Nine Tailed Fox Episode 11 Diversity Plot (16 episodes in total)

hanguo 2806℃

Nine Tailed Fox Episode 11 Diversity Plot Introduction

The two brothers teamed up to deceive the president and find the yogurt Li Yuan rescued Nan Zhiya’s parents who were trapped many years ago

   Li Yuan and Chi had a fight, and the two faced each other head-on. Chi offered the terms of exchange. Li Yuan seemed to be caught in entanglement, but immediately changed his face and said that he was unwilling to exchange with him. The two teleported from the top of the building to down the street. Li Yuan planned to kill him with his thousand-year-old fox ability, but Chi had the ability to control people. He controlled a hundred individuals to commit suicide. Li Yuan only saved a few One, but for the other people in the same community, it is not enough. At the same time, the president also took advantage of Nan Zhiya's eagerness to save her family, forcing her to make Li Yuan unconscious, and hand over his body to him and Chi. He handed a small bottle of medicine to Nan Zhiya, saying that this bottle of medicine could make Li Yuan fall into a coma forever.

   Xuan Yi Weng gave Duo Yi Po a massage, and she told Xuan Yi Weng not to mention that damn son. Xuan Yi Weng was also angry because she called her son an unfilial son. Until now, he also complained about his wife killing Son's bride. When the two were stunned, they both received a message at the same time saying that there were 132 suicides in Jinlan District, and asked them to rush to the Hall of Underworld to gather. Li Lang also saw the ambulances, and roughly guessed it was someone killed by a python. The news of 132 suicides in Jinlan District spread to the group. Terry had just returned from Jinlan District with an innocent look, saying that he did not know the news of suicides in Jinlan District.

   Li Yuan called Nan Zhiya, but no one answered. Shen Zhou brought Qi Nuoli to Li Yuan's house and made her a traditional Russian dish borscht, because he felt that Qi Nuoli from Russia would miss the dishes from his hometown. Hearing the cry of the child, Li Lang suddenly felt very familiar. Later, he discovered that the other party was Xiao Hei from the previous life. He asked him if he needed to help him, but Xiao Hei chose to go home. Li Lang didn't intend to care about it, but when he heard Xiao Hei's cry, he couldn't bear it. Finally, he arrested Xiao Hei's stepfather and threw Xiao Hei to Qi Nuoli, who was very big. When Li Yuan returned home, he saw Shen Zhou and Qi Hunli at home. He was a little surprised. He asked Shen Zhou if he knew where Nan Zhiya was, but Shen Zhou didn't know, so Li Yuan stopped disturbing them and turned around and went to Nan Zhiya. Home.

   Nan Zhiya stayed at home from day to night, staring at the black medicine bottle on the table and the carnations she had folded when she was a child. Li Yuan rang the doorbell, Nan Zhiya opened the door as expected, and then Li Yuan gave her the new shoes that she had prepared for her, just because she had said that the smell of her new shoes could make her happy. Li Lang sent Xiao Hei's stepfather to the president, but unexpectedly found that the physalis flowerpot was moved. Li Lang saw with his own eyes how the president used pythons to make things, melting human body and soul into a physalis, and saw how the president sucked the berries into his body. The kid saved by Li Lang was called Xiuhao. Qi Hunli didn't wait to see this little kid, but Shen Zhou was very friendly.

   Lee Yuan accompanies Nan Ji-a for a walk at night. Nan Ji-a took out the medicine the president gave to herself, and also talked about the president’s intentions, but Nan Ji-a didn’t want Lee Yuan to die, but wanted her parents. Come back, so in the end she wanted to catch the python with Li Yuan. Li Lang is provoked by the president, thinking that his brother only cares about Nan Jia and not himself. For this reason, he called Qi Yuli and asked her to call Shen Zhou and asked Shen Zhou if he knew where Li Yuan was. Shen Zhou said he didn't know, and he needed to ask Li Yuan to know where he was. Nan Zhiya and Li Yuan went to Duoyipo. She tried her best to appear less timid and offered an exchange. Duoyipo lent her clairvoyance to find her parents. In exchange, she can catch the python with Li Yuan.

   Later, Li Yuan learned from Duoyipo that Nan Zhiya’s parents were among the berries. He specifically called Li Langda to ask about the berries. The latter said that the berries had been transferred, but he could investigate. Where are the physalis? Li Yuan felt a little strange, but he could never guess the thoughts of his younger brother Li Lang. Writer Jin He Caihuan came to Li Yuan's home to visit Nan Zhiya, and the four of them ordered takeaways at Li Yuan's home. Li Yuan drank a lot of alcohol, and finally agreed to help the president to lure Li Yuan. Li Yuan drank the coffee with the medicine. Tai Li left halfway through the welcome party that everyone held for him. Nan Ji-a followed him and asked him and herself After going back, Terry couldn't get Li Yuan's heart from the president in time.

   At this time, the president was deceived. He drank coffee and pretended that the person who passed out was Li Lang, and Li Yuan turned into Li Lang's appearance.Start acting in front of the president. The president was deceived and his life was dying, so he had to change the contract and asked Li Lang to fulfill the contract to save himself from Li Yuan's hands and bring them to the place where the yogurt was. The contract between Li Lang and the president was cancelled. . Li Yuan found the sour berry, and Nan Zhiya did not drag Taili anymore. Even if he knew that Taili could not kill herself, Nan Zhiya was still frightened by his horrible smile. She ran home and hugged Li Yuan at the door of the house. When I arrived home and saw the long-lost parents who were rescued by Li Yuan, Nan Zhiya ran to the parents uncontrollably and hugged them.

This article is original Lu Opera, please do not reprint without permission! Reprinted with permission

Tags: hanguo