Jimei Qiaoying Street Office Zhou Yafang sticks to the front line of epidemic prevention, her husband teased her to go home like staying in a hotel

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Jimei Qiaoying Street Office Zhou Yafang sticks to the front line of epidemic prevention, her husband teased her to go home like staying in a hotel - Lujuba

Zhou Yafang (left) is on the front line of community prevention and control.

Jimei Qiaoying Street Office Zhou Yafang sticks to the front line of epidemic prevention, her husband teased her to go home like staying in a hotel - Lujuba

A happy family of four.

Jimei Qiaoying Street Office Zhou Yafang sticks to the front line of epidemic prevention, her husband teased her to go home like staying in a hotel - Lujuba

Zhou Yafang is on duty at the hotel.

Xiamen Net News (text/Xiamen Evening News reporter Chen Xinyi Photo/Zhou Yafang) Zhou Yafang was very busy after "85". When interviewed by reporters, colleagues sometimes approached her to coordinate matters. In order to ensure contact at all times, she carries a power bank with her and wears a phone watch. Zhou Yafang is a staff member of the Party and Government Office of the Qiaoying Sub-district Office. He is responsible for the overall planning and coordination of the comprehensive office, guiding the data group and the information group to update data and report information trends every day. Since the meeting on epidemic prevention and control was held in the street on January 22, until yesterday, she has been in a state of no rest for more than 60 days, and has provided guarantee for 44 epidemic prevention and control meetings.

Each of the 10 communities has walked at least 10 times to the front line to discover the problem.

"I was very nervous at the beginning. It was the first time I participated in such a large epidemic prevention and control work, especially during the Spring Festival. There were no materials, working methods, measures, etc. You can learn from it, explore step by step." Zhou Yafang said. She brought her friends in the office to work overtime to formulate measures, refine flowcharts, and design commitment letter templates.

Since most of the volunteers who temporarily signed up for prevention and control are residents of urban villages and communities, and are not familiar with prevention and control policies and procedures, she and her colleagues specially produced the "Work Flow Chart for the Entry and Exit of the Card Stations in the Communities of Qiaoying Street" and "Community Temporary Standards for the Work of Personnel on Duty of Body Temperature Monitoring, to help stationed personnel quickly grasp the “prevention and control wall” of the community.

In order to coordinate and solve the problem of employees entering and leaving the community, she also designed the "Two Sheets of Personal Commitment Letter" and "Company Employee Return Commitment Letter" to effectively help enterprises and construction projects in the jurisdiction to solve the problem of resumption of work. In order to make these programs more instructive, she often went to the village to live at least 10 times in each of the 10 communities. Zhou Yafang said that only when you get to the front line can you discover the problems in the implementation of the relevant procedures, and then adjust the working ideas and procedures.

is on-site for 7 hours to sort out the work process and organize training.

The enterprise resumes work and production, facing the dilemma of lack of workers or nowhere to live after returning to Xiamen. She and her colleagues designed a letter of commitment. After individuals and companies signed the letter of commitment, they did a good job of epidemic prevention for employees returning to Xiamen. This not only solved the company's employment problems, but also helped returnees to get a place to live.

Once, when she visited the company, a person in charge of the company repeatedly expressed gratitude, saying that the street had solved many problems of resuming work and production for them. "Unexpectedly, a simple standardized process, a letter of commitment, and dozens of coordination calls can help companies solve so many problems." Zhou Yafang said, although he was busy and exhausted, he felt a sense of gain and accomplishment.

Hubei employees who recently returned to Jimei must stay in a hotel for observation and isolation. Zhou Yafang was busy from 8 am to 3 pm, docking 76 employees returning from Hubei to Xiamen. After returning home, she organized a work process based on on-site experience, and then organized training for duty staff and community staff, including the preparation of staplers, fishtail clips, paper towels, and document bags.

Busy until dawn at three o'clock in the morning, family members are the strongest backing

Zhou Yafang is the deputy head of the coordination group of the integrated office, and her mobile phone is kept open at all times. One day at three o'clock in the morning, the phone rang, and it turned out that a returnee from Xiamen encountered obstacles when entering the village and the rental house.

"Although he meets the relevant requirements, he still can't enter the rental house." Zhou Yafang said that she first called the duty card point, and then contacted the village committee, but the landlord didn't expect to agree. I made many calls back and forth to do the landlord’s ideological work. By the time everything is done, it is already past five in the morning.

Working continuously for more than 60 days, Zhou Yafang said that her family is her strong backing. The 83-year-old grandmother and mother-in-law helped take care of her two children. In the morning, they specially prepared medicinal soup for her to replenish her body and work with peace of mind.

"I owe a lot to my family. I have not been able to take care of the children and have no time to accompany." Zhou Yafang said that there was a period of time when my 2-year-old daughter and 4-year-old son did not see her, "I am six or seven in the morning. Click to go out and arrive home at 11 in the evening, and they are either not awake or asleep." She said that sometimes her husband would tease her, saying that she went home like staying in a hotel, slept and left.

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