The micro-film "Dream Builder" series debuts, and the Mirror calls you to go home and watch the movie~

movie 2907℃

z1" The busy husband who broke his trust in his wife, the waiter who liked each other but did not dare to express, and the children who longed for his father’s companionship, life was constantly killing them, and the appearance of a mysterious girl made them all see the other side they didn’t understand. And happiness is actually very simple.

Director: Wu Jiantao Screenplay: He Kaihui

Starring: Song Tao, He Chumei

"He and she met

because of a parent's day notice, but he and her

are not good at expressing because of a deception."

Synopsis: Julian

was ridiculed by his classmates as a child without a father. He bet with his classmates that his father would appear on Parents’ Day. Who will she find in the end?

Starring: Song Tao, Cao Rongkun, Hong Yi

"Don’t let love be too late

become the most heartbreaking thing"


A couple Sun Ming and Chen Yue appeared in the handicraft shop owner Tan Zhengyang’s shop for two consecutive days. However, they never met with the boss, but Sun Ming actually made an unreasonable request to rent the shop for three days. It turned out that because of the car accident half a year ago, Chen Yue's memory stayed on the day of the car accident, and she woke up every day without remembering what happened the day before. Sun Ming wanted to use this shop to stimulate Chen Yue's memory, so Zhengyang decided to help Sun Ming.

TV viewing path

Step 1: Turn on the Sweetfruit TV 4K smart set-top box

Step 2: Turn on the [Hot] page, click on the [Break Mirror]

​​Step 3: Open the [Youth Film and Television Creation Base] Four stories about watching movies

, Four journeys

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, then we are honored to have you on this dream-building road

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but does not have the opportunity to learn systematically and practically

"Guangdong Youth Film and Television Talent Cultivation Program" is willing to be the cornerstone of your dreams

If you are curious about how these stories were born

, then please don’t miss the behind-the-scenes highlights

Tags: movie