil in people's mouth.

Tags: movie