In-depth analysis of the ending of "Weather Children" + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down.

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In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba


1. Your name is

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

at the end of "Your Name" Taki and Mitsuba met again in 2013. According to Xin Haicheng, they were later engaged. The time of

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

was set in 2021. In the film, when the police went to Yangcai’s house to inquire about Fan Gao’s whereabouts, he showed Yang Cai the graduation photo of Fan High School, which said Reiwa 3 years, and 2019 Japan changed its name to Reiwa, so Reiwa 3 is 2021. In the film of

, Suga has a "MU" magazine, which is a real Japanese magazine. In September 2019, there are 466 issues of the magazine and 488 issues in the film, which corresponds to 2021.

And in that magazine, there were also articles about the comet, which is exactly the comet event that appeared in "Your Name". In the

movie, when Hougao and the others went to the grandmother's house, Taki appeared in a cameo for a long time. At this time, he was a lot more mature and stable.

Sanye worked as a shopping guide at the jewelry counter. When Fangao bought Yangcai's birthday present, Fangao was still worried about whether Yangcai liked it. Sanye encouraged Fangao at this time.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

Mitsuba’s sister, Yotsuba, also has a flash at the end of the film. Although her appearance has changed when she grows up, her hairstyle is the best way to identify it.

and Dangyangcai are in the clear sky. There is a picture of a couple looking at the sunset sky on a ferris wheel. This couple is the supporting couple of "Your Name".

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

2. The catcher in the wheat field

Fan Gao was able to eat instant noodles in Tokyo for the first few days, he pressed the instant noodles with a book called "The catcher in the wheat field". The content of the book

tells the story of the protagonist who was expelled from school and ran away from home and came to New York alone. The protagonist witnessed adult hypocrisy and found innocence and truth.

"The Catcher in the Rye" also indirectly alludes to Fan Gao's experience.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

3. Water drop necklace and wing ring

At the beginning of the film, this water drop necklace was worn by Yang Cai's mother. After Yang Cai died, Yang Cai wore this drop jewelry.

This represents Yang Cai's longing for her mother, and also implies a kind of inheritance.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

I believe everyone can see that the water drop necklace represents the ubiquitous water, and when Yang Nai’s mother was critically ill, a beam of sunlight hit the torii shrine, and Yang Na gained the ability to be sunny. Although

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

does not show the identity of Yangcai’s mother, it also makes us think about it. It seems that there is a close relationship between Yangcai’s mother and the ability of sunny days. It can even be understood that the ray of sunshine at that time was the mother of Yangcai and Yangcai. The ritual of inheritance between.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

and finally Yang Nai's body changes color, the color is the same as the color of jewelry drops. After

, Fangao rescued Yangcai in the sky. After the two returned to the world, Yangcai's water drop necklace broke, which also hinted that Yangcai should no longer be a sunny girl, and Yangcai would be herself.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

The ring presented to Yangcai by Sail Gao is an abstract shape of wings, which can be understood as a symbol of freedom.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

4. The role of Suga

Suga is more detailed in the novel. The Suga family is a famous family, and Suga's brother is very promising. After graduating from a prestigious school, he studied abroad and returned to Japan to work as a financial officer. Suga's brother's daughter , That is, Suga's niece, who was mistaken for Misan by Fan Gao.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

and Suka's life is more ordinary. He met his wife when he was young and had a daughter, but his wife died in a car accident and the family also collapsed. The custody of the daughter has always been on the side of his grandmother, SukaOne of the double rings that I have always worn on my hand belonged to Suka's dead wife. The so-called office of

Suka's house. Just when I entered the door, it was the bar of a Japanese izakaya. This indicates that this may have been the place where the Suga family did the izakaya business, and the back is the residence.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

The height scale of children in the residence, as well as children’s tricycles, all indicate that there have been laughter.

It is worth noting that after the heavy rain, Suka opened the window to deliberately let the water pour into the house. This is the note that Suka wanted to wash away his deceased wife, and it also represents the memories of Suka's desire to wash away those painful memories with rain. Choose to start over.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

We are used to seeing special effects and large-scale productions. Sometimes we really need to take a closer look at the unique and delicate works. Even if the film has no plot, as long as the picture is good, it is a treat. In other words, it is a kind of visual emptying.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

In-depth analysis of the ending

As Yangna continues to use 100% sunny superpowers, it will be the price that Yangna pays. Yangna must be sacrificed to heaven in the way of Haruna in exchange for Tokyo or even half of it. It is sunny in Japan, otherwise the pouring rain will continue.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

So Yangcai chose to sacrifice herself and sacrifice herself to heaven, in exchange for the sunny world, but Fangao made the opposite choice to Yangcai. Under Fangao’s willful efforts, he rescued Yangcai and brought her back to the human world. , But in exchange for the flood of rain in Tokyo, in just three years, most of Tokyo was flooded by rain.

believes that many people will be very surprised and surprised after watching this ending. At the end of the film, Hodaka and Haruna chose to be somewhat selfish and selfish, using Tokyo's overwhelming majority in exchange for their love.

may be that after we are used to seeing the theme of today's superhero movie House Xiaojia for everyone, we occasionally post this "Children of the Weather" end of values, which seems a little uncomfortable.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

As Xin Haicheng also said in the interview, the ending of the film may cause disagreements and even disagreements, but the purpose of the film is not to be a mainstream movie that makes people think.

is like in the famous game "The Last of Us" , Joel's friend died because of his goods, a little girl, and Joel himself almost died many times. He disliked the girl at first and didn't give the girl weapons, but when they finally arrived at the resistance base, when he learned that 's way to save the world was to kill the little girl , he killed the entire resistance base. The game

is also nicknamed, ps vending machine, because everyone wants to play this game, so they spend money on game consoles.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

The ending of "Children of the Weather" seems to be a tram ethical problem, that is, saving the public or saving the individual, but the core is not the case. It is not here that I want to wash the film.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

think about it carefully, is there any mistake in Fan Gao’s choice? As Suga said in the film, the world has already fallen into madness, so who made the world into madness first, I’m afraid it’s not Yang Na’s superpowers. Or Fan Gao's decision.

