Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner

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Industry Conscience Weekly Wenchun came again with melons.

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

has a long-term physical relationship with several women, Watanabe Jian, of which four people accepted Wen Chun. On June 10th, Watanabe also announced the self-regulation of performing arts activities.

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

In 2017, the two got married.

In 2018, the first child of the two was born.

2020.6.9, Watanabe offered to stop all his TV shows.

2020.6.10, the major media broke the news that Watanabe Jian had derailed many women, and Watanabe announced that it was pursuing its own artistic activities. After a little breakdown of

, it can be interpreted as ↓

In 2015, Sasaki Nozomi and Watanabe Kenkei's mutual friend

fell in love after being introduced, Watanabe confessed.

2016~, Watanabe had multiple friends at the same time during their relationship.

In 2017, the two got married.

In 2018, the first child of the two was born. But Watanabe did not converge, and he still made appointments with several girls.

In 2019, Sasaki ins deleted the two married couple photos, and rumors of discord between the couple appeared.

2020.6.6 Wen Chun seeks to build on the Watanabe

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba


His friend said so about Watanabe’s female relationship.

「彼は佐々木さんと交際していた時間から复数の相手と關門を持っていました. 2017年4月に佐々木希され(32)第1年と子9月ししししししししししししししたた。もLife Attitude はあまり変わらなかった" When

and Nozomi Sasaki were dating, he already had several friends around him. From his marriage in April 2017 to the birth of two children in the second year, his attitude towards life remained unchanged.

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba


Employee X of a certain company in Tokyo accepted an interview with "Weekly Wenchun", and she spoke very heavily.

"ta shi ka ni private と san wa Watanabe, Connecticut, multi い と ki ni wa weeks back Mizuho-do relationship wo hold ~ te i ma shi ta. After they married mo do me cry ru ko と na ku, Suites ー Tatari Hikaru で 30 back wa super e te IRU ka moo shi me cry ma se san"

"relatively large number of times, We will have twice a week. (Watanabe) there is no change after marriage, the total should exceed 30 times."

そのうち, Watanabe’s secret meeting place and して設定するようになったのが、Tokyo Metropolitan Minato Ward, Tokyo Metropolitan Minato Ward, Tokyo Metropolitan Minato Ward, Tokyo Metropolitan Minato Ward, Tokyo Metropolitan Minato に結える六本木ヒルズだった. The location of

's secret meeting was designated by Watanabe, which is located in Roppongi Hills, Minato-ku, Tokyo.

「彼は『下車车场に近接した多目トイレに来い』と言うのです。エレベーターの前で落ち合って,トイレの類ゟ開めはりげりげりめめげりげりめめげりめめげりめめめのをの間めめげりめめげりげりめめんの頁てしwill え ru moment wo vale え ru と, underground 2-4 order ni thou ru Suites イ Ritz- wo wandering shi, who mo い nai order wo confirm shi で "underground ○ order ne. su Professions to te" on ta と instructions wo out shi te ku ru yo u ni na っ ta の desu "(Same as before)

"Let me go to the multi-functional toilet next to the underground parking lot, meet in front of the elevator, when the door is closed.... After that, I have been meeting in the toilet of Roppongi Hills. He told me the time I can meet. Wandering around the B2-B4 restrooms, confirm that there is no one, and then tell me which restroom to meet." What did

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - LujubaFollow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

Roppongi Building do wrong? ?

六本木ヒルズを管理する森ビルの办当者が気味に话す。 The management of

Roppongi Hills is very confused.

"Original, multi-purpose トイレはphysical impairment personの方などのutilizationを想定してSETされたもので(性的行为は)公序良俗に反する目外用に当たり咁まっ巡回员る目外用に当たりっりまっ巡回员ままっ警りままっりまるまるまままっりまももまらてらてももので、そうした行为を見つけた事件には, of course, pay attention to をしています"

" The multi-functional toilet is set up for the convenience of the disabled. Sexual acts in it violate public order and moral principles. We usually arrange people to patrol regularly. If we find the above behaviors, we must Attention will be paid."

