'집사부일체' 김희선이 차은우와 공감대를 형성했다.
The consensus of Jinxiyoushan and Cheyin in "One Family".
23일 방송된 SBS'집사부일체'에서는 김희선이 사부로 등장했다.
appeared in the "Master of Goodness" broadcast on the 23rd.
이날 김희선 은 차은 우 를 보며 "얼굴 천재 분" 이라며 반가워 했다. 그러자 차은 우는 " 원조 (얼굴 천재)" 라고 거 들었고, 김희선 은 "(우리 한테) 얼굴 천재 라고 하는데 우리 는 우리 입 으로말한적없지않냐"며공감대를형성해웃음을안겼다.
On that day, Kim Hee-sun looked at the Che Yinyou and said, "This is a genius, right?" However, Cha Yinyou said that Jin Xishan was "the originator of (faced genius)", and Jin Xishan said: "(Everyone said we are) faceted genius, but we have never said that by ourselves." They formed each other. The consensus caused laughter.
그리고 김희선 은 "승기 씨 도 원조 잖아요. 남자 중에 얼굴 천재 원조" 라고 했 지만 이승기 는 "제가?" 라고 반문 해 웃음 을 안겼다. 또 양세형 에게 "저는 '코빅' 은꼭 챙겨 봐요. 코미디 . 계 얼굴 천재 "라고 했고, 김동현 에게" '놀토' 도보 는데 실물 이 훨씬 잘 생기 셨다 파이터 계 얼굴 천재 "라고 칭찬 했다 .
Kim Hee-sun said:" Lee Seung-gi is also the originator of it, men face genius "The originator of "," Li Shengji asked, "Am I?" He asked, drew a burst of laughter. Kim Hee Sun also said to Liang Se-hyung : "I have been watching "Comedy League" all the time. You are the face genius in the comedy world." Then he praised Kim Dong-hyun and said: "I also watched "Amazing Saturday". Real people are handsome. Much more, it’s the face genius of the fighting world."
그러자이승기는 "신뢰성떨어지게" 라고발끈해좌줖을폼폼 폼 폼 폼 3z0, and said that the trust was lowered. The people roared with laughter.
Today’s vocabulary:
공감대【noun】consensus, resonance.
원조【noun】originator, ancestor.
반갑다 [adjective] happy, happy.
반문하다 [His verb] Rhetorical question.
발끈하다 [verb] was furious.
sentence pattern grammar:
–지만 (add'이지만' after the noun)
means the content of the text is opposite. The conjunctive ending that indicates the opposite relationship is equivalent to the Chinese "although...but...".
벌써 밤 12시이지만 아직 할 일이 많습니다.
Although it is already 12 o'clock in the evening, there are still many things to do.
나는 커피를 좋아하지만 친구는 오렌지주스를 좋아해요.
Although I like coffee, my friends like orange juice.
It is followed by the stems of verbs, adjectives, 이다/아니다, 있다/없다, and after the ending 았/었/였/겠, which means an explanation of the background situation, that is, a situation is described first, and then added Supplementary description.
1) means an explanation of the background situation
배가 고픈데 먹을 거 없어?
Are you hungry and have nothing to eat?
2) means the reminder environment for the following things (mainly used with verbs, in the present tense).
길을 건너는데 동창을 만났다.
I met a classmate while crossing the road.
3) indicates a slight turning point.
그는 수학은 잘하는데 영어는 못해요.
He is good at math, but not good at English.
Korean course recommendation: