The thrilling story of "Millions of Heroes" before crossing the river

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In June 1954, Shanghai Film Studio released the thrilling feature film "Reconnaissance across the River", written by Shen Mojun, directed by Tang Xiaodan, and starring Sun Daolin. The film tells the story of Li company commander Li (played by Sun Daolin) of a certain army reconnaissance company of the People’s Liberation Army who smuggled across the Yangtze River with the close cooperation of the Jiangnan guerrillas to detect the enemy’s defense deployment in the river and help the army win the battle. . In the film, in the face of the enemy’s heavy besieging, Company Commander Li was in danger and used the radio to call the head of the army: "Yellow River! Yellow River! I am the Yangtze River! I am the Yangtze River!" "I have important information to report to you! I have important information to report to you. !" This classic line is sonorous and inspiring. It once inspired people to overcome difficulties and move forward courageously. What is little known is that the birth of this famous red movie has a relationship with Nie Fengzhi, the first commander of the 27th Army of the People’s Liberation Army...

The thrilling story of 'Millions of Heroes' before crossing the river - Lujuba

Nie Fengzhi

assigned the "first crossing the river brigade" to give birth to the enemy z2, 1913 Nie Fengzhi, Hubei Fengzhi, 1913 Dawu people are well-known soldiers of our army who grew up from the Fourth Front Army of the Red Army.

In January 1929, Nie Fengzhi joined the Workers and Peasants Red Army. During the eight-and-a-half years of the Red Army, he wore perseverance and moved from Hubei, Henan, and Anhui to Shaanxi, Gansu, and Ningxia. He grew from an ordinary soldier to a Red Army commander and gradually matured.

In July 1937, Nie Fengzhi entered the Yan'an Anti-Japanese Military and Political University to study. In January 1945, he was transferred to the commander of the Chinese Navy Division of the Jiaodong Military Region and began to act independently. During the period, he led his troops to pull Qixia, occupy Laiyang, Dapingdu, and overcome Yantai, and made significant contributions to the victory of the Jiaodong Anti-Japanese War.

During the Liberation War, Nie Fengzhi served as the commander of the 25th Division of the 9th Column of the East China Field Army and the commander of the 27th Army of the Third Field Army. He participated in major battles and battles in Laiwu, Menglianggu, Jiaohe, Jinan, Huaihai, Dujiang, and Shanghai. Organize and direct, grow into a generation of famous players. After his death due to illness, the "People's Daily" published "The Life of Comrade Nie Fengzhi" approved by the Central Military Commission, from which you can appreciate his style of warfare:

went to Lunan, fought against Menglianggu, and rushed to Zhoucun, Weixian Victory, Wenshui Battles such as the ambush were all fought very well and successfully... Before the People's Liberation Army crossed the Yangtze River, he appointed the "advanced river crossing brigade" to go deep behind the enemy to fight, which was praised by the Central Military Commission. Marching into Shanghai, he commanded five divisions to capture the urban area and made important contributions to resolutely fulfilling the instructions of the Party Central Committee to preserve Shanghai intact. After the troops entered the city, they slept on the streets and did not commit any crimes in autumn. They were highly praised by the people and became a shining example of policy and discipline in the history of our military.

From the above-mentioned "The Life of Comrade Nie Fengzhi", we can see that the general has made a lot of battles in his life, and he "appointed the ‘advanced brigade’ to go deep into the enemy’s rear to start a struggle" is indeed a great achievement. This great work was created by him on the eve of the battle of crossing the river in the spring of 1949.

