"Luxury treatment" in prison? "Black boss" gambling in prison, bribing and drinking white wine to send to the circle of friends, is it happy? Prison guards brought tens of thousands of cash and 400 catties of liquor for him

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The principal culprit in Jingzhou's "first case of gangsters", Wang Shibing, was a life imprisonment criminal involved in gangs and was sentenced in 2008. But Wang Shibing in prison is no different from outside. He normally uses his cell phone to contact others, uses cash to gather together with inmates to gamble, pay bribes to prison leaders, drink liquor, and send him to Moments when he has nothing to do.

On July 31, the reporter learned from the Shayang People's Court in Jingmen, Hubei that the prison guard Xu and others who provided assistance to Wang Shibing and others had been sentenced.

'Luxury treatment' in prison? 'Black boss' gambling in prison, bribing and drinking white wine to send to the circle of friends, is it happy? Prison guards brought tens of thousands of cash and 400 catties of liquor for him - Lujuba

Jingzhou "first case of gangsters"

It is reported that the underworld organization led by Wang Shibing made a fortune from opening a casino. In 2002, Wang Shibing had a dispute with a man in a casino over dividends. Wang Shibing directly stabbed the opponent with a knife. In 2005, Wang Shibing and his gang assassinated a man to his death in the entertainment city. In 2006, Wang Shibing's car blocked a driver's way, and the driver asked him to leave, but Wang Shibing's men were chopped and injured. In 2008, Wang Shibing and the company invested by the group contaminated the farmland of two villages during the production of vanadium pentoxide. After the villagers and the company had a dispute, Wang Shibing led his organization to randomly beat residents and people passing by. 37 people were injured and numerous houses were destroyed.

'Luxury treatment' in prison? 'Black boss' gambling in prison, bribing and drinking white wine to send to the circle of friends, is it happy? Prison guards brought tens of thousands of cash and 400 catties of liquor for him - Lujuba

On December 23, 2008, the Intermediate People’s Court of Jingzhou City, Hubei Province issued a criminal and ancillary civil judgment (2008) Jing Xing Chu Zi No. 53, convicting Wang Shibing as guilty of organizing and leading a triad organization, intentional homicide, gambling, and extortion The crimes of extortion, quarreling and provoking troubles, combined punishment for several crimes, decided to implement life imprisonment and deprived of political rights for life.

"Comfortable life" in prison

At the end of 2012, Wang Shibing asked Xu to help bring 3,000 yuan in cash. After that, Wang Shibing’s wife Liao Mouchun went downstairs in Xu’s community and handed the 3,000 yuan in cash to Xu, and Xu passed it to Wang Shibing .

In the second half of 2013, Wang Shibing asked the prison guard Xu to help him pass a mobile phone into prison for his use, Xu agreed. Wang Shibing's son Wang Mousha bought a mobile phone and a mobile phone card according to Wang Shibing's arrangement and gave them to Xu. Later, Xu gave them to Wang Shibing.

From 2013 to 2017, Xu helped Wang Shibing with 65,000 yuan in cash.

Wang Shibing lived a happy life in prison, not only was able to communicate with the outside world normally, but also returned to his old gambling in prison. Wang Shibing also provides loan services to other inmates. If someone needs cash, his relatives must put the money into his card, and then he will give cash to the other person himself. At the same time, Wang Shibing also contacted Ma Zhuang outside the prison and purchased the underground Mark Six lottery 22 times from Zhu Mouyu, the "Ma Zhuang", with a total betting amount of 72,500 yuan.

'Luxury treatment' in prison? 'Black boss' gambling in prison, bribing and drinking white wine to send to the circle of friends, is it happy? Prison guards brought tens of thousands of cash and 400 catties of liquor for him - Lujuba

Before and after the Spring Festival in 2014, Wang Shibing helped criminal Yang Mouyue bribe Su Moujun (a separate case dealt with), the then instructor of the first sub-district of Jingzhou Prison.

In March 2014, Wang Shibing paid 5,000 yuan to the Su Army in prison.

In October 2015, Wang Shibing helped the criminal Mo Hui to bribe Xiang Longhong, the former deputy warden of Jingzhou Prison (a separate case) of 10,000 yuan.

From December 2013 to July 2016, Xu helped criminal Wang Shibing carry about 400 kilograms of liquor, and received a total of 20,000 yuan for Wang Shibing's benefit.

When Wang Shibing received the liquor, he and his inmates gathered for gambling and then had a drink. He also posted the photos to his Moments. Many people gave Wang Shibing a thumbs up. From the second half of 2013 to March 2017, Wang Shibing used his WeChat account to post more than 600 WeChat Moments messages in prison, triggering thousands of comments and likes.

After receiving bribes, he reduced his sentence for favoritism.

Another prison guard of Jingzhou Prison, Lu, was suspected of committing a crime of favoritism and fraud. Lu mainly passed cash to Wang Shibing and another criminal named Huang to the prison, as well as facilitating them to report violations of their sentences for commutation.

On March 28, 2014, when Lu was involved in a discussion on Huang's request for commutation, Lu knew that Huang had hidden cash in prison and did not meet the requirements for commutation, but Lu deliberately concealed Huang. The disciplinary facts of a certain person hiding cash in prison, and he agreed to report to Huang XXOn September 23, 2014, the offender Huang Moumou was sentenced to be reduced by 11 months by the Intermediate People’s Court of Jingzhou City, Hubei Province.

'Luxury treatment' in prison? 'Black boss' gambling in prison, bribing and drinking white wine to send to the circle of friends, is it happy? Prison guards brought tens of thousands of cash and 400 catties of liquor for him - Lujuba

was the secret help of Xu and Lu, allowing everyone who was supposed to be in prison to live a "heavenly happy life." For this, the Shayang People’s Court convicted Xu of abusing power and sentenced it to One year and two months in prison. Lu was sentenced to one year's imprisonment for committing crimes of commutation for favoritism and fraud.

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News source: Xiaoxiang News

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