Female stars don’t have to be transparent

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Female stars don’t have to be transparent - Lujuba

Two days ago, Piao Piao wrote that the rhetoric of the rice circle is gorgeous, and the rainbow fart is hollow inside. The backstage exploded, all kinds of complaints and nominations. Among them, Piao Piao discovered that a kind of "golden compliment" was missed-they are often good in themselves, but because they are abused and regarded as Tian Tiao, they have changed their taste. For example, "burst acting", "live through" and the like. In

Female stars don’t have to be transparent - Lujuba

major forums, fans are busy grabbing tags for their idols.

Recently, Hao Lei left simply because of the divorce, and she became the "transparent goddess of the month"-the divorce statement she made by

Female stars don’t have to be transparent - Lujuba

is indeed concise. She and her husband have been divorced for several years, but they separated because the fate was over. The statement also did not forget to protect the man: I hope everyone will give the father some space.

is decent and calm, but is this the so-called transparent?

Or, is transparency really a panacea?

Regardless of actresses, female artists, or female stars, they have to put on a dose to make them fresh? The latter two may be needed for


And actor Hao Lei, Shu Piao Piao said frankly, it is unnecessary.

In fact, Hao Lei had two well-known relationships before this marriage.

also used to be young and frivolous.

Back then, she and Deng Chao were in love with drama because of their collaboration in "The Younger Son".

Hao Lei not only called it the most "thrilling" feeling in her life, she was even depressed after breaking up.

Netease Entertainment's 2015 Shanghai Film Festival, the program group arranged Hao Lei as the award-giving guest to award the best actor winners Deng Chao, Duan Yihong and Guo Tao. Regardless of whether the program group is intentional or unintentional, what everyone expects is nothing more than a scene of hurting lovers in the past, embracing again and easing the previous suspicion. However, during the awarding process, Hao Lei kept avoiding any physical or eye contact with Deng Chao.

It doesn't matter if you can't put it down, or the love you don't want to cherish, it may be the material for everyone to hype. She has her obsession and obsession. And in the relationship with Li Guangjie, it is even more visible that she is all over her body for love. At that time, Li Guangjie captured Hao Lei's heart with the marriage certificate drawn on a piece of paper. The two of

have shown love in public on many occasions.

Just when the wedding was about to be re-organized, the man was first photographed as suspected of having derailed, and then a photo of Hao Lei crying in the street broke out. Although Li Guangjie later clarified the origin of the "derailment", it was still a fatal blow to Hao Lei.

She never hides her desperate love in love. She has "greed" for love and is full of love every time.

Even if you understand that such intense love will hurt, but you still believe that love is a lifetime thing, you should be serious, you should have the idea of ​​loving this person for a lifetime

People who love passionately must also hate points Bright.

She takes the attitude of truth and unconcealment as a counterattack weapon.

, ​​for example, took the initiative to explain his feelings with Liu Ye, an outsider on his blog.

When Yi Lijing asked her, knowing that everyone is gossiping about your emotional life, why didn't you choose Jinyi Night Walk, but made it public? She admitted frankly: Instead of waiting for you to spy and dig, it is better for me to take the initiative to disclose it. This is the attitude she has always presented to the public: I am not ashamed to let others know about the past, nothing can’t be said

However, because of this, she once messed up her career and life-

in 2010, she suddenly He scolded on Weibo and shot a group of people from Henan. The public was in an uproar, and even local media came out and shouted for her to apologize.

Hao Lei explained later that it was a few people who had hurt his parents and friends around him. It broke out because he couldn't bear it. It was definitely not aimed at a region, and he also apologized.

Despite this, this reckless emotional catharsis still offended some people and had a negative impact on her own personal image. Hao Lei like

is really not transparent.

What is transparency?

literally means "tong", which means tongto. He understands everything well and can see clearly. "Through" means a bit of "enlightenment" in the Buddhist school. Once you have figured it out, you will be dismissive, because you don't care if you look at it. So insightful people know a lot, and have no obsessions, love and hate desires, not so strong. is like a leaf falling on the lake, fluttering.But Hao Lei is not like that. She is bold and fearless, running rampant; she has a lot of obsession and persistence. Just like the sensitive, fragile, crazy, and naive in "Rhino in Love", he dared to throw contempt to the outside world.

Hao Lei outside the scene, crazy. What about the



It is said that the reason why Lou Ye chose Hao Lei to play Yu Hong among hundreds of people was because he refused. At that time, Hao Lei was worried that she would lose her love by making a movie, so she refused. This is what a "love brain" reason, stupid and naive. However, it was this seemingly "stupid" and full-featured reason that moved Lou Ye, and let Lou Ye see the similarities between her and Yu Hong: Love is more important than anything else. So even if you wait for more than a month, let Hao Lei perform. Facts have proved that she has indeed performed the role of crazy and persistent love, and extremely pure poetic temperament.