前出・Xさんは渡部との逢瀬を振り回って言った. Miss

X recalled the experience of meeting with Watanabe Ken, she said.

"He wa private の ko と wo" of noha ke mouth "ku ra い ni shi ka think ~ te い na ka っ ta san で shi January U ne. se Circular te a person の female と resolved after Cha ~ te For shi ka っ ta と thought i ma su"

"I think he just put me as a vent tool , At least want him to treat me as a woman." The above

is part of the free version released by Wenchun yesterday, and in the paid version, in addition to the above X, there are three other female friends who talked about their relationship with Watanabe.

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

A son-met in a mess, worked in a restaurant

had been dating Nozomi Sasaki when she had a relationship. On the day of the party, Watanabe deliberately took a photo with the man to prevent Sasaki from becoming suspicious. A child and Watanabe have been holding separate rooms for a tryst for a certain period of time. While maintaining a physical relationship with Son A, there was Son B (Miss X).

C son-met in 2019, Tokyo lived in

tryst place at the woman's house, time 1-3 hours. Watanabe once said, "Go to your house for fear of being discovered. Why don't you rent a meeting room near Shibuya, you go find it"?

? Son-I met

at the Nagoya International Hotel in 2004-09 at the club in Nagoya. My attitude changed suddenly after drinking and urging the woman to leave. It took about 1 hour.

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

​​The picture above shows Ken Watanabe who was going to take away the beautiful women when he attended a certain music festival in September last year.

Another unknown woman who had had a relationship with Watanabe asked the transition department, "You have Nozomi Sasaki, why do you want to cheat"? Ken Watanabe's answer is:

My wife and I have a very good relationship. However, this is completely different. When I see cute girls, I will meet them.

奥さんとは仲が良い.でも、それとこれは别。 Lovely い子に会えたら行っちゃうじゃん.

directly contacted Watanabe in Wenchun for about 8 hours, and X received a questioning call from Nozomi Sasaki.

"I've recorded the phone call, you better not lie, tell me when is the last meeting with him (Watanabe Ken)?" "Tell me clearly, before or after we got married?" A friend of

X said at that time Sasaki Xi's tone was strong, her voice was angry, and the content of the call also hinted that relevant legal measures would be taken. (さすが Akita no Yuan ヤン

incident. According to other Japanese media’s interviews with related parties, Nozomi Sasaki should not be divorced for the time being. . The two are not separated now. Although Watanabe has stole fishy many times, but for those The derailed person does not have romantic feelings. The decision is in Sasaki's hands, and it depends on whether Watanabe has an attitude to re-behave.

Nozomi Sasaki's office stated that "we have no right to respond to private affairs between husband and wife."

According to an entertainment reporter Inoue Kozō’s latest exclusive news, after and Nozomi Sasaki’s relationship, Ken Watanabe had a physical relationship with 7 women, and indecent videos were exposed.

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - LujubaFollow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

Faced with a series of Sao operations by Watanabe, the host of an intelligence program on Japanese TV. Kato Koji comments when it comes to focus:

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

"notes ga a ru pre-ni activity from Su (fire extinction shi) ni go っ ta ga fire ni oil wo note い da da ke"

"ホ nn Suites ni world の Watanabe da と think っ ち ゃ っ ta の ka na thou"

"ke chiくさい感じ成っかったね (location and かお金とか)”

“want to put out the fire before the media broke the news (proactively declare self-declaration), but instead added fuel to the fire.”

“Does he really think of himself as the Watanabe of the world?”

"(read the report) I think this person is too stingy (point out the location of the track and money)"

Watanabe’s construction performance activities stopped, which is a bitter Ojikata Oshima (oh, 児嶋). According to the news, it was broadcast today. The Watanabe’s radio program is temporarily performed by Ujima, and Ujima will also be replaced by Ujima on the tomorrow’s broadcast.

What’s interesting is that the comments below on Twitter are already in a state of great joy ↓

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

finally asked Xiangfang to wipe his butt.

Follow-up on Watanabe's derailment! Nozomi Sasaki personally interrogates the affair partner - Lujuba

This content is originally compiled and compiled by Hujiang Japanese, please do not reprint without authorization.

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