Post-holiday syndrome? I have "medicine": one piece of discount information for Beijing performances in October!

news 2444℃

This is a classic story of "fraternity". Don Juan is a well-known love saint in Europe and the United States. He chased love, saw one love one, and caused all kinds of ridiculous scandals. He was finally judged by love and fell into hell.

This is a carnival of deconstructing the classics. The five protagonists each have their own masks, walking among the sensuality of the city. They have seen Don Juan and acted as Don Juan, but they are not "Don Juan". As a spectator, you are a spectator, and perhaps another Don Juan.

Performance time: October 25-27,

Performance location: A33 theater

Limited time offer: ticket price as low as 50 yuan














zzzzzzz0 Grow and cherish

Highlights: The Chinese version of Alice in Wonderland, a fantasy journey about growth.

The lively and willful Jiaojiao grew up under the love of her grandma. She does not know how to cherish, loves the new and dislikes the old. By chance, she strayed into a fantasy tree-hole world, where she met various friends, cute and funny clowns, The gluttonous fat rabbit and the bad-tempered little Trojan horse, she and her partners have gone through expeditions and finally returned to the real world, regained self and innocence, and learned to cherish.

Performance time: October 13th

Performance location: Happy Twist Magnetic Theater

Limited time offer: Half price for the second or third free order

The above content comes from "Happy Twist Beijing Station" (WeChat ID: kaixinmahuabj), above The content is released after authorization by the account

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