Summary of the diversity of the TV series "The Melody of Endeavour" (Episode 11-20)

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Summary of the diversity of the TV series 'The Melody of Endeavour' (Episode 11-20) - Lujuba

Episode 11

Lin Jie was rescued with the assistance of the maritime police. Lin Jie was still able to find the problem of sea current stratification and disorder during the life crisis, which made Ye Doudou admire him and admire him more and more. Lin Jie solved the turbulence problem by installing deflectors. It turned out that Wang Gong from Binhai University of Science and Technology, who is in charge of the project, also brought people to watch. They didn't believe Lin Jie could solve this difficult problem.

Sun Yunru was in a trance because of the matter with Lin Jie, and was taken to the hospital in a car accident. Ai Qiao, Wang's best friend, fights for her. The

Longshan Island project succeeded in generating electricity. After finishing work, Lin Jie received a call from Li Bin and rushed to the hospital. Bai Xiaofan complained that Lin Jie forced him to express his position. Lin Jie was embarrassed and turned to leave.

Lin Jie was at a food stall to drank his sorrows. Li Bin thought that Sun Yunru’s car accident was Lin Jie’s fault. He found Lin Jie and scolded him. After sober, Sun Yunru withdrew from the investment in the “elderly apartment” and turned to support Lin Jie as a trendy energy.

Zhu's business was damaged, the person was missing, and Lin Jie was still in arrears with them. Lin Jie felt that the company should be registered first. Then they went to the Management Committee of the Economic Development Zone to inquire about starting a company.

Episode 12

Zhu’s business was damaged by the typhoon and lost tens of millions, and he could not perform the contract to give Lin Jie funds. Lin Jie knows its difficulties and leads people away. When Li Jianguo learned of it, he felt that this young man was extraordinary, and he would surely make a big deal.

led by Director Gu Tong, state-owned enterprise Bestune Bearing and private enterprise Shenglin Bearing sat down to discuss the establishment of a joint research center. There were different opinions within Bestune, but in the end, Zhong Zhaoming agreed to cooperate with the market structure, and the Li Bin team stayed in Shenglin to continue research and development.

Lin Jie decided to use the old house as the company resident to register the company. The funds that Mr. Zhu borrowed to return to Lin Jie were returned by Lin Jie. He understood that Mr. Zhu needed more funds to save himself, Mr. Zhu was moved and promised to return it in the future. Lin Jie, Wu Shu, Ding Xuan and three people decided to investigate Qianyu Lake.

Feng Yalin and Wang Aiqiao came to Sun Yunru, and Sun Yunru insisted on quitting. Bai Xiaofan said that Yunru would not vote for me, and would instead vote for their "old-age apartment". Sun Maosheng asked Li Bin to be a guest at home and asked Li Bin to recruit people for the R&D center with academic qualifications.

Sun Yunru recalled the past of himself and Lin Jie, unable to calm down for a long time, determined to change himself. Li Bin's colleague came to the office to find him and said that there were beauties. When Li Bin went out, Sun Yunru came to apply.

Lin Jie, Wu Shu, Ding Xuan and three people went to Qianyu Lake, but Ye Doudou also came.

Episode 13

It turns out that Qianyu County is the hometown of Ye Doudou, so I took advantage of the annual vacation to come back. She took Lin Jie to dive to see the ancient underwater city that was submerged when the Xinanjiang Hydropower Station was built.

Bai Xiaofan told Sun Maosheng that Lin's daughter was applying for the job, showing her determination. Lin Jie and the others used someone else’s boat to go to the center of the lake to do a test. They did not expect to encounter heavy rain. The Qianyu Lake Management Committee received a report from the public that suspicious people were surveying Qianyu Lake and the police detained three people. Ye Doudou couldn't explain it clearly for the three, so he contacted Li Jianguo and the three were released on bail. With the help of the management committee, Lin Jie got the company's business license. He wants to use the old house as a company to conduct business.

Feng Yalin and Wang Aiqiao accidentally saw Lin Jie selling the old house, so he told Sun Yunru. Sun Yunru knew that he needed money, so he wanted to buy Lin Jie's old house to support him.

Li Jianguo took Lin Jie and the others to Qianyu Lake to survey the terrain.

Episode 14

Lin Jie got news that his old house was bought. Sun Yunru actually bought it.

Li Bin takes a new technician to the workshop. The newcomers thought they were working as engineers in the office, but they did not expect it to be screwing and buttering. Sun Yunru quit and went home outraged. After Bai Xiaofan learned about it, he deliberately refused to persuade him to resign by following Sun Yunru's resignation. Sun Yunru hesitated and decided to stick to it and return to the factory. Lin Jie, who was unaware of

, thought that the house would soon be sold, and the intermediary said that Lin Jie could sign a lease contract to continue renting here, very happy. He invited Sun Yunru and Li Bin to invite them to dinner.

