Yao Chen: I have taken many detours, but it does not prevent me from living beautifully.

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Yao Chen recently got on a hot search for a sentence.

"I want to have sex with you." This is a confession in the movie "Send Me Up to the Clouds".

Yao Chen: I have taken many detours, but it does not prevent me from living beautifully. - Lujuba

Chinese people are restrained and euphemistic, and can say a lot of love, but she has a mouth to express her desires naked. In the

movie, Sheng Nan is irritable and melancholic after learning that he has ovarian cancer. He doesn't know where he is wrong, and asks God why he is so unfair.

She could not accept the arrangement of fate, and exhausted all her strength to contend with the world, but she suddenly realized that life is unsatisfactory, and regrets and mistakes are processes that must be experienced in life. Instead of giving a reason for mistakes, Reconcile with the error with a generous attitude.

Wrong is wrong, this is Yao Chen's exclusive philosophy of life. She used her mistakes as her strength to stand alone.

"I'm just a genius dancer who temporarily hides among the folk"

Yao Chen was born in a small town in Fujian, and his parents are both iron rice bowls. When she was young, she thought she would have a job within the system, just like her parents, and live this life steadily.

, the wheel of fate, turned around when she was 14 years old.

This is her first misplacement when she was young.

The High School Attached to Beijing Dance Academy enrolled students in her school. The art teacher felt that the tall Yao Chen was a good dancer and encouraged her to try.

Unfortunately, in the examination room, she did not show the beauty of a little girl, she was stiff like a stick.

Seeing the other little girls doing difficult exercises in the exams, Yao Chen retreated.

Fortunately, she was selected.

Yao Chen has a poor dance foundation. In order to catch up with the progress of other students, she dared not relax at all, so she plunged into the practice room after dinner.

She inspired herself with Ah Q's spiritual victory method: I am just a genius dancer who temporarily hides in the folks. One day, my talent will be discovered by the world. When

was in the third year of training, she understood that in order to become a dancer, talent is more important than hard work.

"That kind of feeling is like I have a crush on this man, but this person is very disgusting with me, and has a feeling of inequality."

By mistake, Niu Na, a teacher of the Performing Department of the PLA Academy of Arts, appeared in her In her life, her life trajectory was completely changed.

Yao Chen has always been unconfident about his appearance. When

was young, her father was worried about her big mouth. When the dance academy took group photos, she felt like an ugly duckling who had strayed into Swan Lake.

But when Teacher Niu Na saw her, she said: She is too suitable to be an actor. It was the first time that

received such a clear recognition and evaluation. The idea of ​​Qiwu from acting began to sprout in her heart.

But their entire class is a substitute training class of the Fuzhou Song and Dance Theater. They must return to the group after graduation, otherwise they will have to pay a fine of 100,000 yuan.

Helpless, she missed the People’s Liberation Army Art Academy and returned to her hometown where she had been far away for a long time. The

song and dance troupe’s days are leisurely and leisurely. Every morning the symbolic place name and meeting are held. If you are willing to practice, no one will say no.

saw the future of the head at a glance, not what she wanted.

She often receives letters from Teacher Niu Na. In the letter, the teacher expresses sincerely that she hopes that she can take the exam again, and she will not let her down on her talents.

Yao Chen was moved. Her decision was supported by her family. Her father ran all over the homes of relatives and friends and gave her enough liquidated damages to send her north again.

She was very upbeat and was successfully admitted to the Beijing Film Academy with the first place in professional courses.

From dancing to performance, from being well-behaved to being free, this kind of dislocation experience is unexpected, and perhaps destined.

"I'm a big Tsing Yi actually going to act in a sitcom"

In the drama study, Yao Chen quickly got a sense of accomplishment that he couldn't get in dancing. In the

class, the teacher asked them to write their own stories. Yao Chen wrote a "Birdman" story:

a civil servant returned home after get off work, his wife and children's blame and screams would pierce his eardrums. Unbearable, he jumped down from the window, but he didn’t die because he suddenly grew a pair of wings, From then on fly to the distance. After reviewing, teacher

said to the class: "If any of your group grabs Yao Chen, then it will pick up the treasure." Yao Chen, who has rarely been praised by the teacher, feels that he has stepped into heaven.

From the first day she entered the film school, she set herself a grand goal: to become a great actor.

But she did not expect that she would be unemployed after graduation.

