Me and my motherland

movie 2112℃
Hello everyone, today I want to watch one of my favorite movies with you, none of them. A tribute film dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the founding of New China, Me and My Motherland. The film is directed by Chen Kaige, and is jointly directed by Zhang Yibai, Guan Hu, Xue Xiaolu, Xu Zheng, Ning Hao, and Wen Muye.

Me and my motherland - Lujuba

In previous shows, I would not say so many directors' names, but today, I hope that people who like my show can remember the names of these people with me. Remember how these people use the movie to make you feel the respect for the motherland. The film consists of seven short films. On the eve of Guan Hu's guidance, he told the story behind the flag-raising ceremony of the founding ceremony.

Me and my motherland - Lujuba

The encounter directed by Zhang Yibai tells the story of the success of China's first atomic bomb on October 16, 1964. The victory under the guidance of Xu Zheng tells the story of the Chinese women's volleyball team winning the Olympic Games on August 8, 1984 and winning the first three consecutive World Championships. The return of

Me and my motherland - Lujuba

is directed by Xue Xiaolu, about the return of Hong Kong on July 1, 1997. Hello Beijing, directed by Ning Hao, mainly tells the story of the opening ceremony of the Beijing Olympic Games on August 8, 2008. The Day Meteor directed by Chen Kaige tells the story of the successful landing of the return capsule of the Shenzhou 11 spacecraft in 2016. The escort directed by Wen Muye mainly tells the story of the military parade on September 3, 2015 with the theme of commemorating the victory of the Anti-Japanese War. These seven short films

are countless historical moments experienced since the 70th anniversary of the motherland. Tell a moving story that is inseparable between ordinary people and the country.

focuses on the great events of the great era, the seemingly distant but close connection between ordinary people and countries, awakening the common memories of Chinese all over the world. After you have watched the film, I believe that you will love our motherland even more. This episode of the program is here, see you in the next issue.

Tags: movie