The power of true love in "Frozen" can melt snow and ice

movie 2761℃
The animated film "Frozen" that

will introduce today is a Broadway-style cartoon with Disney's iconic features. Its score on Douban reached 8.3 points. Disney finally got rid of all the discomforts of the transition from 2D to 3D. The 3D stereo effect is very good, and the pictures are beautiful and gorgeous. Especially Aisha's ice kingdom is so immersive and the picture feels very strong.

The power of true love in 'Frozen' can melt snow and ice - Lujuba

This animated movie still continues the typical Disney style, like the previous "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "Sleeping Beauty", "The Princess and the Frog", etc., all tell the tortuous love story of the princess and the prince. The difference between "Frozen" and the stories of other princesses is that "Frozen" also incorporates the love story of Aisha and Anna. The power of true love can melt ice and snow, save family love, love, and even save world.

Aisha and Anna are two lovely princesses who live in the picturesque Arendale Kingdom surrounded by the sea. Aisha had the magic of making ice and snow since she was a child, but she didn't know how to control it. As she grew older, her magic became stronger and stronger. During a play, she accidentally used magic to hurt her sister Anna. Since

The power of true love in 'Frozen' can melt snow and ice - Lujuba

didn't hurt the heart, but only the head, the goblin rescued Anna, and at the same time was erased the memory of Aisha's magic. For this reason, the Arendale Kingdom closed the palace gate tightly and did not communicate with the outside world. Aisha started to stay away from Anna in order to stop hurting her sister. The relationship between the two sisters was no longer so close. The days of

just passed, and in a blink of an eye came the day when Aisha was crowned as an adult. The gate of the palace that had been closed for many years finally opened, and princes from all over the world came to congratulate. Aisha trembles, lest her magic lose control and hurt others again, but Anna, who has lost her memory, is very happy. She dreams of meeting her beloved at this coronation ceremony.

The power of true love in 'Frozen' can melt snow and ice - Lujuba

When she met Hans, Prince of South Els, she felt that she had met true love, and she actually planned to marry this stranger who had only met. The two found Aisha to get her blessing, Aisha prevented the two from failing, and therefore released the magic by failing. The deadly magic caused the entire Arendale Kingdom to fall into the icy winter. Aisha thought that escaping from the Arendale Kingdom could reduce the damage to them, but she didn't know that the damage had already been done. Anna had to set out to find Aisha who had fled and rescued. The fate of the entire kingdom became the main clue of the story.

Aisha fled to the mountains and built a wonderful ice and snow castle, and she also got free. Here, there is no doubt that "Frozen" is a musical film. When Anna came to the top of the snow mountain, she sang "let it go" which brought the film to a climax. This song "let it go" is really gorgeous. Aisha, who has endured loneliness for many years, finally sings her own voice bravely, let the troubles and worries go with the wind.

A beautiful ice and snow castle is built with the melody sung by Aisha. This heroic and lyrical song leads everyone to experience the Nordic ice and snow world, and at the same time allows the audience to temporarily forget the troubles of life and make people want to not give up their mind and body. It's impossible in the movie.

Going back to the content of the film, Anna gave the Arendale Kingdom to Prince Hans to take care of, and she embarked on the road to find Anna. On the way to search, I met the civilian Kostov and the little snowman Xuebao who longed for summer.

, the little snowman, Xuebao was actually made by Aisha accidentally. The two sisters liked to make snowmen when they were children, and Olaf was made at this time. There are two snowmen made by Aisha, one is Xuebao. He met Anna in the jungle and helped her find Aisha.

The other is a huge snow monster named "Marshmallow". He is the bodyguard of Aisha's palace and was created by Aisha after Anna's visit to prevent any outsiders from invading. This huge snow monster is a show of Aisha's fear and resistance.

Aisha hurt Anna again, this time frozen Anna's heart, only the action of true love can save Anna's life. Kostov brought Anna back to Hans, only to find that Hans was a despicable villain. His purpose of approaching Anna is only to fulfill his ambition to become a king, so he not only failed to save Anna, but also tried to kill Aisha.

Anna used her body to protect the desperate Aisha, but she turned into an ice sculpture because she was not rescued in time. The sad Aisha hugged sister Anna’s body, and at this moment realized that the power of love can meltMelting ice and snow. Sister Anna returned to her original appearance, and the kingdom of Arendale was disarmed by Aisha and returned to summer.

It is worth mentioning that the director let Xuebao realize the dream of experiencing summer. This incredibleness also makes every audience feel the magical power of Disney animation to realize the dream. Seeing him running in the sun and sniffing the summer flowers hard, a touch of emotion came to my heart. Princess Anna did not come with Hans, who was in love at first sight. Hans was sent back to the country. The commoner boy Kostov moved Anna with his true love, breaking the usual thinking of everybody, and the male version of Cinderella's story won.

This film no longer focuses on emphasizing the love story between the princess and the prince, but uses the affection between Aisha and Anna to drive the whole plot. Although the two sisters were forced to separate because of magic, their feelings never disappeared. Even if they hadn't spoken for several years, even if they were separated by two places, they believed in their hearts that each other still cherished each other.

Aisha chooses to escape repeatedly because she cannot control her magic, while Anna hopes to face the problem with her sister. Despite being hurt by her sister again, she still has no choice but to protect her sister. The moment Anna turned into an ice sculpture reminded me of Pixar's previous work "Brave", the queen who became a bear, in order to protect her daughter, completely became a beast when the sun rose.

Anna's ice sculpture is even more shocking.

Jenny Lee, one of the directors of "Frozen", is also the screenwriter of the film. He once commented on Anna: "She represents a lot of girls who grew up with me. We can regard her as a modern heroine-strong and brave, but also has shortcomings. She is by no means perfect, and I love this. She. She has been growing up all the way to become the person she wants to be: full of energy, but also with her own unique sense of humor."

has a crystal clear ice castle on one side, and warm love and family affection on the other. I believe "Bingxueqi" "Fate" will definitely bring you 100 minutes of beautiful dreams and let you feel the wonderful and peculiar world of ice and snow.

Tags: movie