Oujiang held a science and technology competition. The first prize is 5 million, the second prize is 3 million, and the third prize is 2 million. It attracted the participation of trendy energy teams including Lin Jie's team, Binneng Group, Binneng University of Science and Technology, and the competition was fierce. Ye Doudou also told her about the science and technology competition and encouraged him to participate. Lin Qiaodong also wanted to see, and cared about Lin Jie. The

joint R&D center held an exam for newcomers, and Sun Yunru asked Li Bin to start a small course for himself and study hard. The organizer leader Liu Miao encouraged Lin Jie to participate in the competition because there will be many investors participating in the competition, Have the opportunity to fancy his project. Lin Qiaodong also wants to go to the competition to see Lin Jie's entries.

Zhu Ruiye learned that the Binhai University of Science and Technology project was made by Lin Jie and the others. In the R&D center newcomer exam hosted by Li Bin, Sun Yunru lived up to his expectations and won the second place.

Episode 15

Sun Yunru wanted to tell Lin Jie about the results, but Lin Jie did not respond. Sun Yunru had to have dinner with Li Bin to celebrate, but he ran into Lin Jie and Ye Doudou and came out to eat between work. Sun Yunru was so jealous...

Ye Doudou went to see Sun Yunru alone to explain, and hoped that Sun Yunru would not disturb Lin Jie's competition. In Sun Yunru's eyes, this was a demonstration... Wang Aiqiao was angry but asked Lin Jie to reason. The joint R&D center of the two bearing groups of

was officially listed, and Gu Tong gave a speech to encourage win-win cooperation. The

science and technology competition organizing committee found that there are many new energy projects. After adjustment and review, the trend energy projects were put into one group. This move made the competition fierce... At the

science and technology competition, Lin Jie ran into the judges' money in response to doubts Zifeng, but his bold and innovative ideas have also won the favor of Professor Zhou of the Bureau of Oceans and the investor Cui.

Bin University of Science and Technology's 100-kilowatt project is about to win the award. At the critical moment, Zhu Rui handed a note to the judges, pointing out that the project was completed independently by Lin Jie and others.

Episode 16

because of property registration, Lin Qiaodong learned that the old house was sold and beat Lin Jie. Lin Qiaodong wanted to buy it back at a higher price than the original price of 500,000.

Sun Yunru was surprised when he heard the intermediary say that someone had bought an old house with a price of 500,000 yuan. He thought that Lin Jie won the prize and wanted to use the bonus to buy the old house. So he asked Li Bin to call Lin Jie to confirm that it was not Lin Jie. Later, I learned from Sun Maosheng that Lin Jie had received the bonus, so he asked the intermediary to mark 6.5 million yuan in order to cut off Lin Jie's thoughts at a high price.

Lin Jie and several people used the money from selling the old house to establish an off-lake laboratory in Qianyu Lake. After discussion, the

Science and Technology Competition Organizing Committee finally awarded the first prize to the Binke University and Lin Jie team, and reissued the bonus. Lin Qiaodong was also happy for him when he knew it.

Lin Qiaodong even agreed to buy it back for 6.5 million. Sun Yunru still refused to sell, but felt a little weird, and rushed to the real estate agency to find out that Lin Qiaodong was buying the house. Lin Qiaodong found out that Sun Yunru had bought the old house, but was moved but speechless.

Wang Gong of Binzhou University of Science and Technology was dissatisfied with the bonus distribution and planned to take someone to Qianyu Lake for a special trip, and wanted to recruit Lin Jie's team under his command. Here, Lin Jie and the others built an outdoor test field non-stop, and the power generation test field was tested by the sudden rainstorm.

Episode 17

Heavy rain came, Binhai University of Science and Technology invited Lin Jie and them, Lin Jie refused. The heavy rain broke down the Lin Jie trio's current energy-generating test site, and everything went into nothing.

Everyone is in a bad mood. Wu Shu can no longer bear Lin Jie's "doing his own way" when he refuses the invitation of the University of Science and Technology.

Ye Doudou heard Ding Xuan say that Wu Shu and Lin Jie had a split, to comfort him, encourage him, and comfort him. She decided to go to the countryside to retrieve Wu Shu for Lin Jie. Binhai University of Science and Technology came to invite Lin Jie again, but he refused again and planned to start over.

