7 horror movies worth collecting, and the last heroine screaming horror accumulated 50 minutes

movie 1854℃
The work of director Hitchcock of


7 horror movies worth collecting, and the last heroine screaming horror accumulated 50 minutes - Lujuba

, this film opened up a precedent for Hitchcock’s split personality, and the final skull is also chilling! After watching this film, I didn't dare to take a bath in the bathroom for a while...

2. The wind gusts

7 horror movies worth collecting, and the last heroine screaming horror accumulated 50 minutes - Lujuba

The remake of this film in 2018 was "The Wind gusts" in 1977. It tells the mysterious story of a series of tragic killings of students experienced by the girl Susie while studying in the ballet academy. It is said that during the premiere of the film, some audience members fainted due to discomfort, and many audience members left the show afterwards!

3. The Silent Lamb

7 horror movies worth collecting, and the last heroine screaming horror accumulated 50 minutes - Lujuba

Most people are really familiar with this film. If you haven’t watched it, I suggest you be guilty of it! This film combines horror and detective films quite ingeniously, and the terrifying name of Hannibal is also famous everywhere. Anthony Hopkins' performance in the play will definitely make you hooked!

4. Dr. Caligari’s cabin

, through a nightmare memory of a mentally ill patient, narrates the life of a Caligari who is also a PhD in psychology and a murderer. It is a milestone of expressionism and an early film. A great sign of progress towards art. Through distorted perspective, weird shapes, and peculiar light and shadow, the film reflects a perverted psychology that is detached from reality, which is contrary to the trend of pursuing reality when the film first started. This film has also become the originator of Western horror films.

5. Sixth sense

​​They are everywhere, walking around like normal people, they can't see each other, only what they want to see. -"What do you want?"-"I want to stop being afraid..." In this play, love has become the biggest suspense. Recommend this film because it is one of the few horror films that make people cry!

6. Island Terror

The dark old house, new servants, mothers and children, the pale painting style naturally creates a terrifying atmosphere. Different from playing with bloody footage, playing with mystery soundtrack, and screaming in surprise, Kojima Terror is definitely a thoughtful and terrifying! What we fear is ourselves, and what we fear is the truth. In addition, the smart appearance of the two children also added a lot of points to the film.

7. The originator of the Texas Chainsaw Murder movie

​​Murder movie has a great influence on gangsters and road movies. It is unceremonious to say that there is hardly any subsequent homicide horror film that can be compared with this film! The film is bloody, perverted, and horrible. The director tried a variety of camera positions and scheduling techniques. The creepy sound effects, close-ups, and fierce montages made the whole process never cold, and it made people's hearts skipping every minute. The opening news and the crazy sunrise dance at the end are also a highlight. The heroine of the film screamed horribly from beginning to end for 50 minutes, so it is recommended to watch with silence!

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