The 8th season of "Quanyou" starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries

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The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

"Game of Thrones" (hereinafter referred to as Quanyou) is the pinnacle of the American drama, with fans all over the United States and overseas. Unknowingly, there have been eight films of this drama, and the eighth was released on April 14th, North American time. , Beijing time on the 15th simultaneously online, presented in front of everyone. The drama is not only compact and fascinating, but the casting is also very scrutinized. A large number of fans have fallen in love with actors such as Emilia Clarke (as Dragon Ma) and Kit Harrington (as Snow) through their works. I believe many people believe that the fantasy magic, distinctive characters, and magical animals in the play should be fictional to the wall. In fact, the play also has its historical basis. Let us strip off its imagination and see where the real historical allusions are. .

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

Double Nutrients: Original Works and British History

At this point, I have to talk about most of Quan You's "script"-the novel "A Song of Ice and Fire". "A Song of Ice and Fire" (A Song of Ice and Fire) is a series of serious fantasy novels written by American writer George R.R. Martin. It mainly describes a series of court struggles in a fictional medieval world. , Battles in battlefields, travel adventures and magical rivalries. In the novel, magic is never used lightly, let alone resurrection. The main characters are almost unaware of magic. This makes the whole novel respect the laws of real people and life. Its background is exactly the battle of the Seven Kingdoms in ancient England in the European Middle Ages.

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

Quanyou's map is actually a flip of Britain. George Martin himself admitted that the entire creation of "Ice Fire" was inspired by the British "War of the Roses" from 1455 to 1485, the book "The Hollow Crown: The Wars of the Roses and the Rise of the Tudors" about the War of the Roses. It is a new book by British writer Dan Jones. About this war, the author's book is full of beheadings, witchcraft, bloody, merciless cannibalism, treacherous and brutal conspiracies. In the War of the Roses, three British kings including Henry VI, Edward V and Richard III were killed, more than a dozen princes and counterfeiters fell to their heads, and tens of thousands of soldiers fell on the cold and wet battlefield, only in York. In the nearby battle of Towton, 28,000 people lost their lives. Doesn't it sound like the right tour pattern?

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

A large number of characters and plots in the Game of Thrones can find historical prototypes and real events, but Martin believes that each character does not have a fully compatible prototype. He hopes to be unexpected and bring more turning points, not the kind of work that changes history slightly and tells everyone straightforwardly. If you are familiar with history, you know that Bran and Rickon are both seemingly "princes in the tower". Robert and Henry IV and King V are very similar. Martin did what he said. Now you ask the counterpart of the prototype, Everyone has their own answers. It is a prototype but not, not but looks similar. In fact, Dragon Girl also has a very similar historical figure, that is Henry VII. The Dragon Girl and Henry VII didn't know who their father was. They only knew a little bit about their family history, and they had both been brave enough for decades.

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

What's in the story: joking about the famous battle of the five kings in the history of ancient Rome

. In 69 AD, there were also historical events of striking similarity. This year, the four advocates of the Roman emperors Garba, Otto, Vitelius and the ultimate victor Vespasian launched a brutal civil war throughout the empire and the capital. But at that time there were only four emperors. Why did you choose the "five kings"? The label "The Year of the Four Emperors" ignores Emperor Nero, who committed suicide at the end of 68 BC, abandoned by the army and hated by the people. The story is: if you say yes or no, if you say no, yes or no.

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

truthfully described the horror of civil war and its corruption of human behavior, revealing the truth about the political power change of the empire: in history, Rome used to be the center of power, and later the emperor was determined by the provincial army. In the play, the fictional continent with the same name as reality "Wess"Tros" separated from the inside. On the king’s land, the Lannisters struggled to maintain power; on the outside, the Tagrians from the east and the invaders outside the wall threatened the seven kingdoms, which were powerful and powerful, like The fate of most Roman emperors is the same. The words of the character Tywin Lannister in the play are straightforward and memorable: either win or die.

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

In terms of architecture, Martin Essos’s architecture also has an amazing fit with ancient architecture, the Gladiator Arena Amazingly corresponds to the Roman Arena, which was built by the Flavian dynasty to provide luxurious and cruel entertainment for the public; Polavos Titan is a huge statue spanning the port, and its actual basis is located in Rhodes The colossus of, made of bronze, shows the mighty image of the ancient Roman god and sun god Helios, and is also one of the seven wonders of the ancient world recognized by later generations. However, unlike the Titans of Bolawos, The colossus has long been reduced to ruins. It took 12 years for the Rodians to erect it after a great military victory in the third century BC, and then it stood at the entrance of the port until it collapsed in an earthquake nearly 60 years later. Bad. The Rodians said that this was a consequence of offending God, and therefore abandoned the reconstruction, and the site was preserved for 800 years.

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

delicious food and villain image

In terms of food, many of the surprising inspirations in the show are also attributed to history. . Quan You’s most luxurious feast is the wedding of Geoffrey Barathon and Margherie Tirrell. This event is called the "Purple Wedding" by fans. The wedding banquet offers 77 dishes, including the bride and groom. The wedding pie we ate together released a large group of live pigeons hidden in it-this was introduced from a dreamy Roman menu. The diners of Westeros are famous for daring to try anything, locusts, rattlesnakes , And olives stuffed with maggots. Even horse meat, camel meat and dog meat that were considered common at the time, it takes a little courage to ask you to try.

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

Martin’s depiction of food, such as little devil, Tyrion and Illyrio’s Fat Governor’s dinner is not a luxurious meal. It also includes: chili peppers, pearl onions (Illrio’s snacks), crab monk soup, egg-lime cold soup, honey quail , Grilled lamb chops, foie gras in red wine, buttered radish, suckling pig with plum dipping sauce, garlic butter radish, filled figs, choking cheese, snails, sweet bread, feathered black swan, sweet cream In fact, the author’s recipes are inspired by a wide range of sources. They have to delve into the menus from ancient Rome to the Elizabethan era, and ancient recipes do not have a clear measurement and temperature indication. The villain in the show-the cunning queen also has a history of

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

Mirroring. Every story needs a villain, and Ceci Lannister in "Quanyou" is a great woman, this is a full-figured image, And deeply rooted figures: a mother who strongly protects her child, a wife who is despised, a woman who is swallowed by ambition. She also often hopes that she is a man: as a girl, she doesn't understand why she and her twin brother Jamie are taught different things when they can replace each other in appearance. She wants to be taught to fight and he sings and dances. In this regard, she has a lot in common with many ancient women, especially Princess Anna Komnina of Byzantium. She plans to exchange sex with her incompetent husband through the method in the book in order to better overthrow the brother and the king. The story of Anna's treason is certainly not true, but it tells the truth about the ladies of the Roman Empire. These delicacies and negative characters all add tension to the drama.

The 8th season of 'Quanyou' starts broadcasting, netizens restore history and discover that there are allusions from many European countries - Lujuba

Topic of this article: Golden Emperor Ge penguin

Edit of this article: Iron-eater

Original source: History

The taste of culture in history, welcome to pay attention to the "world history".

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