"Captain of China" has no script and no team, spends 20 million to build aircraft, and creates classics in one year

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On September 29, "Captain China" was on several hot searches and became the biggest winner on the hot search list this day.

'Captain of China' has no script and no team, spends 20 million to build aircraft, and creates classics in one year - Lujuba

"Chinese Captain" was adapted from a real event. The real event happened in August 2018. At the end of the same year, Dong received the right to adapt. Once Yu Dong won the right to adapt, he gave it to the director Liu Weiqiang. Dong said to Liu Weiqiang that he would strive to be released on this year’s National Day. It only took one year from getting the right of adaptation to release, and the time was very tight.

'Captain of China' has no script and no team, spends 20 million to build aircraft, and creates classics in one year - Lujuba

Liu Weiqiang said that when "Captain China" got it, there was nothing, no script, no team, and no actors. It is not easy for

to adapt this real event into a movie within a year. After

got the right to adapt, Liu Weiqiang immediately rushed to Chengdu with the screenwriter. He immediately met the captain Liu Chuanjian of the prototype crew, the second captain Liang Peng, the flight attendant Bi Nan and others. They learned about the incident. Everything happened, and their psychology at the moment of danger.

'Captain of China' has no script and no team, spends 20 million to build aircraft, and creates classics in one year - Lujuba

After sorting out these things, the screenwriter began to write the script. When

was writing the script, Liu Weiqiang felt that since he wanted to make this movie, he needed a real airplane to reproduce the incident to the greatest extent. After discussion, the crew decided to build a dynamic, bumpy, and capable actors. A better alternative aircraft. In the process of building the plane, Liu Weiqiang encountered a lot of difficulties. The people who built the plane told them that it would take at least six to eight months to build a dynamic and bumpy plane.

Liu Weiqiang felt that time did not allow them to delay so long on the plane. In order to build a plane that met their requirements at the fastest speed, Liu Weiqiang led the team to Xi'an where the plane was manufactured.

​​The people in Xi’an learned that Liu Weiqiang was going to make a movie based on the real events of Sichuan Airlines 8633. The people there decided to stop all work and only work on Liu Weiqiang’s plane, which was worth 2,000. Million. After the

plane was built, Liu Weiqiang faced another problem because he didn't know where to put the plane. The weight of the plane was more than 50 tons. In order to give the plane a place to park, the producer Li Jinwen ran to the fixed shed in Wuxi, Jiangsu. When

found a suitable shed, Li Jinwen begged for a long time before letting the other party agree to rent the shed to them. In addition to the aircraft, there is also a control room for airport staff. Liu Weiqiang also requires these scenes to be real.

So the staff set up a real scene control room, which is where Li Xian and Huang Zhizhong waited. After

made the aircraft and the control room, the directors began to choose actors.

Zhang Hanyu was requested by the prototype captain Liu Chuanjian. Liu Chuanjian believes that no one is more suitable for him than Zhang Hanyu.

and Yuan Quan is the actor Liu Weiqiang identified from the beginning to the end. The reason why Yuan Quan was appreciated by Liu Weiqiang was because Liu Weiqiang felt that Yuan Quan had a calm temperament from his bones.

Zhang Hanyu, Yuan Quan, Zhang Tianai, Li Qin and others went to Sichuan Airlines for three months of training after they were confirmed.

Yuan Quan once exposed herself to the training process in "Tian Tian Shang Shang". She said that she has fully understood every detail of the flight attendant. Handing a glass of water and handing a towel have technical content. They are the result of long-term rigorous training. .

and Li Qin revealed that he had a face-to-face communication with his prototype character No. 5 flight attendant.

Due to the short period of time, the filming of "Captain China" had to step up the progress. During the three-month shooting period, the crew only took one day off. The actors of

go to the dressing room on time at 7 am every day to receive makeup, start shooting at 9 am, and finish work at 3 or 4 pm.

Zhang Hanyu once said that in order to pursue the most realistic effect, the director was shooting at more than ten degrees below zero. All the actors walked around in the airplane wearing shirts. The effect of the shooting made people feel very cold.

"Chinese Captain" from the plane, the control room, to the actor training, and then to the shooting, every stage and every link must be true and perfect, plus all the actors are online, so it can achieve today's good effect.

No matter how hard you work, no matter how much you gain, China never lacksAudiences, what is lacking is good movies. If you make them carefully, you don't have to worry about the box office. Looking forward to the release of "Captain China".

Tags: movie