20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success

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20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Elon Musk: CEO of electric car company Tesla, founder of space exploration technology company SpaceX, does not trust step-by-step procedures. Musk once said: "When I interview potential employees and they say they need to rely on step-by-step procedures, I think that is a bad sign. The problem is that in many large companies, procedures have begun to replace thinking. You are encouraged Become a small gear in the company’s machinery. Frankly speaking, it will make people unable to stay smart and creativity will be curbed.” (Fengfan)

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Marissa Mayer (Marissa Mayer): Yahoo CEO, self-propelled . Meyer said: "I always do my unprepared work, I think that will promote your growth. When you find that you can't really confirm whether you can do something, you have actually begun to be pushed, and then Breakthrough. Sometimes this is a sign that something good is about to happen. You will learn from it and learn more about yourself."

Jeff Bezos (Jeff Bezos): Amazon CEO, stay focused. Bezos said: "If you focus on your competitors, you have to wait for your competitors to move first. And when you focus on customers, you may be more creative."

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Mark Zuckerberg (Mark Zuckerberg): Facebook CEO, looking for driving force. Zuckerberg said: "My goal has never been limited to creating a company. Many people misunderstand this, as if I don't care about revenue, profits, etc.. But "not just to create a company" means that I want to build a world Something that makes a huge difference."

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Larry Page: One of the co-founders of Google, focusing on what you do every day. Page said: "As a leader of Google, my job is to ensure that everyone in the company has a huge opportunity to make them feel that they are making a huge impact and contributing to society. We are working to make the world a better place. Work hard. My expectation for Google is to lead the trend, not to follow."

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Tim Cook: Apple CEO, why can't CEOs live in a bubble. Cook believes: "It is very important for the CEO not to isolate yourself, and may even be the most important thing. Fortunately, I think it is very difficult for Apple CEOs to stay isolated. In terms of users, Between employees and the media, you will get a lot of feedback. More importantly, you need to be distracted at all times to deal with various situations and decide how to find the'gold mine'."

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Travis Kalanick (Travis Kalanick) : The CEO of Uber, a taxi-hailing app, still does not give up in the face of supervision. Kalanick said: "If you comply with the law and are allowed to establish a company, we don’t have to avoid regulators or competitors who don’t want us to exist. But our ultimate goal is to make the city a better place, which is also to build The principle of free enterprise."

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Jeff Weiner (Jeff Weiner): LinkedIn CEO, to ensure communication with the team. Weiner said: "The more people you manage, the more your words, body language, and other communication methods will be factored into the team's calculations. I think the best leaders need to understand the environment at all times and correct their routes in real time."

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Susan Wojcicki (Susan Wojcicki): YouTube CEO, how to learn to be an executive. Wojcicki said: "When I first came to YouTube, I spent a lot of time learning and listening. I want to understand the ecosystem. One of the things I want to do most is to see our inventors and understand how we can Help them develop and accelerate the business and content they are building." Reed Hastings (Reed Hastings): CEO of American online video provider Netflix, trust your employees. Hastings said: "Responsible people like freedom, and they should also be free. Our model is that as the company grows, we will give employees more freedom instead of restricting their freedom in order to continue to attract and cultivate Innovative talents so that we can sustain success."

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Dick Costolo (Dick Costolo): Twitter CEO, building a team is very important. Costolo said: "One day, we are very lucky to meet the new NBA chairman Adam Silver (Adam Silver), someone Ask him questions about NBA culture. Xiao Hua said: ‘A famous NBA player once told me that the championship is not won on the court, but on the bus. He believes that the most important thing is team building to ensure that everyone has a sense of collective honor, which will encourage people to work together. "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Brian Chesky: CEO of hotel reservation app Airbnb, recruiting talents. Chesky said: "You have to build a talented team, although they may make you feel a little uncomfortable." Because when you are with them, you must constantly improve yourself. "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Satya Nadella (Satya Nadella): Microsoft CEO, don't be easy. Nadella said: "As a company leader, I am very interested in participating in new battles. You need new innovative ideas, and you must have new abilities and culture to pursue these new ideas. After winning the current battle, you must rediscover ideas and culture. This is a cyclical journey. "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Tony Hsieh: Founder and CEO of Zappos website, fantasy is very important. Xie Jiahua said: "Fantasy, create and believe in your own universe, the universe will be formed around you." "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Jack Ma: The founder of Alibaba, focusing on looking at problems from different angles. Jack Ma said: "A group of smart people need a fool to lead them. A team of scientists is best led by farmers because of their way of thinking. with large differences. If you have people who look at problems from different angles, success will be easier. "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Jack Dorsey: The founder of mobile payment company Square, how to build an empathy culture. Dorsey said: "In our system, we all assume that we are buyers. We like merchants like Blue Bottle and Sightglass Coffee. We want to do the right thing with them. We want to create a better experience. "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

David Karp: CEO of the light blogging site Tumblr, you want to see how it changes. Karp said: "There are many tools that I want to use but don't exist. I find myself increasingly falling into a kind of frustration that technology seems to be increasingly inclined to lack creativity. On the contrary, there are more and more restrictive tools, such as what directory should your photos be placed in, where should your articles be arranged, etc. I want to be free and do what I like. "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Katia Beauchamp: CEO of pre-sale site Birchbox, how to develop your career. He said: "If you work hard and don't miss every opportunity to ask questions and learn, you will have a fulfillment Career journey. Choosing your managers across the industry, remember that the joy of building a career is equally important! "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Ev Williams (Ev Williams): Media sharing platform Medium founder, pays attention to details. Williams said: "Most networks are actually ugly, and from a consumer perspective, the experience is also very bad. . We want to design something modern that will work perfectly on any device, it will be clean and more focused on content. If you build the right system, quality will help you get more attention. I think it is entirely possible to use the network and good design to build a system that produces better products. "

20 super tech giants reveal their secrets to success - Lujuba

Tim Armstrong (Tim Armstrong): AOL CEO, driving change. Armstrong said: "Most managers face the most criticism that they did not make changes, or waited too long to make changes. It's simple: there are good and bad things, and if you are not satisfied, you must make changes. "

More exciting, please pay attention to the WeChat public account Internet analyst: InternetFenXiShi

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