Movie commentary: Uncle Dumb and cute encounters a lost dumb little Lolita, who has gone through all the difficulties to help little Lolita find her hometown

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Today we are talking about an Indian movie. The little girl has never spoken since she was born. My mother spent all her savings to take the little girl to India to see a doctor. It turns out that going to India to see a doctor is to go to the temple to make a wish and go home after seeing the illness. On the way, the little girl took the train to rest and got off to rescue a beaming. According to the development of the plot, it must be the train that sneaked away while the little girl was not paying attention.

Movie commentary: Uncle Dumb and cute encounters a lost dumb little Lolita, who has gone through all the difficulties to help little Lolita find her hometown - Lujuba

The mother who woke up on the train found her daughter missing, crying heartbreakingly, searching frantically, but could not find her daughter.

The little girl got on a train to pull goods and returned to India. She saw an uncle dancing square dance at the market. The little girl immediately turned to fans, and the little girl couldn’t get rid of her ass after the uncle. Cranky. The uncle wanted to send the little girl to the police station, but the police station did not accept street children, so the uncle had to take the little girl back to Delhi. Uncle

Movie commentary: Uncle Dumb and cute encounters a lost dumb little Lolita, who has gone through all the difficulties to help little Lolita find her hometown - Lujuba

’s name is Pawan. People call him the monkey god because he believes in the gods Rama and Hanuman. Hanuman is a monkey god in Indian mythology, and he worships a monkey when he sees it. That's how the monkey god came. Uncle

Movie commentary: Uncle Dumb and cute encounters a lost dumb little Lolita, who has gone through all the difficulties to help little Lolita find her hometown - Lujuba

brought the little girl to his girlfriend's house. Although the girlfriend's father hated the uncle very much, he still accepted the little girl because he looked very pitiful.

The little girl is not used to eating greens, so she ran to someone else’s house to eat chicken legs, which let the uncle know that the little girl is not a brahmin, the brahmin is the highest rank among the Indian castes, they are vegetarian, and the uncle and his girlfriend are naturally brahmins, and then The little girl came to halal to pray again, and the uncle discovered that the little girl was not only a high caste but also a Muslim. You must know that the contradiction between Hinduism and Muslims is very deep. Uncle

is worrying about the little girl’s life experience, worried that his girlfriend will discriminate against him, but his girlfriend said that I like you because you should have a pure and kind heart, honest and honest, please stop talking about religion

listen After this sentence, I really want to give my uncle's girlfriend a thumbs up, double-click 666, this is a good girl with a kind heart, much better than those women who worship gold. After the cricket game, the little girl happily kissed the Pakistani flag. The uncle asked if the little girl was Pakistani. The little girl nodded happily. India and Pakistan used to be the same country. Later, because of the split of their religious beliefs, they were incompatible with each other. The face of the angry girlfriend's father turned black. He asked the uncle to send the little girl to the embassy, ​​but the matter was not completed, and he hurried. The upper embassy was attacked. Uncle

had to find a scalper and wanted to smuggle back to Pakistan. Uncle handed the little girl to the scalper. He felt very uncomfortable. After all, after getting along for a long time, he felt like his own daughter. Uncle saw a beautiful bracelet on the road and thought. I wanted to buy it for the little girl as a souvenir. On the way back to find the little girl, I found that the scalper had taken the girl away. The uncle followed all the way and came to a brothel. It turned out that the scalper sold the little girl to the brothel's old bustard, and was still counting the money secretly. After seeing this scene, the uncle's eyes were red, and he was very self-blame and regretful. He decided to take the little girl away anyway. The uncle beat the brothel people all over the floor looking for teeth, and finally the uncle took the little girl and left proudly. , The little girl smiled brightly on the back of the uncle. It turns out that the little girl likes the uncle so much. After

