The film "Under the White Clouds" adapted from the novel of Ningxia writer Mo Yue was nominated for the Tokyo International Film Festival

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On September 27, the reporter learned from the Autonomous Region Federation of Literary and Art Circles that the film "Under the White Clouds" adapted from the short story "The Sheeping Woman" by Mo Yue, the vice chairman of the Ningxia Writers Association and the editor-in-chief of "Suo Fang", was selected as the main competition unit of the 32nd Tokyo International Film Festival As the only Chinese film shortlisted, "Under the White Clouds" will compete with 13 other shortlisted films for the "Golden Unicorn Award", the highest award at the Tokyo Film Festival.

The film 'Under the White Clouds' adapted from the novel of Ningxia writer Mo Yue was nominated for the Tokyo International Film Festival - Lujuba

The short story "The Sheeping Woman".

The short story "The Sheep-herding Woman", the original issue of "Youth Literature", issue 7 of 2001, was reprinted at the same time in "Novel Monthly", "Selected Novels", "Selected Short Stories" Issue 9 and was selected as the latest Chinese contemporary literature in 2001 List of works. In March 2017, "Under the White Clouds", adapted from "The Sheep Woman" and shot by the Youth Film Studio of Beijing Film Academy, was launched on the Hulunbuir Grassland in Inner Mongolia, which lasted for two years. "Under the White Clouds" directed by Wang Rui, starring Jiri Mutu and Tana, tells the story of a pair of ordinary Mongolian herders and husbands who have difficulties in life due to their different life pursuits. His wife Sarula believes that a good life is to live with her husband on the grassland. The last sunrise and the sunset, but the husband Chao Ketu is tired of the boring and monotonous shepherd life. He believes that the good life is not in the grassland but in the distance. He leaves without saying goodbye again and again...

Ningxia Writers Association vice chairman, "Suo Fang "Editor-in-chief Moyue

Moyue, born in 1962, has published more than one million characters of literary works and 6 collections of works. He has won the Ningxia Literature and Art Award, the "Fiction Selection" Award, and the "October" Literature Award. Some works were selected into the annual rankings of the Chinese Fiction Society and the latest Chinese contemporary literary works, and were reprinted in various selected journals and anthologies, and translated into foreign countries. The Tokyo International Film Festival is the largest film festival in Asia. The main competition unit is the festival’s most important and highest-level award selection activity. During the festival, "Under the White Clouds" will hold two world premieres on October 31 and November 3 respectively. (Photo by Wang Gang, reporter from Ningxia Summer Daily)

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