Takeshi Kaneshiro is 46 years old: his only shortcoming is that he is still too handsome.

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46 years later, he, who is still nominated for the 100 most handsome faces in the Asia-Pacific, seems to have disappeared from the news. What

left is only the legend before his gods.

Takeshi Kaneshiro is 46 years old: his only shortcoming is that he is still too handsome. - Lujuba

1, Takeshi Kaneshiro’s mother is from Taiwan, China, and his father is the first Japanese to transfer eel raising technology to Taiwan.

He can speak Mandarin, Hokkien, Cantonese, Japanese and English.

Looking at the photos of Takeshi Kaneshiro when he was young, he was also a handsome handsome boy.

Takeshi Kaneshiro is 46 years old: his only shortcoming is that he is still too handsome. - Lujuba

2/15 years old, Takeshi Kaneshiro’s mother thought he was too handsome, so she advised him to shoot commercials every day. With a playful mentality, Takejin Kaneshiro ran to shoot, but he was immediately picked up by the agency and asked to sign him.

At first, Takeshi Kaneshiro hesitated about the invitation of the brokerage company. But at the time he wanted to buy a motorcycle but didn't want to ask his parents for money. He was quickly moved by the boss:

"You can make money to buy a motorcycle when you come to work. Ride a super cool one."

Takeshi Kaneshiro is 46 years old: his only shortcoming is that he is still too handsome. - Lujuba

3/sign Later, Takeshi Kaneshiro was sent to the music studio as an assistant. He can play guitar and piano, so seeing him playing the piano is not a pose.

4/ Liu Ruoying is the senior sister of Takeshi Kaneshiro.

She said: "At the time we were doing everything in the studio, even washing the toilets. The weekly division of labor was mine one, three, and five, and Kaneshiro two, four, and six."

5/ But the boys in the music studio did not Airi Takeshi Kaneshiro, because he thinks he is too handsome. "Every time I saw Takeshi Kaneshiro and brushed his teeth at home, I felt that the gap was too big when I looked in the mirror again! I was very angry."

6/Later, Takeshi Kaneshiro couldn't stand everyone's ignorance, and it was on A4 paper. Draw a portrait of yourself and paste it above the toilet of the company's men's toilet, so that all boys can see: "I am Takeshi Kaneshiro".

In 1991, the 18-year-old Takeshi Kaneshiro played a supporting role in the TV series "Grassland Champion". Because of his unfamiliar acting skills, his first line, "I don't have any", was abruptly NG 26 times.

"The location of the filming was at Miaokou. Although the partner actors did not speak, the onlookers laughed together early. I was so ashamed that I just wanted to escape home."

At the age of 19, Takeshi Kaneshiro released his first Mandarin album "The Night of Breakup" . Some fans commented: "The voice is a bit tender and cute, but it makes people feel very sincere and natural."

In 1993, the 20-year-old Takeshi Kaneshiro appeared in the first movie "Modern Heroes", which included Michelle Yeoh, Anita Mui and Maggie Cheung. A bunch of big beauties.

sings while making movies, and Takeshi Kaneshiro becomes more and more popular. He and Lin Zhiying, Wu Qilong, and Su Youpeng were called the "Four Little Heavenly Kings of Taiwan."

At the age of 21, Takeshi Kaneshiro met Wang Jiawei.

has the classic canned pineapple shot in "Chongqing Forest". "I don't know when it starts. There is a date on everything. Saury will expire, canned meat will expire, and even plastic wrap will expire. I began to suspect that there is something in this world that will not expire. Yes?"

Takeshi Kaneshiro is very grateful to Wong Kar-wai, because Wong Kar-wai has made him interested in movies. "Participating in Wong Kar-wai's movie was for me at that time-why is it so fun! He didn't have a script, and always said: Tomorrow will remake the same scene, hey, I don't want to shoot yesterday."

There are stories in his eyes, Tony Leung’s eyes are black holes, and Takeshi Kaneshiro’s eyes have life.”

