Little fairy maintenance is online! Guo Xuefu: Doing a little thing well is also a fulfillment

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Little fairy maintenance is online! Guo Xuefu: Doing a little thing well is also a fulfillment - Lujuba

▲ Guo Xuefu slows down his life, and teasing cats seriously is also a fulfillment. (Photo/brand provided)

reporter Zeng Yijia/Taipei reported that

Guo Xuefu, known as the "Queen of Cargo", has launched the latest maintenance advertisement in cooperation with Guerlain . The brand integrates her mood into the film and shares the facts. This seemingly ordinary day is very brilliant and beautiful, as long as you live it earnestly and steadily, you can usher in the next peak. As Xue Fu said in the opening remarks of the film: "A beautiful life is actually the accumulation of ordinary small days. Do a small thing well, live a good life every day, eat well, rest well, and make fun. Cats are also a kind of fulfillment!"

Little fairy maintenance is online! Guo Xuefu: Doing a little thing well is also a fulfillment - Lujuba

▲ Pick the right products for you, and you must not be lazy in maintenance.

In Xue Fu's ordinary little days, cats are an important part of her life. In order to faithfully restore her daily life, the filming team specially invited the net celebrities of the cat world to come into the lens to show the real life side of Xue Fu and cat interaction. Beauty and health are also the most important part of Sheffield every day. Among them, Guerlain's "Royal Royal Jelly Series" is her beautiful daily routine.

's upcoming new play "Because I Like You", in order to faithfully interpret the role of the national player of Taekwondo, she appeared almost without makeup, but still maintains a translucent and perfect skin in front of the camera, relying on frequent application of Guerlain Royal Royal Jelly every day The series, as she shared in the film: "You can't be lazy a little bit", only with such serious use and hard work can you accumulate true beauty. In addition to the maintenance of the external application,

can also start with diet if you want to develop beautiful skin like a fairy. She recently asked a nutritionist to help adjust her diet and reduce food with seasonings. Three meals are mainly vegetable foods, and the daily amount of water is 2500cc. If you are tired of drinking, you can add some cucumber and lemon in the water to make the water more flavorful. She added more to share. Sometimes drinking in the morning can help reduce edema and refresh the body.

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