Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over?

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Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

Author|Xu Bing

The true and false ink fragrant copper stinky imprisonment controversy that has been passed for two years has finally come to light recently.

On November 10, China Judgment Network published "Yang Yang and Yuan Yimei's First Instance Criminal Judgment for Illegal Business Operation", which positively confirmed that the well-known Jinjiang writer Yuan Yimei (pseudoname: Mo Xiang Tong Chou) was imprisoned for illegal business operations. rumor.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

Although the criminal judgment of the case has been made, China Judgment Documents Network has not disclosed the judgment document at present. The reason for non-disclosure is: other circumstances that the people's court considers inappropriate to publish on the Internet.

According to the provisions of Article 363 of my country’s Criminal Law:

[Crimes of Making, Copying, Publishing, Selling, and Disseminating Obscene Articles for Profit] For the purpose of profit-making, producing, copying, publishing, selling, or disseminating obscene materials, Sent to fixed-term imprisonment of not more than three years, criminal detention or surveillance, and a fine; if the circumstances are serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than three years but not more than 10 years and a fine; where the circumstances are particularly serious, they shall be sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment of not less than 10 years or life imprisonment and be punished. Gold or confiscation of property.

Although the verdict was not made public, some sources revealed that Moxiang Tongxi was actually sentenced to three years in prison and a fine of 400,000 yuan. He will be released from prison in May 2022.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

Looking back on the entire case, as early as March 2019, some netizens broke the news that the Jinjiang author "Moxiangtongxiang" was detained for "illegal publishing without paying taxes".

Later in August, more netizens discovered that according to the official WeChat account of the National Anti-vice and Anti-illegal Work Group Office, the official WeChat “anti-vice and anti-illegal” report disclosed on August 14, 2019 that Jinjiang Literature was involved in the “3.28” case of making and disseminating obscene materials in Zhejiang Province. Yuan Moumou, a well-known writer who signed the contract with the city, worked with the sales staff of Taobao shop to produce and sell more than 4,000 copies of obscene books and periodicals in 2 categories, making more than 500,000 yuan in profit. rumors such as "Moxiang Tongxiu was detained by criminal punishment", "Jinjiang Literature City provided evidence leading to the arrest of the author" and other rumors spread like wildfire.

Although Jinjiang Literature City issued a statement immediately, stating that the online news was serious defamation, the website has never received a request from the management department to assist in the investigation of related matters, and the website and website staff have never actively or passively provided any so-called related Evidence or clues, and said that the legal affairs have notarized the relevant defamation and rumors. But the subtle thing is that Jinjiang Literature City does not mention a word about whether Moxiang Tongxiang produces and sells obscene books. This also makes the matter of whether Moxiang Tongxi is being detained by Xingju has become more and more confusing.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

Now all speculations have ended with this announcement on the Chinese Judging Documents Online, and the outside world has also shifted its attention from Moxiang Tongxiang to the development of related films and animations of his works. It is even more worrying that with the fires of "Soul of Town" and "Chen Qingling", 59 Danmei film adaptation rights have been sold in China in 2020. What will be the fate of these 59 Danchang dramas in the future?

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

will be imprisoned for ink fragrant copper odor, will its works be affected?

Now, if you click on the ink fragrant copper odor column in Jinjiang literature, you will see a line of red letters at the top: "Closed, please don’t guess too much or I'm worried." Although

still has a link to the book "The Master of the Demon Dao". However, Shuyu DreamWorks actually clicked and found that the book had already been removed, and opening the remaining links also indicated that the book has been removed.

In the column of works below the Moxiang Tongshi column, his most recent update is the completed "Blessing of Heaven Officials", which was last updated on June 20, 2018. Excluding the one unwritten work in the column of works, the remaining three works "Madao Master", "Blessing of Heavenly Officials" and "Scum Villain's Self-Saving System", only one copy of "Blessing of Heavenly Officials" is not locked. . The

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

book was taken off the shelves and the article was locked, which seems to corroborate the industry’s previous speculation that the ink fragrant copper smell was caused by the two works of "The Demon Master" and "The Scum Villain's Self-Saving System".

Danmei writers were sentenced to jail for printing novels, and the ink fragrant copper smell is not the first.

In 2018, Tanmei author Liu Yuanyuan (pen name: Tianyi) was sentenced to 10 years in prison for selling 7,000 copies of his personal biography "Capture" and making a profit of 150,000 yuan. In 2019, Tanmei author Mr. Shen Hai was convicted of illegal business operations 4year.

As a Danmei author, Moxiang Tongxiang is a rare and extremely controversial figure. The young writer in the deep whirlpool of public opinion has a large number of fans in the danmei circle, and his evaluation is polarized. Supporters praise him, while opponents mock him. The critic voice of

mainly criticized: Moxiang, copper odor tearing fans to each other, human flesh, traffic and other bad habits of the meal circle, introduced the previously calm niche circle of beauty. Because of its high popularity, it has attracted quite a lot of underage fans. Even a writer in Jinjiang has a series of incidents such as disagreement with Moxiang Tongxiang, causing his fans to move to their address and forced to move.

Plagiarism, stalking, excessive marketing, inciting fans to report, dragging and trampling on the same platform to cause scolding wars, etc. are the most frequently mentioned "seven deadly sins" by opponents.

