"Little Witch DoReMi" is actually a joint name with HelloKitty?

movie 966℃

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

previously had the Mobile Suit Gundam x HelloKitty co-branded, and this time "Little Witch DoReMi" is also co-branded with Sanrio! This time it is not just Kitty, but Sanrio's "popular stars" have appeared! Quite interesting, TOYS STAR figure girl shows you

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

Spring Breeze Doremi X Hello Kitty

Doremi switch to Kitty's pie face style~ and the stick figure style is very cute! Kitty also put on the "Apprentice Witch Costume"

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

Fujiwara Hazuki (First Gui) X My Melody

First Gui and My Melody's combination is a special pairing~ Both are soft and cute little sisters! Rabbit ears + big round mirror are quite cute

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

Sister Tail Aiko X Cinnamoroll

Aiko is combined with the energetic "big-eared dog" Cinnamoroll! The look is similar to honey. (⁄⁄•⁄ω⁄•⁄⁄)

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

Segawa note X Kuromi

This group is great! Note and Kuromi are not only purple, but also the early character and experience are also very similar~ CP is full of

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

Asuka Peach X Pom Pom Purin

This group is a little accidental. Peach actually combined with the fat pudding dog~ I guess both It's a little dessert expert

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

Juanzaki Yamahana X Coro Coro Kuririn

This time the joint name has not even missed the flower! The combination of Coro Coro Kuririn who also looks very similar to the face~ They are all happy little cute

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

Judging from the joint visual pictures published above, Sanrio really worked hard. After all, "Little Witch DoReMi" will usher in For the 20th anniversary, the new theater version will be released this year! Before

also published jointly with the "Sailor Moon" co-branded

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

year the 25th anniversary of "Sailor Moon" My Melody is now compatible with the magical elements of both, filled with fairy wind, various peripheral "a ticket is hard "!

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

and even themed restaurants have become you little fairies. A must-see for travel in Japan! Meals and desserts are full of sweet flavor (✪ω✪)

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

When "Sailor Moon" was only co-branded with My Melody, it was so popular! This time, Sanrio will “drag the family and bring the mouth” to combine its many popular IPs, which is likely to set off a wave of witch craze~ It is estimated that the surroundings will also announce

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

'Little Witch DoReMi' is actually a joint name with HelloKitty? - Lujuba

For more information about "Little Witch DoReMi", please pay attention to TOYS STAR

Tags: movie