If Takeshi Kaneshiro has any troubles, it’s probably—too handsome.

He used to be very disappointed and said:

"When girls see me, the first thing they do is scream, then they will run over, hold the notebook, and ask for my autograph. Finally, they will take pictures and take photos. After doing these three things After that, they ran away and happily showed off to others. I was left alone at

, and no one came to talk to me about anything else."

Ren Xianqi and Takeshi Kaneshiro are good friends, but he is also very different. Like to go out with Takeshi Kaneshiro. The reason is simple, but also because Takeshi Kaneshiro is too handsome.

"Every time I go out with him, no one pays any attention to me."

is not only the idiot Takeshi Kaneshiro, but also his straight male fans.

Director Chen KexinduSaid: "Kanejo Takeshi's handsome is the handsome guy who takes all men and women."

Another male god, Wu Yanzu, also confessed to Kaneshiro Takeshi:

"I want to tell him that I like him very much, but a man said that to another man. Very silly..." In the

movie "Heartbeat", a line by Takeshi Kaneshiro made countless girls startled and shouted: I don't work hard, I'm free anytime! When Lin Chiling mentioned Takeshi Kaneshiro, she would exaggerately say: "Wow, he has an unreal handsome." When

was filming "Red Cliff", Lin Chiling and Takeshi Kaneshiro had a rivalry. She played Xiao Qiao teased Zhuge Liang, who played by Takeshi Kaneshiro. , Originally wanted to pour tea for Lu Su again.

However, after Lin Chiling gave the tea to Takeshi Kaneshiro, she stared at his face and she was stunned. The director had to call cut: "Little Joe, you forgot to pour tea for Lu Su!"

Takeshi Kaneshiro and Dongyu Zhou performed "I like you". Zhou Dongyu said: "I didn't dare to look into his eyes when I saw him for the first time before filming started. He is a male god!"

canned pineapple will expire, but the handsome Takeshi Kaneshiro will not. When

filmed "Like You", Takeshi Kaneshiro was 43 years old.

But in the stills of his overbearing president, the netizens commented in a neat line with only one sentence: What girl does not want to be stared at by Takeshi Kaneshiro?

​​But in private, Takeshi Kaneshiro is actually very shy and kind, and he blushes easily. When others praise him as handsome, he will be very embarrassed.

Many people who are familiar with Takeshi Kaneshiro think he is a child. Producer Xu Yuezhen once said: "If you know him, you will naturally want to protect him." Director Takashi Yamazaki of

said: "Take Kaneshiro's mental age is only at the level of fifth grade in elementary school. He takes a bath and plays with toys." Director Xu Hongyu of

is also there. In the interview, it was mentioned:

"Kanejo Takeshi is a very special person. Everyone thinks he is too handsome and has a sense of distance from his appearance. But after contacting

, you will find that he will also play games when he is resting, and when he eats. Just kidding, very friendly.

filmed food scenes. Many foods look good but they are not delicious. Takeshi Kaneshiro will eat them."

doesn’t like to waste food. When filming "Taipei Wheel", Takeshi Kaneshiro always puts lunch in Ate all the food. Aunt

can play rice every time she sees an empty lunch box brought out from the Takeshi Kaneshiro lounge, she is worried that the handsome guy is not full, so she will surely add food to him secretly at the next meal.

Later, Takeshi Kaneshiro weakly ran to find auntie Dafan and said to her, "I'm sorry, I really can't eat so much."

Gao Xiaosong recalled in "Filming with Takeshi Kaneshiro":

"I have seen some The so-called popular celebrities brought their own cooks to the crew. They burned shark fin and abalone in the small kitchen, and brought a group of assistants with them. These celebrities may not perform well in their performances, but the show is bigger than one. And one is more delicate than the other.

But Takeshi Kaneshiro doesn’t have any extravagance, so he just eats the crew’s box lunch, which is a very thin chicken leg with a little shredded tofu, and it doesn’t taste good.”

Director Chen Kexin is accustomed to Takeshi Kaneshiro’s environmental protection. It’s:

"Take Kaneshiro has never been like this. He doesn’t like to waste. Every time he shoots with me, he eats the crew’s lunch. Before the crew has a lunch left, he will take it home for dinner after work.”

Mingren loves small animals, but he hates seeing animals while filming.

"Once on the set, the bird used as a prop was dying, but no one saved it. I was desperate. I felt that the bird was going to die, so I held it tightly. The bird's body changed from warmth. It became cold, from soft to stiff. I kept holding it like this, watching it, and finally buried it.”

Once Kinjo Takeshi and Ren Xianqi were driving on the highway and saw a puppy curled up on the side of the road. I dare not pass. Take the risk of getting out of the car and crossing the road with the puppy in his arms.

When filming "If Love", Takeshi Kaneshiro and Zhou Xun were in the snow.

As a result, Takeshi Kaneshiro looked at the lake in a sad daze. What happened to Zhou Xun? He said: "The duck fell into the water, find someone to rescue him!"

​​It is said that Takeshi Kaneshiro has watched "Finding Nemo" seven times. Cry every time you look.

haveTakeshi Kaneshiro was on the scene and saw many piglets appearing on the scene. He thought the pigs were so cute, he couldn't help holding one up and kissed it.

The ice bucket challenge that was popular a few years ago, Takeshi Kaneshiro, who was named consecutively, also participated. As a big star,

not only did not shave his beard when he appeared on the scene, but also used the water in the dehumidifier to water himself, which is truly environmentally friendly. Because

didn't want to make a hype, he didn't say a word during the whole process, but only expressed his concern about "frozen people" with subtitles, and ended the roll call.

Takeshi Kaneshiro is a super otaku.

His daily routine is to check the Internet, play video games, rent videos to take home to watch, or read books.

"Occasionally friends go out to eat and drink together when they are free, or simply eat noodles near home, would you ask me if I can cook it myself? I'm afraid I even cook the noodles by myself, so I won't go out."

​​has a big Ka wanted to make an appointment with Takeshi Kaneshiro, but he refused. "Sorry, I have an appointment with a netizen to meet online later. You can't miss the appointment." During the promotion of the

movie "Go Left, Go Right", Takeshi Kaneshiro did not attend the promotion meeting and asked him why. He said he would stay at home. Mother eats. When

was filming "Injured City", Shu Qi said that Kinjo Warrior was good and would thank her after shooting a shot, and would often say sorry after filming passionate scenes... It has been 31 years since

debuted at the age of 15 to now. Takeshi Kaneshiro has hardly heard any scandals, and the actress with the most co-productions is Yang Caini.

In the documentary "Kanejo Takeshi no Polar Mission" many years ago, you may be able to see the most authentic Takeshi Kaneshiro. Not a big star, not a male god, but an ordinary person Takeshi Kaneshiro.

He will play with seals like a big boy, learn how to eat ice with seals, and say beautifully: "I think I understand the mood of seals."

He dived into the cold water and hit his head with his head. The ice at the tip of the iceberg was salvaged ashore and broken into pieces for everyone to soak in whiskey for a fun drink. Takeshi was very happy because he heard the cracking sound of Antarctic ice melting in the wine. Before leaving

, all the people in a boat came to see off. Takeshi Kaneshiro looked at the penguin in the distance, "That penguin is really lonely. It's a bit like me, because I am always alone."

Takeshi Kaneshiro said that his wish is to escape to a place where no one knows him. Really live.

"When I happen to have a job to go to a faraway place, I will stay for a few more days. I also thought about throwing my passport into the sea and don't go back. I often think, after the filming, let me hide. "

Now, Takeshi Kaneshiro, whose god is hidden in a corner of the earth, may have really fulfilled his wish and lived the life of his dreams.

wishes this simple 46-year-old boy a happy birthday.

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