However, judging from the performance of the works, Moxiang Tongxiang’s novels are gaining popularity in the market, and "The Demon Dao Zu Shi" is the focus of Tencent's video development plan. Previously, the film and television series "Chen Qing Ling" adapted from his work "Ma Dao Zu Shi" was supported After Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo two young traffic, follow-up animation version of "The Demon Master" is still under development.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

At the same time, the animation "Blessed by the Heavenly Officials" is also currently on the air. Its opening score was as high as 9.8 at one time, but it fell to 9.2 later, and the online debates about the works of "Blessed by the Heavenly Officials" have never stopped. Although

shows a trend of polarization in word-of-mouth, in terms of data, "Blessings of Heavenly Officials" is currently updated with 4 episodes, with more than 60 million hits and more than 4 million follow-ups, which still get quite good attention. Even after the news that the original author had been sentenced to prison came out, it did not affect the pace of publicity and promotion of the work.

But even so, the industry will still squeeze the vitality of the ink, copper and smelly works. These weights are quite heavy. Whether the investment in the subsequent IP development plan will be greatly reduced by this has become the most recent topic of concern.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

is the end of the good days of IP change?

After several Danmei film and television works have exploded in succession, the adaptation of Danmei IP has become the norm, and derivative works such as film and animation have emerged endlessly. The rapid popularity of young male artists relying on starring in Tanmei dramas has become an unspoken "rule" in the entertainment industry in recent years.

According to statistics collected by Funji, a technology service provider in the entertainment industry, in 2020, a total of more than 50 Danmei film and television adaptation copyrights will be sold. The development and production of Danmei IP is in full swing. 101".

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

In 2015, the Danmei drama "Addiction" became popular with Xu Weizhou and Huang Jingyu. The investment of this drama was only 5 million, but it received more than 100 million views. Although they were subsequently removed from the shelves, the two leading actors were noticed by the film and television circles, and they successfully changed from "little transparent" to major film and television dramas.

low-cost web dramas can generate tens of times and hundreds of times more economic benefits and traffic attention. After the 15-year fire of "Addiction", the film and television industry has also set off a wave of delayed dramas, but more than 20 delayed dramas that have been projected and filmed have ended dismal.

until 2018's "Soul Soul" made Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu the top traffic of the year, and in 2019 "Chen Qingling" made Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo the top flow. The Tanmei culture, which once belonged to the niche field, has become increasingly influential through the amplification of film and television works. The backfeeding actors of the Dangai drama have been seen by major platforms and producers for their popularity.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

It can be said that Tanmei IP has always been a relatively special category. It comes with its own traffic and sticky fan promotion. Compared with the popular heroes and heroines on the market, it is easier to obtain good-looking ratings data with low-cost IP changes, and it is easier to turn book fans into actor fans. . Among the younger generation or actors who have been unknown, it seems easier to get attention and traffic, fans, and then capital favors when starring in Tanmei dramas. Although

is a favorite of the artist market and the film and television industry with its own fan flow, its risks are increasing year by year. Due to domestic regulatory restrictions, all current Danchang IPs have all pursued "brotherhood." Some Danmei IPs have even joined original roles and turned directly into females. This has also caused protests from some book fans. And because most of the plots in the book have been deleted and changed, the core is lost, and the unbalanced connection has also become criticized for delaying the work.the reason. Most of the dramas eventually become the best stepping stones for young male artists to attract fans. From the perspective of the quality of their works, most of them are just chicken feathers.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

At the same time, neighboring countries, Japan, South Korea, and Thailand have begun to film dramas on male Danmei. Different from the main domestic "Brotherhood", foreign plots are more straightforward and open, so they have begun to share the attention of domestic Danmei audiences. force.

started from the popular "Uncle's Love" in recent years, and the Japanese bl theme also began to blow out. "At the age of 30, he is still a virgin and seems to become a magician", "Us on the Lifeline", "The Reason He Loves Me", "Starting Over After Going Home", "The Cheese Dream of the Poor Mouse", and the previous "We on Life Uncle's Love" series "Indigo Mood", "Erotic Novelist" and so on. "Uncle's Love" also has a different Tanmei theme that has become popular with the previously tepid actor Kei Tanaka, making him a member of the Japanese entertainment circle.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

In Thailand, a large number of same-sex dramas are also showing prosperity in 2020. A large number of same-sex dramas such as "Interpreting My Love with Your Heart", "Fate to Swear You", "Unexpected Love 2" and many others have been released. The starring little transparent star with thousands of fans jumped to millions of fans. Although

acts differently at home and abroad, the IP adaptation of Tanmei seems to have become a panacea for actors at home and abroad to attract fans. Starring in Tanmei IP to attract fans has become a shortcut, relying on Tanchang drama to attract topic traffic attention, and then hit the iron while the iron is hot, starring in a big drama.

This fast-rising secret channel may come to an end. With the imprisonment of Moxiang Tongxiang, the signal released behind it makes the future value of the IP change more uncertain. Will this node become an important watershed? Maybe the answer will be given soon.

Moxiang Tongchou was sentenced to three years in prison, is the good day of delaying IP change over? - Lujuba

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