"The Queen Wearing Prada": Live your life as you wish, you are also the Queen

movie 1171℃

For the movie The Queen Wearing Prada, I believe many people have not seen it. It is a very passionate movie, so it is conceivable in China that the popularity is also half, but when it comes to this movie, really It can be said that every college student who has just graduated should take a good look. Maybe someone who has been working for a few years should also take a look. When working, especially at work, they are in a bad mood and pressure. At that time, I should go to watch this movie. Maybe it can bring you many changes. No matter what we are in our life and work, it’s most important to be able to recognize ourselves. But um, like fresh graduates, we are After working in the society for a few years, I gradually lost myself and forgot my original self. This is a very sad thing, but for many people nowadays, there is no way, because we don’t change, we don’t do it. Some things we don’t dare to imagine ourselves, then we have no way to gain a foothold in the company or in this society, just like what this movie tells. In fact, everyone lives in a hypocritical world and works hard. Catering to others is that for this film, although many people are very dissatisfied with the ending of the story, in the editor’s opinion, this may be the most important part of life. In fact, for each of us, if If you can live a lifetime according to your own wishes, then you are the queen of life, and you are the strong man in your heart. In fact, whatever we are most afraid of, is that we look down on ourselves and do not believe in ourselves. This is the most troublesome It is also a very sad thing to lose yourself in life, or to gradually lose yourself in life.

'The Queen Wearing Prada': Live your life as you wish, you are also the Queen - Lujuba

Let’s briefly tell the queen in Prada, what kind of story she tells, this movie for us What kind of guidance? Or what kind of momentum is this movie? Finally, briefly talk about the movie The Queen Wearing Prada. What kind of growth can you get in your life and work? In fact, for the movie Queen Wearing Prada, she tells a very simple story, that is Andy as the heroine. She is a student who graduated from the famous Northwestern University. He was in school when he graduated. He has won a lot of awards among them. His biggest wish is to work in a newspaper after graduation. He also has a newspaper that he likes better. But before going to this newspaper, he must go to the newspaper office. For example, he has worked on the island of Milan for a full year, so this day , Andy, he wore very ordinary clothes, so he came to Miranda's company for an interview. Well, of course, there was no accident in this interview. He was finally fired, but in the end he reached Miranda. There was a big interview opportunity. In the end, we knew that he became Miranda’s assistant. From Miranda’s point of view, he would be like other assistants. After working for a while, he would voluntarily resign and leave. Actually, Miranda uses Andy, It is also mainly because of Adi’s stupidity and stupidity. Although for Andy, he graduated from a private university and is very smart. Well, he won a lot of awards during school, but for Miranda, he is a great A girl who doesn’t understand anything, so in the later work, most of the things Miranda arranged for Antioch were trivial things in life. Andy felt very irritable and helpless, and often complained until Once Angie found Nigel and told him the pain in his heart. It was precisely because of this conversation that Andy was completely changed. From then on, we saw that Andy had undergone tremendous changes.

'The Queen Wearing Prada': Live your life as you wish, you are also the Queen - Lujuba

After the two talked, Andy knew that it was of no use to just complaining blindly, because he could not get the appreciation of the boss. Recently, he has never really done what the boss gave him. After the two of them had talked, Andy realized his mistake. He began to gradually change himself from the inside from the outside to the inside. The first thing he changed was the collocation of his own clothes, and the second was his attitude towards doing things. After that, he began to use his own ability to accomplish everything the boss gave, so when he changed, his boss, the kind of change in him, we also gradually saw Miranda in the movie. I stopped arranging Andy to do some data things, and started to let him do some more important things, and then we saw that Miranda took Andy to Fashion Week. This is Miranda's ability to work with Andy. From this point, we can also see that Andy’s ability to start from changing his mentalityWith the continuous improvement, the gorgeous transition from a white-collar workplace to an urban white-collar worker wants Andy to completely lose confidence in his current job, that is, he learned that Miranda is about to be fired. Indeed, on the way last week, Andy also expressed his intentions to Miranda, and Miranda told Andy that the matter had been resolved by his own means, that is, at the expense of Nigel. He used this method. To keep his current position, Andy was very disheartened about this, lost this job that can bring him more glory, but chose ordinary newspaper work, in fact, for many people, this ending Not satisfied, because if Andy insists on working by Miranda, then Andy will eventually become a person like Miranda. It can be said that his life has changed drastically, but for Andy, It is because he is engaged in this job that he has lost a lot of things, especially his colleagues, his boyfriend, and almost broke up with him, and there is family affection, he has no time to spend with his family. Being together, so Andy lost confidence in this job. Finally, he quit this job and returned to the ordinary.

'The Queen Wearing Prada': Live your life as you wish, you are also the Queen - Lujuba

Actually, there are many things for us that are more important than work, especially It’s the family, and even more so, so no matter how busy we are at work, we should not affect the harmony with our family due to work. This is the most important thing. People will encounter many things and many things in their lives. We can change our own people or things, so when we grow up, we should not only consider the issues of interests, but more with family members. This is the happiest thing in our life. Another point is that no matter where we are working In any kind of environment, we should not lose our original nature. Just like Forrest Gump, living a simpler life and having less inner desires will make us accelerate our pace of success faster and concentrate on doing it. Our own business, not because the external environment changes our nature.

Tags: movie