will air the talk show MBC "Radio Star" on Wednesday the 19th at 11:10 pm. The starring actors of the movie "An Shiseong", Jo In Sung, Bae Sung Woo, Park Bing Eun, and Nam Joo Hyuk will appear in the special episode of "Taking Off the Armor". . It is said that Nam Joo Hyuk frankly blew himself up in the show. Those who want to watch it, wait for the show to go live.
'라디오 스타' 에 출연 한 배우 남주 혁이 배우 조인성, 임주환 과 특별한 제주도 여행 을 한 사실 을 고백 하며 김기방 이 조언 을 한 사연 을 풀어 낸다. 또한 어린 시절 생활고 까지 솔직하게 고백 했다고 전해져 그가 어떤 이야기 를 펼쳐 낼지 궁금증을높인다.
starring in "Radio Star" actor Nam Joo Hyuk broke out that he and actor Cho In-sung, Lin Ju-hwan's special trip to Jeju Island, and the reason why Kim Ki-bang gave him advice. It is said that he also confessed frankly that he had a hard life as a child. What will he say? The audience is very interested in it.
오는 19 일 수요일 밤 11 시 10 분 방송 될 토크쇼 MBC '라디오 스타' 는 영화 '안시성' 의 주역 조인성, 배성우, 박병 은, 남 주혁 과 함께하는 '갑옷 을 벗고 ~' 특집 으로 진행 된다 .
will The talk show MBC "Radio Star" aired at 11:10 pm on Wednesday, 19th, invited the starring actors of the movie "An Shicheng" Zhao In-sung, Bae Sung-woo, Park Bing-eun, and Nam Joo-hyuk to star in the special "Taking off the armor".
남 주혁 은 최근 조인성, 임주환 과 제주도 여행 을 다녀왔다. 당시이 소식 을 들은 김기방 은 여행 을 위해 그 에게 특별한 준비물 을 들고 가라는 조언 을 했다고. 조인성 의 절친 이기도 한 김기방 이 어떤 조언 을 했을지, 그들이 어떤 여행 을 했을지궁금증을높인다.
Nam Joo Hyuk recently went to Jeju Island with Cho In Sung and Lin Ju Hwan. At that time, Kim Kibang, who had heard the news, suggested that he prepare something to bring. What advice did Kim Kibang, who is a good friend of Zhao Insung, give him, and what was their trip like? All these make the audience very curious.
또한 현재 187cm 장 신인남 주혁 은 중학교 때 이미 184cm 이었다고 밝혀 모두 를 놀라게 했다. 그는 2 년만 에키 가 30cm 폭풍 성장 했음을 고백 했는데, 갑자기 큰 키로 인해 생기는 부작용 을 묻다 스튜디오 가 웃음 바다 가 됐다는 후문 .
and now Nam Joo Hyuk, who is 187cm tall, is said to have reached 184cm tall in middle school, which surprised everyone. He blew himself up that his height soared by 30cm in two years, and he also told the side effects of his sudden heightening, which made the whole recording studio laugh.
남 주혁 은 한국 남자 배우 중 SNS 팔로워 수 로 2 위 를 기록 하고 있는 사실 이 공개 되기도 했는데, 그의 팔로워 수 에 모두 가 눈 이 휘둥그레 졌다고. 그런가 하면 그는 너무 솔직한 게임 아이디 덕분 (?) 에 신상 이 공개 됐던에피소드를털어놔MC들을폭소케했다.
Nam Joo Hyuk revealed the fact that he ranks second in SNS fans among Korean actors, and his number of fans made everyone stare in surprise. It is said that his personal information was disclosed because of his too straightforward game account, which made the MCs burst into laughter.
특히 남 주혁 은 어린 시절 생활고 를 솔직하게 고백 해 관심 을 모을 예정. 그는 당시 상황 을 얘기 하면서 "지금 은 너무 좋아 졌다" 고 솔직 담담 하게 자신 의 얘기 를 들려 줬다는 후문 .
especially Nam Joo-hyuk will confess Exposing the hardships of my childhood life has won the attention of many people. It is said that after he spoke lightly about the situation at the time, he frankly said: "It's really much better now."
과연 남주혁이 조인성, 임주환과의 제주도 여행에 가져간 것은 무엇엇남넜으넜엇엇엇료시킬남주혁의얘 기는오는 19일수요일밤11시10분방송되는'라디오스타'를통오 오스타'를통수 0 "Radio Star" broadcasted at 11:10 on Wednesday, 19th, watched Nam Joo Hyuk's story with a frank and indifferent charm.
한편, '라디오 스타' 는 김국진 - 윤종신 - 김구라 - 차태현 4MC 들이 어디로 튈지 모르는 촌철살인 의 입담 으로 게스트 들을 무장 해제 시켜 진짜 이야기 를 끄집어 내는 독보적 토크쇼 로 많은 사랑 을 받고 있다 .
on the one hand, "Radio Star "Currently, it is hosted by 4 MCs, Kim Kuk-jin, Yoon Jong-shin, Kim Gu-la, and Cha Tae-hyun. Their unpredictable eloquence disintegrated the guests' arms, and the unique host style that induced a true story won the love of many audiences.
South Korean netizens comment:
1. Tall people will grow taller anyway, and those who are not tall will not grow taller anyway. I am the latter
2. It is not a matter of height for men. It's whether he is tall and handsome like Nam Joo Hyuk. Just as there are many women with good bodies, the important thing is whether their faces are also beautiful.
3. Recently I watched Jin Fuzhu again, and my heart was overwhelming, oh, what a warm man
4. When I was in middle school, I was 175... I thought I would easily break 180 under this situation. But when I grow up, my height is still the height I was in middle school...now my height...uuuuu
5. The face is small and tall, the body is slim, and he looks handsome. It's all about being an artist...probably since the birth of a mother Doomed.
6. Probably the height is really natural, envy