From February to March 1949, in accordance with the established policy of marching south of the Yangtze River, the Central Military Commission ordered the Second and Third Field Army and the Central Plains and East China Military Regions to total about 1 million people, all under the General Front Committee of the Dujiang Campaign (by the No. Commander of the Second Field Army Liu Bocheng, Political Commissar Deng Xiaoping, Commander and Political Commissar of the Third Field Army Chen Yi, Deputy Commander Su Yu, Deputy Political Commissar Tan Zhenlin, and Deng Xiaoping as the secretary) command, divided into three assault groups: East, China, and West. A broad frontal, focused, multi-channel assault warfare, preparing to launch a battle to cross the river before the arrival of the May flood season, annihilating 450,000 people from the Tang Enbo Group, and seizing Nanjing and Shanghai, the political and economic centers of the Kuomintang government, and the vast areas of Jiangsu, Anhui, and Zhejiang.

In March 1949, the 9th Column of the East China Field Army had just been reorganized into the 27th Corps of the 9th Corps of the Third Field Army. The first commander Nie Fengzhi immediately commanded Wuwei County in Anhui, and was organized into the assault group (commanded by Tan Zhenlin) during the crossing of the river. , To start preparations for crossing the river. It was during this period that he assigned the "advanced crossing the river brigade" to go deep behind the enemy, and the "director" made a breathtaking "crossing river reconnaissance".

The real version of "Crossing the River Reconnaissance"

Fighting wars is about knowing yourself and the enemy. Faced with the preparations for crossing the river, Nie Fengzhi is really a bit worried: How to understand the face-to-face enemy to know the enemy? As he said in his memoir "Battlefield-General's Cradle", "This time the reconnaissance work of crossing the river encountered a special situation. The scouts have always been the eyes of the troops.'Soldiers and horses are not moved, and reconnaissance goes first.' .Now our militaryThe inspection team was blocked by the wide river, and "heroes are useless." "What to do? He has no good plan for a while.

One day, Nie Fengzhi came to the Linjiangba command post on the riverside to check the preparations for crossing the river. Before lunch, he saw the combat department scouts chatting with the administrator, mysterious. It was so, he didn't think about it for a while. The food was served on the table, usually: a small dish of scrambled eggs with chives, a small dish of fried vegetables, and a large bowl of spicy tofu soup. Nie Fengzhi was not polite, and picked up his rice bowl. Just eat, and greet as you eat: "You all eat! Why treat me as a guest? "

Scouts and administrators said in unison: "This is made for you!" "

Nie Fengzhi wondered: There are only two small dishes. In March and April, vegetables and leeks grow all over. How did they become precious ingredients? He has a question mark in his heart, but he doesn't say anything. See what else they can do." Acting".

Soon, they brought two hot pots of vegetables again, and there was nothing new: it was still a pot of scrambled eggs with leeks and a pot of fried vegetables. Nie Fengzhi still did not say anything, but tried both. , The taste is the same as before.

At this time, the scout and the administrator said in unison: "Commander, don't eat our food, yours is good! "

Nie Fengzhi disagrees: "Well, is it too much salt or more oil?" The

scouts and administrators then revealed the mystery: "This is Jiangnan's dish, they just picked it!" "

Nie Fengzhi was taken aback, and his chopsticks stopped unconsciously! It turned out that the Military Reconnaissance Division sent people to try Jiang Reconnaissance for several nights, but unfortunately, every time they failed, someone finally landed in Jiangnan successfully last night. The enemy's plan to capture the "tongue" failed, and the sky began to shine again, so he pulled out a handful of leeks and greens in the ground, indicating that it was "a worthwhile trip."

Nie Fengzhi slapped his thigh, and it was indeed worthwhile! He was inspired by this and acted immediately: he organized scouts to cross the river for reconnaissance, smuggled 10 times, succeeded 8 times, and arrested more than 30 prisoners.

As the task of crossing the river gradually approached, Nie Fengzhi felt this fragmentary knock-on style. Smuggling reconnaissance has certain limitations, so he negotiated with other military leaders and decided to send a reconnaissance team across the river, get in touch with the Jiangnan underground party, timely and comprehensively grasp the changes of the enemy in front of him, and continue to report to the military through the telephone. Report.

