Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person

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Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Thank you, beautiful retrograde who

Qingshan District Elementary School third-grade steel flower

Wang Xin instrument

you are the most beautiful in the spring Mulan

red azaleas in full bloom under a beautiful sun

red azalea azalea ah

you moved in the spring Warm the world

——Wang Yongchang

The new crown virus broke out early this year. The day before the Spring Festival, Wuhan suddenly pressed "Suspend", all traffic stopped, and all residents of Wuhan must stay at home. The sky in Wuhan suddenly became particularly dignified. This Spring Festival is no longer lively, and the early spring in Wuhan has become cold and miserable.

All parties have difficulties and support from all sides. President Xi’s grandfather personally deployed prevention and control work. When we were staying at home to avoid the epidemic, a large number of retrograde heroes came forward: medical aunts, police uncles, community volunteers... their deeds Ordinary and great.

, especially those medical aunts, who gave up the opportunity to reunite with their families, left their little family to take care of everyone, stayed on the front line, and rescued the lives infected by the virus from the hands of death. I have seen in news reports that it takes more than an hour for the medical staff to take off and wear protective clothing, so they do not eat or drink, for fear that they will waste too much time in the toilet and wear protective clothing. Some medical aunts don't know whether sweat or tears have blurred their eyes on the goggles. Those moving pictures made my eyes blurred...

73-year-old grandmother Li Lanjuan brought the team to Wuhan to fight for 2 months since the beginning of the epidemic. For many days, Grandma Li only slept for 3 hours a day. Taking off the mask, there were deep red traces on her face. Seeing this news picture, I wanted to reach out and touch her face that made countless people distressed! This face must be remembered forever by Wuhan people who have crossed the gate of life and death! There is also an aunt Xia Sisi at

. She is a 29-year-old doctor in Wuhan Union Hospital and the mother of a 2-year-old child! In the new crown epidemic, she voluntarily applied to stay in the hospital to take care of the patients. Unfortunately, she was infected, but she voluntarily gave up her bed to other patients. In the end, her own condition deteriorated and the rescue failed. She sacrificed herself to save others. Because of her kindness and bravery, she left her family forever, but her 2-year-old son thought his mother was at work, and shouted at home every day: I want my mother, I want my mother!


More than 40,000 medical staff across the country have rushed to help Hubei Province and Wuhan City. They have made selfless dedication to make our Wuhan and our Hubei continue to develop! On April 8, Wuhan pressed the "restart key"! Wuhan is unblocked! We Wuhan people can finally get out of the house, go outdoors to enjoy the flowers and outings, and embrace this belated spring! Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde! Thank you, the red cuckoo in my heart!

Jade Bird teacher comment:

Wang Xinyi is a third-grade student in Wuhan Primary School. He has experienced the whole process from the lockdown to the unblocking of Wuhan. The window of the heart directly faces this terrifying and warm world, and the information captured is very real. , Also very fresh. How to complete an essay on the theme of anti-epidemic heroes? First, use the theme selection wheel to choose a good theme: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde. There are many retrogrades, such as medical aunts, police uncles, community volunteers... and then focus on medical aunts, and then collect representative figures and touching stories of medical aunts through a mind map to determine the writing focus of Grandma Li Lanjuan and Aunt Xia Sisi. With these writing materials, the next step is to make hamburgers. At the beginning, I introduced the outbreak in Wuhan. In order to attract readers, I also quoted the poetry of contemporary poet Wang Yongchang. It is equivalent to sprinkling some sesame seeds on the top of the hamburger, it is fragrant, I really want to watch it. Then it introduces the anti-epidemic situation. There are generalizations and specifics, groups and individuals, which are more comprehensive and in-depth. Especially the details are very touching: the medical aunt's goggles do not know whether sweat or tears have blurred her eyes. Those moving pictures made my eyes blurred... "Blur" used the technique of adhesion, which was very vivid and appropriate. She took off her mask, her face showed deep red pressure marks, and saw this news pictureFilm, I really want to reach out and touch her face that makes countless people distressed! Very touching! But her 2-year-old son thought his mother was at work, and shouted at home every day: I want mom, I want mom! How heart-stirring... These details cannot be written without real life experience, and with life experience without artistic refinement and processing, the writing is not vivid. The author is very young and has such a talent for cultivation. This is where the hamburger is best: minced meat and vegetable leaves. Delicious and juicy! The last is the end. To be able to hold the entire hamburger, the author is very clever. It not only introduces the unblocking of Wuhan and the joy of people, but also echoes the beginning and sublimates the theme-thank you, the most beautiful retrograde! Thank you, the red cuckoo in my heart! The words are endless and the meaning is endless. Let people chew, and the aftertaste is endless. Hmm, this hamburger is delicious! Little Wang Xinyi is awesome!

About the author

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

My name is Wang Xinyi and I come from the third grade of Ganghua Primary School in Qingshan District, Wuhan. I like singing, dancing, cucurbits, and painting. I especially like reading books. I also like English (I have taught myself several English songs). I also help my mother with housework.


Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Jade Bird teacher, whose real name is Chen Weijun, is a senior middle school teacher and an expert in composition teaching. Rookie in the education circle of Hangzhou, advanced individual in the national new education experiment. Served as a Chinese teacher at Hangzhou Shisi Middle School, a tutor at Fengfan Literature Club, director of Fengfan Middle School's teaching department, and a principal of Hangzhou Library Bowen Vocational School. He is currently the dean of Yangming College of Hangzhou Association for the Promotion of Learning and Life and a researcher at the Center for Educational Ecology of the Central Institute of Educational Sciences. , Director of Zhejiang Confucian Society, Executive Vice President of Zhejiang Primary and Middle School Literature Association Association, President of West Lake Literature Association. In 2015, he founded Zhongdao Culture and Education, neutralizing the position of education, cultivating Taoism and virtue, ending civilization and educating citizens. Open Hongyi School: Refine reading and writing, develop the Chinese Learning Model Union, cultivate world citizens, and promote Chinese culture. In 2016, he was invited to give a speech "Confucianism and Civic Education" at the Harvard University China Education Forum. Instructed students to win the first prize of the National New Concept Composition Competition, the first prize of Zhejiang Poetry and Song Creation Competition, the special prize of Hangzhou Elementary and Middle School Students' Chinese Knowledge Essay Competition, and the first prize of Hangzhou Second Class DV Works Competition. Fengfan Literature Club was rated as the top ten high-quality societies for middle school students in Hangzhou, the first ten best middle school literature clubs in Zhejiang Province, and the top ten campus literature clubs in the country. In recent years, it has been significantly improved to guide primary and middle school students’ easy introduction to writing. They were published on the official account of West Lake Literature Club, organized to participate in the study tour, poetry gathering, publishing and international exchanges. The author included "Wonderful Reading", "Fengfan Works Collection", " Zhejiang Cultural Youth Tour, etc.

Source: West Lake Literature Association

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Student Composition | Wang Xinyi: Thank you, the most beautiful retrograde person - Lujuba

Tags: movie