Sifang Street, Shibei District, Qingdao: "In the name of the family" to create a "neighborhood" in the jurisdiction

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People’s Network-Shandong Channel

People’s Network Qingdao, September 16 (Liu Yingjie) In the "Red Quartet", there are always some people who bring their own "hot search bodies" in the "Red Quartet", busy carrying out activities, busy building homes, Busy to send warmth to the neighbours, neighbourhood partners make a unique move to create a "neighborhood circle" in the district.

Care for the elderly to prevent disability Dementia Lectures

As the problem of community aging becomes more and more obvious, in order to promote the demonstration experience of "healthy aging", recently, the Sifang Community Party Committee under Sifang Street, Shibei District, Qingdao organized the "Caring for the Elderly" People, Prevention of Disability and Dementia" lecture.

Sifang Street, Shibei District, Qingdao: 'In the name of the family' to create a 'neighborhood' in the jurisdiction - Lujuba

"Caring for the Elderly, Preventing Disability and Dementia" lecture

In the lecture

, the speaker, Mr. Sun, used vivid and concise case stories to explain to the residents the judgment standards, classification performance, preventive measures and simple care of the elderly with disability and dementia. It also teaches you how to exercise limbs and brain functions through simple mini games and finger activities, and reduce related diseases caused by functional deterioration. Through simple behavioral judgments, an early warning mechanism is established to improve the awareness of disease risk, achieve early detection, early intervention, and early treatment, and increase the probability of recovery. As the course progressed, many residents asked related questions, and the lecturers answered them one by one. The atmosphere of the whole lecture was relaxed, active and interactive, which was well received by the community residents.

Sifang Street, Shibei District, Qingdao: 'In the name of the family' to create a 'neighborhood' in the jurisdiction - Lujuba

Lecture on "Caring for the Elderly, Preventing Disability and Dementia"

"Elderly people are a high incidence of disability and dementia. This kind of course is very necessary for elderly friends. It is important for the society and family to guide the elderly to correctly understand and prevent diseases It has had a positive impact." Community Secretary Zhang Meihua said: "Many elderly friends said after class that they did not know much about the prevention and control of these diseases. Through the popularization of this kind of public welfare courses, not only can self-examination and self-examination be possible. , It can also help relatives and friends around you understand these diseases, and indeed benefited a lot.”

Coincidentally, many communities such as Haijia Community in Sifang Street and Jianguo Village Community have also carried out "healthy aging" publicity and education activities to help elderly people in the community. Solve the "first-class" major issues, send care and warmth, improve the health of the elderly in the jurisdiction, and enhance the sense of acquisition, happiness and security of the elderly and their families.

A greeting card to send kindness Teacher’s Day Handmade greeting card production

Every autumn is the beginning of a school year for teachers, and it is also the best time to promote the virtue of respecting teachers. On the occasion of the 35th Teacher's Day, in order to let the children express their gratitude to the teachers, the Sifang Community on Sifang Street launched a handmade card making activity for Teachers' Day with "One Greeting Card and One Thanksgiving".

Sifang Street, Shibei District, Qingdao: 'In the name of the family' to create a 'neighborhood' in the jurisdiction - Lujuba

Teacher's Day Handmade Greeting Card Making

The children participating in the activity happily came to the community children’s shared space and prepared to make a unique greeting card to express their gratitude to teachers. Before the start of the activity, the Ivy League teacher told the children some short stories about Teacher's Day, so that the children have a deep understanding of Teacher's Day. In the activity, under the meticulous guidance of the teacher, the children used their imagination, wrote thank-you letters and blessings on the cardboard, and used colorful buttons to collage a tree full of flowers. Some children drew a four-leaf clover symbolizing luck for the teacher, pasted many origami hearts on the cardboard, and hollowed out the greeting card to make the greeting card more three-dimensional.

Through this activity, the Sifang community on Sifang Street planted the seeds of gratitude and blessings in the hearts of children, making the atmosphere of "respecting teachers" the norm, and letting the idea of ​​"emphasizing education" benefit every teacher.

Sifang Street, Shibei District, Qingdao: 'In the name of the family' to create a 'neighborhood' in the jurisdiction - Lujuba

Teacher’s Day hand-made greeting card production

It is understood that these heart-warming little things benefited from the "Watching and Helping", "Community Culture", "Community Environmental Protection" and "Neighborhood" organized by Sifang Street with the theme of "building a neighborhood in the name of family". A series of activities in the four directions of "community integration". At present, the activity is implemented in combination with property management, garbage classification, civilized behavior, etc., forming an activity in which multiple subjects such as red partners, community service teams, volunteer teams, and veterans participate in all aspects, gradually forming "mutual assistance and love The warm atmosphere of "delivering the beauty around you with the feelings of the neighbors" reflects the governance philosophy of "building, co-governance and sharing, and watching for a beautiful home". (Picture courtesy of Sifang Street


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