Stephen Chow's ex-girlfriend, who was bankrupt, deaf, and suffering from cancer after breaking up, was written into the movie by the star after his death

movie 520℃

mentioned Zhou Xingchi's love affair, the first thing people think of

is Zhu Yin.

But often no one remembers Luo Huijuan.

After she died of cancer,

has Luo Huijuan in almost every movie of the star.

and even movie lines, lyrics,

also miss Luo Huijuan.

What kind of story happened between them?

today’s article will reveal the secrets one by one for everyone.

Stephen Chow's ex-girlfriend, who was bankrupt, deaf, and suffering from cancer after breaking up, was written into the movie by the star after his death - Lujuba

Even now, when the media mentions Zhou Xingchi's love affair, they will definitely point out a name-Zhu Yin.

But in fact, it is not Zhu Yin, but Luo Huijuan who really made Zhou Xingchi change from "Star Boy" to "Star Lord".

is very strange to most people.

She doesn't have Zhu Yin's "One-shot Classic", unlike Karen Mok, and she has no sadomasochism that has been hyped up by the media.

Luo Huijuan has, and the only one that is familiar to the public, only the title of "Ex-girlfriend Zhou Xingchi".

Stephen Chow's ex-girlfriend, who was bankrupt, deaf, and suffering from cancer after breaking up, was written into the movie by the star after his death - Lujuba

It was 1987, and Stephen Chow was still in TVB.

wanders among the "little brothers", "problem teenagers", and "young people in the market" all day long.

And Luo Huijuan is busy with the "Sister Hong Kong" competition.

Unfortunately, she passed the preliminary rounds, but at the critical moment of the semi-finals, she was sent out on business by her company and missed the Hong Kong sister competition.

Luo Huijuan didn't feel depressed for long. She took advantage of her brother Luo Weiping's relationship to get the opportunity to run for the heroine Huo Qingtong of "Book of Swords and Enmity".

Under the introduction of Liao Anli, Luo Huijuan successfully defeated more than 20 opponents and got the role of Huo Qingtong, thus officially entering the entertainment industry.

can be said that she is the heroine on her debut. Many years later, when Luo Huijuan recorded the farewell video, she recalled: "I joined TVB in a daze. In the four years of TVB, I have never been a supporting role and have been playing the leading role." The situation is very different from that of her predecessor, Stephen Chow.

One year later, fate made the two meet.

"Ade is Crazy" first finds Luo Huijuan and then Zhou Xingchi, wanting them to take the play.

Luo Huijuan continues to play the heroine. Stephen Chow is still a supporting role. In the first episode of

, they had a kiss scene.

Zhou Xingchi held Luo Huijuan on the shoulder and kissed twice.

Stephen Chow's ex-girlfriend, who was bankrupt, deaf, and suffering from cancer after breaking up, was written into the movie by the star after his death - Lujuba

There is a classic line in this play, Luo Huijuan yelled at Zhou Xingchi: "If I don't do it, can you support me?"

Zhou Xingchi did not speak.

Many years later, Stephen Chow joked with others: "That was my first kiss on the screen." Once the show was broadcast,

attracted a lot of attention. Fans of

said that these two people really match!

Hong Kong media began to capitalize close-ups: on-screen lovers.

At first, neither Zhou Xingchi nor Luo Huijuan responded.

Maybe their "screen affection" is too strong. Soon after, "Ge Shihou" came to the door and asked them to continue acting as a couple.

This time, Zhou Xingchi finally got right and became the male protagonist. He was famous in the play.

Luo Huijuan is still the heroine, playing Zhuzhu.

This play follows the scene of "Ade is Crazy", and the two have a lot of kissing scenes. The biggest attraction of

is that Zhuzhu has always wanted to get married with Duan Fei. Duan Fei promised in his mouth, but never realized it in action. After the

play was broadcast, the outside world became more suspicious of the news of their love. Almost all gossip weekly magazines reported that Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan were in love.

But the two are still silent about their relationship. As soon as the

movie was filmed, Stephen Chow was called to the United States to film "Dragon on the End of the World". The crew of

said that Zhou Xingchi's English is very poor, but I don't know why he always likes to sneak out and say he wants to buy "Big Brother" (phone).

Later they learned that Zhou Xingchi had bought it exclusively for Luo Huijuan.

Their love affair spread within the circle.

finally stopped being taboo, especially Zhou Xingchi. When interviewed by reporters again, he would mention Luo Huijuan intentionally or unintentionally.

has an entertainment record that went to the crew to interview Zhou Xingchi and asked him if he had anything interesting in filming.

Zhou Xingchi smiled and said: "When we were filming, Luo Huijuan walked over and stepped on the banana peel with one foot, and then all four feet upright like a cockroach." After

said these few words, he couldn't help it anymore and grinned. : "Do you think it is funny?" this time

Remembrance seems to be a mark that Stephen Chow can't erase. Some fans have discovered that for many years to come, there is a "banana peel" in Stephen Chow's movies, which is repeating this "four feet upright" scene.

"The King of Comedy", "Shaolin Football", "He Comes From the Rivers and Lakes" to "Westward Journey", as long as the works related to Stephen Chow, there must be banana peel jokes.

The moment when Luo Huijuan fell, continued in his play.

Since being exposed in front of reporters, Zhou Xingchi has obviously relaxed his relationship with this relationship.

not long after, he even teased the media: "Let’s go to Macau to set off fireworks for the New Year."

In the same year, Luo Huijuan participated in a variety show. The host asked her: What kind of man makes you worthy of marriage?

Luo Huijuan's tone was firm: "Like Zhou Xingchi."