Lin Qiaodong heard that Lin Jie was frustrated, so he called to soothe him, and the father and son let him go. Liu Miao called Lin Jie and told him that after another negotiation with the Science and Technology Competition Organizing Committee, it was decided to distribute the prize money to Bintech University of 3 million and Lin Jie's team 2 million. Lin Jie readily agreed. Lin Jie went to Chief Liu again, wanted a loan, and came again, Chief Liu promised to introduce him to a venture capital friend.

Ye Doudou is going to help Lin Jie get Wu Shu back. Sun Yunru kept thinking about Lin Jie's affairs, his work was also affected, and something went wrong.

Episode 18:

Ye Doudou came to Wu Shu's hometown. She angered Wu Shu with the radical method. Wu Shu hesitated, and then moved with love and reason, and defeated Wu Shu with Go. At the last moment Ye Doudou got on the bus, Wu Shu appeared. Doudou brought him back. In the end, Wu Shu put aside his prejudices and Ye Doudou returned to the city to find Lin Jie, and continued to do trendy energy.

Zhu Rui and Yang Pingfan of Binneng Group selected a site together in Qianyu Lake. Li Jianguo asked them to consult Lin Jie and Wu Shu more, but Zhu Rui insisted on going his own way. The Binneng test site is not far away from Lin Jie's test site.

The bearing of the shield machine of the Xicheng Tunnel Project was unexpectedly affected. These bearings were produced by Shenglin under the guidance of Weir. Gu Tong asked Shenglin to solve it as soon as possible. Sheng Lin decided to send Li Bin to solve the problem, and Sun Maosheng asked his daughter to take a look together to find out why.

ZhuoMr. Cui, a venture capital firm, came to the test site to find Lin Jie. He was willing to invest 300 million yuan in Lin Jie's 1 MW trend energy project. Several young people were very happy.

Li Bin and Sun Yunru went to the Xicheng Tunnel and found the cause of the bearing problem.

Episode 19

Doudou learned that Lin Jie and they were going to sign a contract with Zall, and were very anxious. She went to stop Lin Jie. After consideration, Lin Jie signed with Mr. Cui. Ye Doudou hoped to win Lin Jie for Bin, and tried to dissuade him, but it was still a step too late.

shield machine bearings require special steel. Only Chenhui Iron and Steel in the province has this capability, but the production of special steel must stop other production lines. After evaluating the market, Chenhui Iron and Steel, which is determined to seek new things, decided to support Shenglin and produce special steel.

Sun Maosheng was too tired and committed high blood pressure. The Shenglin technical team rushed to the Xicheng Tunnel Project for inspection with newly developed bearings. Lin Jie explained to Ye Doudou the reason for the contract and asked her to understand.

Chairman Qian came to Binneng Research Institute, signaled to increase investment in Trend Energy, and conveyed the group’s party committee’s decision to appoint Li Jianguo as the Dean and Secretary of the Party Committee, with full responsibility for Trend Energy. Li Jianguo still wanted to take Lin Jie into account.

turned out to be a bearing problem with a shield machine in the Qinglonggou tunnel section of the Xicheng Tunnel Project. Although it was not produced by Shenglin, Sun Maosheng agreed to help. Li Bin took Sun Yunru and two technicians to walk 40 miles on the mountain road to the site to investigate. In the process, Li Bin and Sun Yunru's relationship warmed up, and Sun Yunru became more independent.

Episode 20

Lin Jie and the others were preparing for work, the turbine speed did not meet the standard, only then discovered that there was a design problem with the turbine bearing seal.

Lin Jie couldn't get through Li Bin's call in the tunnel, so he asked Sun Yunru to find it. Sun Yunru, who was ill, angrily pointed out that Lin Jie was too selfish and would always only consider his own affairs, regardless of others. At this time, Li Bin heard that Yunru was unwell, and came over to wipe the wound on Yunru's injured foot.

Under the arrangement of Ye Doudou, Mr. Zhu from the sea farm met Lin Jie and others, and repaid the arrears with interest.

Lin Jie asked Sun Maosheng about the seal bearing of the turbine, and Sun Maosheng agreed to help. Lin Jie decided to conquer the platform first, and Lin Qiaodong gave him a suggestion for the platform material to find Chenhui Steel.

Li Bin and Sun Yunru completed the work of the Qinglonggou tunnel project and returned to their headquarters. However, in the middle of rain, Li Bin broke his leg by rolling down the steep slope to protect Sun Yunru. In order to avoid the rain, the two hid in a narrow cave, Sun Yunru bandaged Li Bin, and Li Bin showed love. Sun Yunru was afraid of delaying Li Bin's leg injury, so he went back to the headquarters in the rain to call for rescue.

CCTV-1 Comprehensive From February 11, 2020, broadcast at 20:00 every night

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