Yao Chen, who was born for acting in everyone's eyes, fell into an embarrassing situation of no use by the crew.

She ran many auditions one after another, and every time she went back in failure. The only gain was a blessing from the other party: "You look very distinctive, and your future development must be very good." Before

came out of the cottage, he encountered Waterloo, and Yao Chen was discouraged and planned to return to his hometown.

turned around, Director Shang Jing called and extended an olive branch to her.

"Sitcom "Wulin Gaiden", do you want to try it?"

Yao Chen has always played Da Tsing Yi. When rehearsing in school, her roles are all dignified, decent and serious characters: Mrs. Macbeth, Wu Zetian, Yun Of all. She has never dabbled in sitcoms. What's more, acting in sitcoms at that time was a “dropping” thing, and she didn't want to.

But Shang Jing's words touched her: it's not a comedy that is just grinning, but a group of people doing a stupid thing seriously is a comedy.

gambled, Yao Chen made up his mind.

She went to the newsstand as usual that day to hang out, and she caught a glimpse of a girl in a yellow T-shirt and white skirt on the cover of the next magazine.

is quite familiar, and when he takes a closer look, he turns out to be himself.

​​She won the bet, and Guo Furong's role made her the "Mainland Wu Junru", a veritable "comedy queen".

became famous in an instant, bringing her a sense of dislocation far greater than a sense of surprise.

Am I not Da Tsing Yi? How come you become a comedian?

Since then she has acted in many comedies, but the public will remember only Guo Furong.

reporter asked: "What if you can't surpass Guo Furong?"

said: "Then don't surpass, start another line."

She is always seeking self-breakthrough. In 2008, the opportunity came.

Cuiping in the spy war drama "Latent", an uneducated, old-fashioned, but sincere and brave rural woman, is extremely different from her own personality.

"This drama forced me to go out of my heart and completely throw away the stuff on the skin."

she couldn't fault her acting skills to make this role live. There were fewer and fewer people calling her Guo Furong, and Cuiping's voice intensified.

did not become popular with the role of Da Tsing Yi, and was not satisfied with the title of queen of comedy. She played the ever-changing life with her ever-changing roles.

She will not stay where she is, because she understands that the road is always forward and people can only go upward.

"The Queen of Weibo is the halo given to me by the times"

Some people commented on Yao Chen, who was the lucky one chosen by the times.

In 2009, Weibo was born. A friend found her and said that we have a new product recently. Would you like to try it?

At first, she was confused. She didn't know what Weibo was. The other party told her: It's similar to a blog, but with a few words. The agent has no restrictions, I suggest she try. This attempt of

was out of control. She has to tweet about the trivial and trivial things, and reply to comments when she catches her free time. The whole girl is a serious internet addiction.

only six months, Yao Chen Weibo fans exceeded one million. In her opinion, sending Weibo is just like sending text messages to old friends. It is a very common thing, but the sudden title of "Queen of Weibo" made her flattered.

In 2010, her Weibo certification added a line: UNHCR Goodwill Ambassador for China. The identity of

brought a huge change to her life. She is no longer a successful actress, but a female celebrity who is willing to assume broader social responsibilities and is full of moral care.

"I hope that I will be more influential and complete my mission since then." As a public figure,

enjoys the brilliance and will alsoHas been completely exposed to the center of public opinion. Weibo brought her fame and suffered the biggest hit since her debut.

's verbal criticism from all directions made her breathless, "a actor still wants to be a public knowledge" and other malicious words, once made Yao Chen fall into deep self-doubt.

's long-lost sense of dislocation, began to cause trouble again.

She lived in entanglement all day long, she was puzzled by outside voices, worried about the disadvantaged existence, and all kinds of sad emotions invaded and spread in her current situation.

"The whole person is like a refrigerator, hissing outside. The whole person has lost enthusiasm and the ability to love, and has lost what he believes."

She retreated from the position of the first sister of the flow to the second line, the crown of the queen of Weibo She also fell to his house and fell from the clouds to the bottom. She realized later that fame and fortune were the biggest blow to people.

All the good, the bad, the lucky, the unfortunate, she accepts them all.

She simply stopped updating Weibo, closed the comments, shut all the darkness out of the door, and kept her behind still bright. Looking for discs and watching movies, one after another, she settled down and polished her acting skills like a beginner.

has gone through the wrong, only then can you meet the right; if you don’t break or stand, if you don’t have Nirvana, you won’t be reborn.