For this action, the 27th Army’s party committee weighed and weighed. As Nie Fengzhi recalled in his later years: “On the eve of the one million army crossing the river, it was not easy for our army to send an armed reconnaissance team to sneak into Jiangnan. . Not only the reconnaissance unit itself, but even our military party committee, have to bear great risks. "The risk is that the Kuomintang-Communist Peking negotiations were underway at that time. Once a considerable scale of armed reconnaissance operations fails, it will be used by the Kuomintang as a pretext for sabotaging peace talks, and it will also cast a shadow over the subsequent operations of crossing the river. After repeated weighing and weighing. Nie Fengzhi affirmed: "Judging from the fact that we have organized numerous smuggling investigations, there is a certainty of success. "After many studies, they reported the implementation plan to the 9th Corps. The commander of the Corps considered that although the 27th Corps only intends to send a reconnaissance unit across the river, it is related to the overall situation of crossing the river. There is no precedent in the whole army, just to be cautious. The Corps also requested instructions from the Sanye Headquarters and the General Front Committee of the Dujiang Campaign. After reporting at various levels, it was finally approved and approved by the Central Military Commission and the General Front Committee.

On April 6, the 27th Army was appointed by the Chief of the Military Reconnaissance Division. Si Rong, the military reconnaissance battalion instructor Che Renshun and others formed the "advanced crossing the river brigade" (also known as the crossing the river advancing battalion), and specially appointed the chief of staff of the 81st division 242 regiment, and Yabing (namely Zhang Chen) who had worked in southern Anhui. ) Served as the captain and party secretary, and Mu Sirong as the deputy captain. That night, the first brigade of crossing the river was divided into two groups and crossed the river separately.

When crossing to the heart of the river, the enemy found the target and immediately fired all guns. "Smuggling" has become a "forced crossing." In the midst of the bullets, 11 members of the team died gloriously, but the two teams succeeded in crossing over a dozen boats with a total of more than 300 people and boarded the opposite shore. The

troop made it easy to move. The few changed into Kuomintang soldier costumes. After landing, the two teams rendezvous smoothly and were quickly picked up by underground traffic officers. Then they rendezvoused with the local guerrillas. With the help of the guerrillas, they quickly started work. They found that the enemy defending the river bank was wearing gray cloth uniforms, which indicated that the enemy was not the Kuomintang’s Central Army, but a miscellaneous army. This provided more opportunities for the advance crossing and detours in the enemy area. of heartIn 14 days, the advance team basically figured out the enemy’s military deployment, the number of the enemy in the river, the enemy’s deployment, terrain, artillery fire position, and important information along the river and hydrology.

At 9 o'clock on the night of April 20, because the Kuomintang reactionary government refused to sign the "Domestic Peace Agreement (Final Amendment)", Chairman Mao and Commander-in-Chief Zhu issued the "Order to march across the country." Our millions of soldiers crossed the Yangtze River. The Dujiangzhong Group took the lead in launching the Battle of Crossing the River, and the 3 divisions of the 27th Army launched a large-scale assault on the opposite shore from Lugang to Digang. In accordance with the pre-planned plan, the advance crossing brigade set up a pile of bonfires on the hills and high slopes behind enemy lines to give instructions to the Jiangbei artillery. It can be said that the advance brigade crossing the river bravely completed the reconnaissance task behind enemy lines, but also splendidly supported the difficult task of the army crossing the river successfully.

In the end, the 27th Army took only one hour to cross the river across the river. Nie Fengzhi immediately dictated a telegram: "We have successfully set foot on the land of the south of the Yangtze River!" He asked the operator to shoot and send it to the Party Central Committee as quickly as possible. Chairman Mao. Later, Nie Fengzhi wrote in his memoirs: “When they heard it, they said jokingly that Commander Nie was composing a poem. This telegram of only 12 characters was considered to be the shortest text and strange wording in my military career. A telegram. And how many words can it contain for the joy and pride that it contains?!"

In the war review, the 2nd Company of the 27th Army Reconnaissance Battalion that participated in the advance crossing of the river was awarded the "First Departure" Jiang Hero Company" title.

