The scariest mermaid in the world, the mermaid is real

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In your impression, is beauty and kindness a beautiful and kind beau? Today we will take a look at the scary pictures of mermaids, subvert your traditional concepts, and experience them together. The world is so big, there are no wonders! There are different opinions on the question of whether there are mermaids in the world, but many people have seen the real mermaids and photographed them. The following editor collects some of the so-called so-called on the Internet for everyone. Some of the real mermaid pictures are quite scary.

The scariest mermaid in the world, the mermaid is real - Lujuba

The most terrifying mermaid in the world, the mermaid is a real existence

Pliny the old is a narrative; a mermaid; a biological natural scientist, wrote in his immortal work "Natural History":; as for the mermaid, also It's not unbelievable that they are called Nielid; they are real, but their bodies are rough, with scales all over, even those parts that look like women.

In April 1990, "Wen Wei Po" reported that some scientists are trying their best to find the most amazing discovery of today's archaeology, the origin of the mummified remains of a mermaid 3000 years ago. A team of construction workers found this unbelievable creature in a tomb where a treasure was placed near the Black Sea outside Sochi. The news of this discovery was recently disclosed to the West by Soviet archaeologist Dr. Jeremiah. She looks like a beautiful dark-skinned princess with a fish tail underneath. This amazing creature measures 173 cm in length from the top of the head to the scaly tail. Scientists believe she was about 100 years old when she died.

On July 2, 1991, Singapore’s "United Daily News" published a report titled "Mermaid Fossils Found 12,000 Years Ago on the Coast of Yugoslavia": Scientists have recently discovered the world’s first complete mermaid fossil, confirming that this type of fossil was only found in the past. The animals that appear in fairy tales have indeed existed in the real world. The fossil was found on the coast of Yugoslavia. The

fossil is very well preserved, and it can be clearly seen that this animal has sharp teeth and strong jaws, enough to tear meat and bones and kill its prey. ;This animal is female. It appeared on the nearby coast about 12,000 years ago. Dr. Bailey Organi said. Dr. Ogany is an archaeologist from California, USA. He has worked in the waters where mermaids appeared for 4 years. Dr. Ogany said: It was buried alive during an underwater landslide, then it was protected by the surrounding limestone and slowly turned into fossil. The fossils show that the mermaid is 160 cm tall, resembling a human from the waist up, with a well-developed head and a fairly large brain. Its hands have strong claws, and its eyes are the same as those of other fishes.

The scariest mermaid in the world, the mermaid is real - Lujuba

In August 1991, two fishermen in the United States discovered a mermaid incident. The report is as follows: Recently, two professional shark catchers in the United States have caught eleven sharks in the Caribbean Sea, one of which is 18.3 meters long. When the fishermen dissected the tiger When the shark was a shark, a strange skeleton was found in its abdomen and stomach. One-third of the upper body of the skeleton resembled the bones of an adult, but from the pelvis it was the skeleton of a big fish.

At that time, the fishermen passed it to the police, and the police immediately notified the coroner to conduct an inspection. The result of the inspection proved to be a half-man, half-fish creature. Regarding this peculiar bone, the police invited experts to further study and input the data into the computer to draw a mermaid shape based on the bone shape. Dr. Evesdu from the United States who participated in this work said that from the evidence they have, the mermaid is not a legendary or fictional creature, but a creature that does exist in the world.

The upper body is a fish and the lower body is a human

Kuwait’s Torch reported on August 24, 1980: Recently, a miracle in the biological park, a mermaid, was discovered on the coast of the Red Sea. The shape of a mermaid is like a fish in the upper body, and a woman in the lower body-like a human being with two legs and ten toes. Unfortunately, it was dead when it was discovered. ;;There is also the discovery of living mermaid. In 1962, a scientist caught the little mermaid alive. The "Sun" in the UK, the "New Evening News" in Harbin and more cities in Harbin, China, and many other newspapers reported on the matter. Dr. Vinogrede of the Lenin Academy of Sciences of the former Soviet Union described the process: In 1962, a probe ship carrying scientists and military experts captured a human-speaking child off Cuba. His skin was scaly, with gills and head. It looks like a person, with a tail like a fish. The little mermaid claims to be from AsiaThe city of Tlantis also told the researchers that millions of years ago, the continent of Atlantis straddled Africa and South America, and then sank to the bottom of the sea; the people who survive now live on the bottom of the sea and live up to 300 years. Later, the little mermaid was sent to a secret research institution in the Black Sea for scientists to study in depth.

The scariest mermaid in the world, the mermaid is real - Lujuba

In 1958, Dr. Rotan of the National Oceanographic Society of the United States photographed some human-like footprints on the bottom of the Atlantic Ocean 5 kilometers deep.

"Mermaid" is an animal in Japanese legend. Based on the books about "mermaid" written by ancients, the mermaid’s mouth is protruding like an ape, its teeth are as small as a fish, its scales shine with golden light, and its voice is as clear as a skylark flute. There are "mermaids" in the sea and in the river.

People in the past regarded the "mermaid" drifting on the coast as unlucky and wanted to pray at the shrine. During the Kamakura Shogunate period, mermaids drifted to the sea in Dewa (now Akita and Yamagata prefectures) many times, and this incident was reported to the shogunate urgently every time. After divination, the shogunate thought it was a sign of war and went to pray to the gods. The mummy has traces of being eaten by insects and traces of peeling scales. Tatsuma Tokuta explained that the traces of insect food are pains of more than 1,000 years; the peeling of scales is taken by believers to eat for health and longevity.

The scariest mermaid in the world, the mermaid is real - Lujuba

Unfortunately, Ishiyama Temple in Otsu City, Shiga Prefecture was founded in 761, and Prince Shotoku died in 622, that is, Ishiyama Temple was founded 139 years after the death of Prince Shotoku. In view of the circumstances of the transfer, it is speculated that this mummy existed at least before the end of Edo period. In addition, according to the Amaterasu teaching, if you see this mummy three times, you will have the good fate of seeing the mermaid's spiritual dream, and you will live a hundred years and have a lot of descendants. Therefore, this mummy can be described as a lucky thing.

There is still a mummy of a mermaid now. The hideous face is really terrifying. Will you have nightmares after watching the scary pictures of the mermaid? It is said that all fairy tales are deceptive.

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