She no longer cares about fame and fortune, she just wants to follow her heart, do what she wants to do, and become the person she wants to be.

"Will be wrong, take what you choose."

went from "Wulin Gaiden" to "Latent", and then successfully moved to the big screen, endless red carpet, endless awards, looking at the entire film and television industry, she was in the limelight. No two.

In 2012, when she was about to flex her muscles, she became pregnant. What's more, the agent was also pregnant at the same time. She could only give up the highly chosen script and the originally planned work. Three years later,

finally brought up the baby and was about to return to her career. When she was ready to return to her career, the bloody plot was staged again. She and her agent became pregnant at the same time and went home to have a second child.

Many people say that having children delayed Yao Chen's career, but for her, having children is a beautiful mistake.

Before this, it was difficult for her to imagine herself as a mother. But after being a mother, she understands the true meaning of being a mother because women are weak.

Not only does she want to be a good actress, she also wants to be a good mother.

She put away her edge, basked her pregnant belly generously on Weibo, her whole body exuded a soft light.

is five years in a blink of an eye. Yao Chen was full of confidence and planned to do a big job, but the last employee of the company submitted a resignation application. The spirit that

had just recovered, suddenly disappeared.

last year, she appeared on the stage of "Starry Speech", wearing a dark green dress, her long hair was naturally spread over her shoulders, smiling and joking: "After giving birth, what should be drooping, what should not be drooping? All of them are drooping.” In the speech of

, she revised it many times carefully, and she even worked hard on pauses and tone particles. The awkwardness and confusion of an unwilling middle-aged actress appeared between the lines. When

gave birth, she pressed the pause button for her acting career, and when she came back, she suddenly realized that the world was not what she used to be.

The back wave of the Yangtze River pushes the front wave, and the front wave dies on the beach. The competition in the entertainment industry is far more intense than we thought.

Yao Chen began to seriously think about the problem that all stars want to face-what would happen if I ceased to be popular one day

So she decided to save the country by curve.

In 2016, Yao Chen and her husband Cao Yu co-founded Bad Rabbit Pictures. Since then, she has been full of energy every day.

wrote two big words on her face: ambition. The first masterpiece of

is the movie "Find You".

She played an elite lawyer in the movie and spoke the voice of countless middle-aged women:

"If you choose to be a professional woman, some people will say that you ignore your family. If you choose to become a full-time mother, others will say It’s a woman’s duty to have children and it’s not a career."

Yao Chen tells the world personally: a life of two choices is not a woman’s fate.

She became more and more bold, and more and more dared to speak.

Some people say that she became more rebellious when she reached middle age. In fact, she saw it more clearly when she reached middle age.

is like the heroine Su Mingyu who she played in "Everything is Good". When she was young, she suffered a lot of grievances because of her mother's patriarchy and father's cowardice.

She questioned. She struggled. She felt that her birth was a mistake. She desperately escaped from the trajectory predetermined by fate, but she could only sink deeper and deeper.

She wanted to stay far away from the Su family, but because of her blood relationship, she couldn't completely cut her off from the Su family. She competed with her family, herself, and fate.

However, after going through various twists and turns, she finally chose to reconcile with her family, reconciled with her misplaced fate, and reconciled with her stubborn self.

She gradually understands that everyone at different ages has different life choices. Choose what you can bear and bear what you choose. Even if it is misplaced, you can only move forward with speed. This is the mystery of life.

Looking back at Yao Chen's first half of life, she always seems to be "going the wrong way."

Every time she chooses, it seems that she is not perfect, but it happens that every time she chooses has a gap, each segment of her life can be firmly connected and run like a gear, pushing her forward. What if

is wrong, it's better than giving up halfway.

Yao Chen said in the circle of friends that what he most wants to do in the second half of his life is to be completely honest with his heart.

is meaningless right or wrong, but seek autonomy; seek perfection, but miss it.

's repeated misplacement experience has shaped her life on the right track.

Actually, Yao Chen's life is the epitome of our own life.

Whose life does not detour? Who didn't walk all over the hills and rivers before seeing the willows?

We complain about the unfair destiny, and life is always full of mistakes, but we have never thought about it. Perhaps every sudden mistake is a fate as expected.

Rather than resist, it is better to turn mistakes into strength like Yao Chen, and rise to the sky.

Tags: movie