Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship?

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Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

The movie "Bomb Disposal Expert 2" has not been released yet, but several trailers released one after another have attracted netizens' expectations. In addition to the attractive plot setting of the second part of

, "The Bomb Disposal Expert", there is also a new surprise, that is, Liu Qingyun and Andy Lau, the old partner, collaborated again after 18 years.

is different from the co-production of "Goo Gu Gu Gu New Year's Fortune" in 2002, which is funny and warm. This time, "Bomb Disposal Expert 2" has a tense atmosphere and suspenseful plot. Even though they have not cooperated for many years, Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun are still the same. Full of tacit understanding.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

There is a popular saying in the Hong Kong film industry that the actor in Hong Kong is not named Liu Ze and Liang, or Jia Hui. Liu here refers to Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun. This summary is really true. In the award for Best Actor at the Academy Awards, Liu Qingyun has been nominated 16 times and has been crowned emperor twice, while Andy Lau has a deeper connection with 27 Embracing the Golden Statue Award, 13 times nominated for three times.

"Double Liu" is a well-deserved actor shortlisted, so the double Liu cooperates and masters tricks, which can be called collection-level image materials.

Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun met in the film "Dark War" directed by Johnnie To in 1999. In the film, Andy Lau played a high intelligence criminal and Liu Qingyun played a detective in a crime-solving match.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

The box office of this movie is not high, but it is the initial turning point of Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun's career.

Because of "Dark War", Andy Lau broke the awkward stalemate that he had been nominated for many years at the Hong Kong Academy Awards, and won the best actor in one fell swoop, and successfully transformed. Although Liu Qingyun passed the Academy Awards, he also With the good reputation of "Dark War", he won the 5th Hong Kong Film Golden Bauhinia Award. It was also from this movie that the brotherhood of "Shuang Liu" began.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

Three years later, Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun collaborated together in the movie "Come on New Year's Fortune". It's just that they haven't cooperated for 18 consecutive years after cooperating with "Gu Gu Gu Gu New Year's Fortune". Is

in a bad relationship or a private relationship? Not all! But after that, the two of them have started their career peaks, and it is difficult for them to work together anymore.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

In 2002, Andy Lau began to broaden his play roads, opening the peak of his career as a "soft hand with awards". The "Infernal Affairs" series starring him has a good box office reputation, and at the same time it won him the Golden Horse Award winner; “Big Man Has Great Wisdom” won him the 23rd Golden Image Award winner; “The Disciples” won him the 27th The Best Supporting Actor Award at the Film Awards; "Sister Tao" allowed him to win the Golden Horse Award winners and the winners of the Academy Awards; "Big Liu" Andy Lau has a good career, and "Little Liu" Liu Qingyun has not been idle during this period.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

In 2003, he was nominated as the winner of the Hong Kong Film Awards for his film "Unforgettable" directed by Er Dongsheng. In 2006, he won the 26th Film Awards and the 12th Hong Kong Film Bauhinia Award for "I Want to Be Famous". Best Actor Award.

Then in 2011, Liu Qingyun won the Golden Horse Award and the Golden Image Award respectively by virtue of "Death Gold" and "Eavesdropping 3". The flowers bloom twice a year and are flourishing.

"Double Liu" develops independently, and everyone has a bright future. The only regret is that the two did not cooperate again for 18 years, until this year's "Bomb Disposal Expert 2".

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

After a lapse of 18 years, "The Humbling Expert 2" made the two a life and death friend.

In 2017, "The Humbling Expert" won 400 million box offices with high-burning special effects and exciting plot settings, becoming the fifth of the year. A box office champion, and won 6 nominations and an award for best supporting actor in the 37th Hong Kong Film Awards.

In 2019, the two-year preparation of "Bomb Disposal Expert 2" was launched. The second part still continued the golden team of Andy Lau and Qiu Litao in the first part, but this time, the person who played the opposite role with Andy Lau became the old partner Liu Qingyun.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

This is 18 years, the audience finally saw the "double Liu" in "Bomb Disposal Expert 2."

This time, different from the opposite of "Dark War", Liu Qingyun and Andy Lau are experts and brothers who dismantle bombs together in "Bunker 2". Because of a misunderstanding, the brothers turn back and face each other. Most of the whole drama The focus also revolves around the rivalry between the two.

The lack of cooperation in 18 years did not affect the tacit understanding between the two. In an interview, both Liu Qingyun and Andy Lau said that the two had a tacit understanding on the way to filming, and they knew how each other acted next with one look.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

Liu Qingyun even more frankly said that Andy Lau and he cooperated very well. Both of them are very desperate and in good harmony. They are very emotional in the filming and are very afraid of ending. Tsk tut, this relationship, your taste!

Besides, there are many thrilling scenes in the play for this old partner. During the filming of a scene, Liu Qingyun and Andy Lau were simultaneously hung in a van that was dozens of stories high. For the sake of reality, the two people who were hung in the air did not have too much protection. The carriage without doors was exposed to strong winds. It was swaying.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

This scene made Andy Lau, who was used to seeing the big scenes, couldn’t help but bluntly say "centrifugal force is really too cruel and uncomfortable." It also made Liu Qingyun afraid that "I thought it was a little bit, but later found that the building was under our feet." . Director Qiu Litao said that after they finished filming this scene, it was considered a life and death.

In addition to the continuous increase in action scenes, the two opponents in the film are also quite exciting. From the exposed special, Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun quarrel scenes, once made Andy Lau "furious" to slap the table in anger, can feel hand pain across the screen.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

Although the two people in the play are in a tense relationship, outside the play, the old partner "Shuang Liu" is full of laughter and tacit understanding. Both the lines and the laughter during filming are very loving.

This makes people sigh, 18 years of time only allowed the two to increase their age, and did not take away the friendship between them. In the years without cooperation, Liu Qingyun and Andy Lau have developed independently. From zero awards to continuous nominations and multiple emperors, they have made great progress in their careers, and it is difficult to have another drama to tie the two together.

Huazi Liu Qingyun has not cooperated for 18 years. Is it a bad relationship or a private relationship? - Lujuba

This "Bomb Hurt Expert 2" satisfies those fans who want to cooperate again. With the addition of the two celebrities "Shuang Liu", it is bound to bring trouble to "Bomb Hurt Expert 2". The same spark and new experience.

In the movie, the two roles played by Andy Lau and Liu Qingyun, are the two heroes PK, or are they hand-in-hand? All of this, we have to wait until the film is released to find the answer.

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