The source of Yangna’s prayers was to go out for a walk with her dying mother on a sunny day. It was because of this that Yangna became a Tianqing girl, but Yangna did not frequently use Tianqing’s superpowers before she knew Fan Gao. .

Because of the pressure of life, the two marginal minors were excluded from the society. Under the stressful working environment in Tokyo, they thought of using Tianqing's superpowers as a way to make money.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

From this perspective, it seems that this society has the price of original sin for people at the bottom of life such as Yangcai and Fangao, so in the end, why should Yangcai sacrifice for this social system of vested interests? After

analyzes this, we will not be too surprised by the final decision made by Fan Gao.

Fan Gao ran away from home. The film chose to leave a large area blank about his home and the reason for running away, but we can also snoop about it. When Fan Gao went to Tokyo by boat, his faceWith injuries, it is easy to think of domestic violence.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

In the original story, Fan Gao ran away from home because his father killed his father because of domestic violence, but this seems to be too violent for the role orientation and therefore removed. After

Fangao came to Tokyo, Makoto Shinkai chose Shinjuku, Tokyo as the main venue. Shinjuku is the most prosperous and densely populated area in Tokyo. The perspective is placed in the dirty corners of Shinjuku, around the dusty adult hotels. Time Most of them choose to go at night, and the continuous rain in the film reflects the plight and anxiety of Fan Gao's wandering in Tokyo.

Tokyo's indifference and rejection are the first impressions given to the 16-year-old Fan Gao. Coupled with Fan Gao's family background, this boy who is growing up does not have too much affection for the world.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

And the appearance of Yangcai made Fan Gao really find his own sunshine.

As there is a memory in the film, Fan Gao stepped on a bicycle, chasing a ray of sunshine crazily in the hazy weather, and finally the sun fell to the sea, which made Fan Gao decide to leave home.

The sunshine chased by Fan Gao at that time also represented freedom and the future, while the surrounding haze weather represented the oppressive life before Fan Gao.

And every time Yang Cai is cleared, it also represents Fan Gao's depressed mood a little bit clear.

But when the ending Haruna disappeared beside Hougao, even if the whole Tokyo was clear at this time, it was of no avail, because for Hoangao, the entire inner world was again pouring rain and gloomy.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

To sum up, Fan Gao will sacrifice his inner sunshine for the warm Tokyo that he has not given him? Obviously Fan Gao is not so great.

Fan Gao is also a victim of this society. He has always been the bottom of the society. The film gives such people the right to choose to save the world. This is obviously the strongest irony given by the film.

In other words, Yangcai and Fangao do not owe the world. They have the right to choose their own happiness. Although this runs counter to mainstream values, the film also allows us to see individuals desperate for dreams and future pursuits.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

takes a step back and talks in a larger direction, causing the last continuous heavy rain in the film. Is it caused by Yang Nai and Fan Gao?

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

From the beginning of the film, when Yangna took care of her dying mother, it had been raining heavily. That's why Yangna prayed for a sunny day so that she and her mother could go for a walk.

Who is the original sin? Is it the punishment of the heavenly gods to humans, or the development of humans that breaks the balance of nature, no matter how it is summed up, it will not be counted as the insignificant Fan Gao and Yang Cai individual? !

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

And at the end of the film, it shows Tokyo three years later. Rainwater irrigates half of the city. The film deliberately does not show the destruction of humans by floods, especially the loss of life. The lens is more about people adapting to Tokyo being submerged. fact.

I think this is not deliberately alleviating the guilt of Fan Gao's choice, but to show human development and indirectly change the natural climate. In fact, in reality, humans seem to really change the climate of the earth.

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

With human carbon dioxide emissions, climate warming, melting of glaciers in the Arctic and Antarctic, and rising sea levels on the earth, cities like Tokyo, Shanghai and Venice will also change with natural changes. The film submerged Tokyo is just used The exaggerated technique warns human beings' indifference to weather changes.

On the other hand, it also shows the tenacious adaptability of human beings. Three years later, Tokyo is full of water. There are already water vehicles and the rules imposed by rising sea levels. People still work and live as usual. The end of the world The sight did not appear.

These are all further proofs that Fangao and Yangcai’s original decision will not take responsibility for the progress and regression of mankind. Everyone’s choice is to compare the development and changes of the world, the rules and order, in the end of the film. Come, the pair is treated romantic and idealized.

I think Makoto Shinkai handles the ending like this, because he wants to magnify the love between Fan Gao and Yang Na from the side.

If love is a kind of belief, then this kind of belief is selfish and extreme. Love cannot accommodate a third party, and in the filmThe third party is the world that Yangcai and Fan Gaoyao "save".

In-depth analysis of the ending of 'Weather Children' + easter egg analysis, let the heavy rain turn the whole city upside down. - Lujuba

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