, the uncle decided to take the little girl home by himself. His girlfriend also supported him very much this time. He is really a good Indian girlfriend! The uncle brought the little girl to the border for 25,000 rupees, preparing to cross the border through a secret cave. After entering Pakistan, the two had a meal and sleepless night. Later, they ate in a village. The little girl was naughty and stole the police handcuffs, but the uncle was caught The two were taken back to the police station. The girl saw a picture on the calendar at the police station. This is her hometown. The girl can't speak, she was very excited about the photo. Old fat police officer Seeing that the little girl was dumb, I pinched her mouth and tortured him. The uncle loves the crazy girl. How can I see this? The uncle made a noise in the police station, beat the old fat police officer, and escaped from the police station. A bus met a reporter. After learning about the uncle, the reporter decided to help the uncle. With the help of the reporter and other passengers, the uncle escaped the police tracking. The

reporter took the two to the mosque to hide. The uncle who woke up found himself in the mosque and hurriedly escaped. He met an old man on the road. The old man said to the uncle that although this is a mosque, everyone is welcome. I was touched in my heart. The old man told the uncle that the place in the photo was in the Kashmir area of ​​Pakistan.The reporters from, dressed in women’s clothes, escorted them away. When they were parting, the old man actually said Long live Rama. This surprised the uncle. He seemed to understand the nature of religion. Religion is meant to do good and accumulate virtue, and it is not too narrow to persuade people to do good!

But the uncles traveled all over Kashmir, but they couldn't find the place in the photo. Finally, the uncle decided to take the little girl to the temple to make a wish. He didn't care if it was a Muslim temple. The uncle's concept had changed dramatically. They came to the temple to make a wish, reporter I took a short video and posted it on the Internet, telling the story of the uncle and the little girl, hoping to get help from more people. Later, the little girl accidentally found her mother while playing with the camera. It turned out that the reporter was recording the little video. It happened to be the mother of the little girl who came to pray. On the way to find the little girl’s mother, I happened to encounter the police interrogating the police. In order to divert the police, the uncle turned away the police’s sight by himself and asked the reporter to take the little girl to escape. The reporter was also upbeat, and finally took the little girl to find his mother. The scene of the mother and daughter reunion did not know how many people cried in the cinema, but behind this joy was the uncle’s contribution, and the uncle finally realized what he promised. He took the little girl back to her hometown to find her mother, which is also the sublimation of the uncle’s humanity. Uncle

was finally put in jail and tortured, and short videos posted by reporters became popular on the Internet. People in India and Pakistan are watching the fate of the uncle.

Although the little girl’s mother has repeatedly proved that Pakistani officials still firmly believe that the uncle is a spy, but the prison officer found out through the gossip that the uncle is not a spy. The officer with a sense of justice decided to help the uncle. The reporter he contacted asked The reporter continued to report on the deeds of the uncle and encouraged the people to go to the border checkpoint. He would take the uncle over and let people from the two countries witness the return of the heroic uncle. The reporter's report touched the whole of India and Pakistan. The border checkpoint was crowded with people. ,

The frontier guard received an order to stop the uncle’s situation. I didn’t expect that the frontier guard was also a fan of the uncle: Anyway, there are many of you, and I can’t stop it. I just can’t see it. I said, guy, you are too good at it, here you are. give a like!

finally broke through the border gate, the girlfriend and father of the opposite uncle also came, and the girlfriend's father finally recognized the uncle,

seems to go back this time, it is no problem to marry a wife. It is estimated that even the lottery is saved. The little girl couldn’t catch up with the monkey god uncle, she suddenly yelled out anxiously, and the strange disease that could not speak was cured suddenly, the uncle suddenly turned around, the uncle and the little girl ran towards each other, the kind of emotion compared to those who have seen the movie. You won't be stingy with your tears here. The final scene is frozen when the uncle throws the little girl up. The uncle's eyes were full of pets. At this moment, they put aside the contradictions between religion and the country, and showed everyone the kindness and tolerance of human nature!

Tags: movie