Will the Stone Man continue to appear in Thor 4 movies? The director gives the answer

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In addition to directing "Thor 3: Ragnarok", Taiga Viditi also played the Golem in this movie. In the movie, the Golem is a gentle gladiator. He also appears with Thor in "Avengers 4: Endgame". Obviously he has become Thor's best friend.

Will the Stone Man continue to appear in Thor 4 movies? The director gives the answer - Lujuba

Since Taiga Viditi confirmed his return to director "Thor 4: Love and Thunder", this naturally caused many fans to speculate whether this meant that the Stone Man would also return. In this regard, Taiga Viditi confirmed that he admitted that the stone man he played will continue to appear in the movie "Thor 4: Love and Thunder", playing funny roles. The good news came from Jimmy Cammore’s live broadcast, when Taiga Viditi said in his deep voice: "I will return, thank you for the warm response from the audience."

Will the Stone Man continue to appear in Thor 4 movies? The director gives the answer - Lujuba

​​The Stone Man appeared twice in In the Marvel movie,

Taiga Viditi is a very interesting and talented movie. In the movie "Thor 3" directed by him, he completely adapted the image of Thor. In addition, he also played a very funny stone man in the movie. This stone man made "Thor 3" full of laughter and laughter. . Although many Hollywood directors always like to work behind the camera, Taiga Widiti clearly wants to appear in the movie. The Stone Man appeared in "Thor 3" and the subsequent "Avengers 4: Endgame". Every time he appeared was related to Thor. Today, the Stone Man has become Thor's closest friend. The stone man in the Marvel movie can be said to be very lucky. He was alive after Thanos wiped out half of the universe. In addition, he also joined the final battle.

Will the Stone Man continue to appear in Thor 4 movies? The director gives the answer - Lujuba

Since Thor left the earth with the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy in "Avengers 4: Endgame", many fans of the Golem are very curious about the fate of the Golem after Thor left. What will happen. But we can rest assured now, because the director said that the Stone Man will still appear in the "Thor" movie.

​​The Stone Man will still be a comedy character in "Thor 4"

It is worth mentioning that the original "Guardians of the Galaxy 3" movie was to be released before "Thor 4", but due to director James Gunn Still filming "Suicide Squad 2" in DC, leading to the release of "Thor 4" before "Guardians of the Galaxy 3". As for whether the Golem also joined the Guardians of the Galaxy with Thor, director Taiga Widiti is about it. Keep it secret, but he admitted that the Stone Man will still be a very interesting comedy character like the previous movies.

So far, Stone Man is the fourth character confirmed to appear in Thor 4, besides him, Jane Foster and her good friend Daisy will also appear in this movie. In other words, in "Thor 4" we will see many characters return one after another. As for whether the script of "Thor 4" is completed, Taiga Viditi said on Jimmy Cammore's show that he has completed a large part of it. What he can tell us at the moment is that the stone man he plays Appeared in the movie, and in "Thor 4" Natalie Portman will gain Thor's power and become the new Thor. Although the script of "Thor 4" has not been officially completed, it is clear that the appearance of the Stone Man in this movie is what makes fans most excited.

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