​​Before long, Liu Zhenwei revealed that during the filming of "The Gambler", Zhou Xingchi told him that Stephen Chow wanted to get married.

is not difficult to imagine, the object is Luo Huijuan.

In 1991, after talking about getting married, Zhou Xingchi and Luo Huijuan went to Canada, where they spent 14 days off.

Hong Kong media trumpeted that Zhou Xingchi lost his virginity during this period.

Leslie Cheung also ridiculed Zhou Xingchi: "He is very caring for his girlfriend." When

Zhou Xingchi heard this, he only smiled chastely.

Gao Zhisen also came forward frankly about their sweetness.

He said in an interview with a newspaper that he used to live downstairs at Luo Huijuan's house, and Zhou Xingchi called him to Luo Huijuan's house all day to talk about the script. At this time, Luo Huijuan would listen quietly, and then laugh with Zhou Xingchi. After discussing with

, they went to have a lobster meal together.

However, before getting married, they suddenly broke up. Hong Kong media have speculated that it was Zhu Yin's intervention that caused the two to break up.

However, Zhou Xingchi responded to Zhu Yin's incident in 1996 and said: "If there is no beginning, where can we break up?"

Zhu Yin later complained in "Zhiyun Dinner" and filmed "A Chinese Journey to the West", and saw that there was another person in Stephen Chow's room.

The media pointed out that the person was Karen Mok.

All three women came in for a while.

As for who that person is, it is still a mystery to this day.

In 1995, Luo Huijuan mentioned Zhou Xingchi to Ming Pao Weekly for the first time, saying: "I once said that I would never admit to dating him (Zhou Xingchi)...I don't know how those three years passed. Why. Is it 3 years? Maybe 3 years is the limit period of tolerance!" The words of

made this relationship clouded again.

After saying this, Luo Huijuan stopped saying more.

But when the dust settled, she said in an interview show: "I don't like to lie, and I don't want to lie."

faced the host's constant questioning.

She added: "Maybe I have dreamed of getting married and having children since I was a child, and I also yearn to have my own family and be a good wife and mother. I don't know if this is out of date or what, why I am so obsessed with you. You are me Neuropathy.”

later discovered that star fans found that almost all of Zhou Xingchi’s movies had this phrase "psychopathy."

At first, the heroine shouted at him: "Insane." After Zhou Xingchi stopped acting, this sentence of "madness" was replaced by the male lead shouting to the female lead. The years that

changed were the years when Luo Huijuan was diagnosed with cancer.

Since breaking up with Stephen Chow, Luo Huijuan has focused on her career.

She went to Taiwan, Malaysia, and Singapore to film, often shooting four films a month.

At this time, the financial crisis swept across the country. Luo Huijuan was not spared. Due to the loss of investment, a lot of wealth was lost, and then he was misled by friends, leading to debt.

At the same time, a year later, she was participating in a diving activity in Singapore. Unfortunately, her eardrum was damaged, causing deafness. Doctor

tested and said that there is no possibility of recovery. The

reporter ran to ask Zhou Xingchi.

Zhou Xingchi looked extremely nervous when he heard the news. He ordered reporters to bring relevant news reports and let him know the details.

and wrote a fax by hand: Juanmei, I have heard of the accident, so I care, I wish you a soonRecovery.

Yangcheng Evening News stated that when they left Stephen Chow’s office, they still heard him telling the staff that they must send the fax to Luo Huijuan. A reporter from

called to ask Luo Huijuan, who is far away in Singapore, how she feels.

Luo Huijuan yelled excitedly: "You see the truth in adversity!"

From that day on, everyone speculated that they were going to get back together.

Unfortunately not.

Because Luo Huijuan is Liu Zhimin's wife, they met at a party.

Her partner Luo Huijuan is 16 years old and treats her very well.

Luo Huijuan was a guest in "Anchor's Meeting Room" and made a joke about Liu Zhimin himself.

She said to the host: "I am him (Liu Zhimin). If I call Miss Luo everywhere, but forget his last name, he will even jokingly say,'My last name is Luo, I am Mr. Luo', I will always Will give him face." The host of

echoed: "If I meet you next time at dinner, I can't call Luo Huijuan or Juanmei, but Mrs. Liu."

Later Luo Huijuan returned to China and met Zhou Xingchi at an event.

When the media saw this and brought them together, Zhou Xingchi seemed very straightforward and kept asking Luo Huijuan about her condition. The

media seized this and took several photos.

This is their last appearance in public.

is also the last photo.

A year later, Luo Huijuan was diagnosed with cancer. Before the death of

, she recorded a farewell video, declaring to encourage the living.

"When you see this video, it means that I am already in the kingdom of heaven. Many people think, Luo Huijuan, you are really bitter, life is very rough. I thought to myself, how rough it is, but at most three things, negative equity , Deaf, and cancer.” At the end of the

video, Luo Huijuan said: “If you want to live without regrets in your life, go live and love well. Don’t give yourself a chance to regret.”

June 2012 On the 29th night, Luo Huijuan passed away.

One of her wills: she hopes to scatter her ashes in Shenzhen Dapeng Bay. On the day of

funeral, Stephen Chow did not attend any activities. Only one pair of elegiac couplets was presented with the inscription: To Mrs. Luo Huijuan.

Four years later, "Mermaid" was staged.

Coincidentally, the setting of "Mermaid" is from Dapeng Bay.

Some people say that it is because Luo Huijuan liked deep diving the most. She also played as a mermaid.

Others discovered that the theme song of "Mermaid" repeated a sentence: My loneliness, who can understand me, she who is hiding in the sky can't listen to me, my loneliness, endless loneliness, only hiding in the sky She only understands...

Tags: movie