Why did Thanos say "I respect you" to Iron Man in "Avengers 3"

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Why did Thanos say 'I respect you' to Iron Man in 'Avengers 3' - Lujuba

A "Reunion 3" let us thoroughly understand the strongest villain of Marvel-Thanos.

He has lofty goals, but there are no moral restrictions. He was powerful, almost defeating all heroes with repressive strength, and finally succeeded in eradicating ordinary creatures. However, there was one person who was respected by Thanos, and even became the person who was most afraid of Thanos. This person

Why did Thanos say 'I respect you' to Iron Man in 'Avengers 3' - Lujuba

is Iron Man, the only mortal who makes Thanos awe and is remembered by Thanos. The reason behind it is that he is Thanos’ biggest opponent.

Thanos’s first contact with Tony was through the invasion of Earth by Zitari in "Avengers 1." Although the Avengers successfully resisted Thanos’s first invasion, it was only for Thanos. Jumping beam clown, irrelevant.

Why did Thanos say 'I respect you' to Iron Man in 'Avengers 3' - Lujuba

However, there was one thing that caught Thanos’ attention, that is Iron Man. At the end of the invasion, Tony sent a nuclear bomb into space alone, causing huge damage to Chitari’s army. Perhaps Iron Man, as a mortal, put his life and death out of consideration, and performed feats that gods could not do so that Thanos became interested in this mortal. The Thanos in the

movie is a good person to some extent, but his values ​​are different from ordinary people. The former Thanos was also a "tired by knowledge" as he said to Tony. People.

He is in the technologically advanced Titan, and he is the most outstanding scientist among them. Through calculations, he predicted that the Titan is about to die. Like Tony, he hopes to protect his homeland, but in the end he chose another one. Road-destroy half of the creatures.

But everyone in Titan thought Thanos was crazy and banished him, but in the end Titan died just as Thanos calculated. Knowing too much, but unable to be understood by the world, knowing the result, but unable to change, this is precisely cursed by knowledge.

And why is it not like Iron Man? As a mortal, he saw the end of the future in the illusion. He had a faint hunch that all this would eventually come true, and for this he fell into crazy obsession.

In "Iron Man 3", he forged more than 40 suits of armor, but he was complained by Pepper, thinking that Tony was crazy;

"Reunion 2", Iron Man created Ultron, but Ultron got out of control. Everyone thinks Tony is crazy about Corvia’s tragedy; in

"American Team 3", Iron Man signed the Sokovia Treaty in order to restore the impression of the United Nations in the hearts of the world, which led to the civil war and the final The people betrayed their relatives.

Tony once said to Steve: "Everything I do is to protect the world, this team, all the people I love."

But Steve's answer is: "But you always mess up everything. "

Is Tony really crazy?" No, he has always been the first Iron Man, even better and more mature. However, Tony wanted to protect everything, but was abandoned by everything, which just became the saddest irony.

And his situation and this kind of thinking, in some respects, coincided with Thanos.

is the same as the dialogue between Tony and Steve in "Miss Team 3". In "Avengers 3" Thanos has the same dialogue with Kamora:

Thanos: "Only by destroying half of the lives can the universe Forever."

Kamora: "You don't understand anything at all!"

Thanos: "I am the only one who understands this." Although Thanos's methods are extremely extreme, he is the same as Tony. All to protect everything, but in the end they all bear the infamy of destroying everything. The only difference is that Tony and Thanos take a different path.

maybe this is what made Thanos know Iron Man, because Iron Man is the biggest opponent of Thanos, and at the same time Thanos saw himself in Iron Man.

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