Nie Fengzhi pays attention to the filming of "Crossing the River Reconnaissance"

After the founding of New China, Nie Fengzhi served as the director of education of the East China Military and Political University and the commander of the East China Military Region Air Force, leading the formation of the East China Air Force. At this time, in accordance with the instruction of the commander of the East China Military Region, Chen Yi, to promote the glorious record of the military region troops (the designation was revoked during the Sanye period, and all troops belonged to the leaders of the East China Military Region), the creator of the Ministry of Culture of the Military Region, Silence Jun, based on the combat experience of the advance crossing the river brigade, began Nie Fengzhi gave a lot of encouragement to the creation of the film literary script "Reconnaissance of Crossing the River".

At the end of 1952, the Shanghai Film Studio started shooting preparations. At this time, Nie Fengzhi had been transferred from the post of Air Force Commander of the East China Military Region to the post of Commander of the Joint Air Force of China and North Korea, and he was commanding operations against the United States. After he heard of this, he suggested that Mu Sirong and Gao Jintang (the former company commander of the 2nd Company of the 27th Army Reconnaissance Battalion, and the company commander of the "Advance Crossing Hero Company") who had been sent to cross the river for reconnaissance should take part in the crew to take the hard work of the advance crossover brigade. The process tells the actors to ensure that the film is realistic and sensible.

The thrilling story of 'Millions of Heroes' before crossing the river - Lujuba

movie "Crossing the River Reconnaissance" stills

For the two witnesses to participate in the filming work, starring Sun Daolin was very excited, he recalled:

   is great! For such a major historical event, movies should be used to fully record and inform future generations. It can be said that the movie "Crossing the River Reconnaissance Record" truly and vividly recorded that unforgettable battle. Back then, the military advisers who made the film "Reconnaissance of Crossing the River" were the first members of the Crossing Brigade, Mu Sirong and Gao Jintang. These two are national combat heroes. As witnesses, they talked to us about the situation when the advance team crossed the river, and they still vividly remember them. Inside, there are many eloquent stories. As the parties involved, the two also taught us how to wear military uniforms, tie bands, carry luggage, carry guns, shoot, and drop bombs. We became inseparable friends. During the filming, under the leadership of Mu and Gao, we came to Digang, Wuhu, Anhui to experience life and film location. A group of us got off the truck carrying the bedding and luggage, and walked along the muddy road to the farmhouse where we boarded. In the spring, Wuhu is rainy and rainy. Walking on the muddy mountain roads and trails, our shoes are often unplugged... From this, I really realize that it is not easy to send the brigade across the river in advance!

Sun Daolin's memories prove that Nie Fengzhi did not recommend the wrong person.

Under the attention of Nie Fengzhi, "The Reconnaissance of Crossing the River" was successfully published and was loved by the people all over the country. Nie Fengzhi himself is one of the "loyal fans". At the end of 1953, he returned from the Korean battlefield with honour. Later, he served as commander of the Nanjing Military Region Air Force, Commander of the Air Force of the Fuzhou Military Region, and Commander of the Nanjing Military Region. Always quietly brought a small Mazha, sitting among the officers and soldiers watching quietly. When the officers and soldiers muttered, "This reconnaissance operation across the river was determined by the old chief," the old general, who has always been imaginative, always smiled with relief.

Now, "Crossing the River Reconnaissance" has been published for 65 years. It has touched several generations of Chinese audiences and will continue to touch the next generation of audiences. The spirit of overcoming all difficulties and fighting for victory in the film will surely inspire Our generation has devoted itself to the great journey of realizing the dream of a strong country and a strong army, and swears enthusiasm and sweat for the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

(Source: "party" magazine in September 2019, Author: Summer star Xu Xiaodan, the original title: "" Baiwanxiongshi "thriller before crossing the river - the movie" Remember the reconnaissance "and the 27th Army's first military Chang Nie Fengzhi")

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