Hao Lei is a famous idiot. She has solid basic skills and will do her homework in advance. But when you look at her performance, there are very few traces. That's because once she is in front of the camera, she will put aside all the homework and design she has done and integrate herself with the character. Therefore, Mingming and Jing Concubine performed a perverse and extreme explosive force. In "Golden Age", although Hao Lei did not have many scenes, it made people forget those sensitive and fragile women, and remember this vigorous, hard-working and resolute woman. Writer Ding Ling.

and the latest "Crane Huating", she has very few lines, but every expression is not fake. Hao Lei's life is not so clear compared to a transparent person who can handle everything clearly and think clearly.

When he was young, he could not distinguish between career and love, and he was unwilling to distinguish between his role and himself when acting.

In other words, she is always devoted, lacking calm and clear emotional control valve.

However, Hao Lei is not the only actor who is not transparent. The same is true for

Zhou Xun, her impenetrability lies in: often people play regardless of . Like Hao Lei, she was very emotionally passionate and devoted herself to every love with vigour, and love used her best without leaving a way out. Director Chen Guofu of

described Zhou Xun: "Some people act with their brains, some use their bodies, and she uses their internal organs." When filming "Baby in Love", because too much emotion was poured into the filming, Zhou Xun has been filming for a long time. Immerse yourself in the role of "baby" and can't get out. I haven't laughed for five months, and the reaction in life is also a role.

After filming "If Love" for more than a year, I still live with Sun Na's thinking and send a message to Chen Kexin: The river in Beijing is freezing.

In "Words of the Performers", I still cry when I see my mother sending her children to the battlefield in "Red Sorghum".

There are many emotional traces of characters on her body. That's why Li Shaohong said: Zhou Xun knows the world through love and acting. Such actors often have rare innocence. Chen Chong looks mature, at the age of fifty-eight this year, he is full of passion, thoughtful and attitude. Xu Zhiyuan commented that she was "as mature and naive as Lolita."

is naive, not to be ignorant of chaos, but to believe that "you still love it after you recognize the truth of life." This sentence from "John Christopher" was also printed by Chen Chong on the poster of his film "Ingrid".

Looking around, no one today would think that heroism is romantic and noble. Such a big concept has long been dispelled. But she made it into a movie, using performances or her own works to break through the imprisonment, leveraging the prejudice against women, body, and desire, and dialogue with the world. "Heavenly Bath", filmed in 1998, does not hesitate to ask whether human dignity can be insulted and whether human conscience can be annihilated by the environment.

A few years later, Chen Chong continued to ask in "Ingrid": What is desire? What is the truth of this era?

A kind of almost childlike, fearless "naive" and lonely.

These works have nothing to do with box office, fame and wealth, but with one's inner perseverance and passion. For impervious actresses like

, ​​their performances are very spiritual and extremely natural.

is not only clever, but also hearty.

They really don't have to fight for transparent labels.

In fact, for actors, 's impenetrable passion is a gift. performance is an artistic creationIt is necessary for people to be sensitive and delicate enough to experience, observe, and explore people’s hearts and emotions. People with sensitive personality tend to have extraordinary sensibility . They can better understand the life experience of complex characters, and their performances are more contagious. Impenetrable actors often believe in emotions in their hearts and are obsessed with certain spiritual pursuits. has a higher empathy ability and can communicate with the joys and sorrows of the characters . When filming "The Wind", Zhou Xun sat there crying after playing the scene where Gu Xiaomeng was tortured. Not because of the hard work of filming, but because of Gu Xiaomeng crying, feeling that she is so dedicated to the revolution, admired and distressed.

She sees the character as a living person, smiling for her and crying for her. The emotional expression of this type of actors is more natural and more direct. There is no wall between them and the characters. This is why, good actors do not need to be too "understanding" and too transparent. Erdi once commented that a good singer or musician should not “understand” first, but should release a richer feeling.

Understand, it means precision.

Accuracy means going straight to the goal and ignoring the dazzling or dim things along the way.

This is also related to performance.

uses knowledge and technology to understand the world, which is just needed in the subject industry. can imprison sensibility for artistic creation. Seeing through can make a person become mediocre. As soon as comes, transparent people see things clearly and have little obsession. They reach a reconciliation with their inner self, without fierce conflict or painful struggle. Secondly, because they don't believe it, it is difficult for them to completely substitute themselves into the role, but to understand and approach the role image through technology. When an actor can only rely on technology and cannot directly reach the heart of the character, every move will leave a trace, which also hinders the direct natural expression of sensibility and life experience. This kind of performance is more like "acting." However, non-transparent actors will abandon technology and focus on the heart, using "feeling" as a method of performance.

Let your life experience and emotions flow through every pore of the character, feel the character’s breath, the temperature of the skin, and touch the deepest and hidden sorrows and joys of the character’s heart. "Adventures" like

often have unexpected joys.

This is also the reason why the performance of the performance actors is more stable, but the performance of the experiential actors is more agile.

and return to the person itself.

Zhang Dai's "Tao An Dream Recollection" has a sentence:

People are not addicted and cannot be with each other, because they are not affectionate; people are not faultless and cannot be with each other, because they have no true spirit. What

said is the beauty of impermeability. Although stubborn, he is affectionate, and despite his flaws, his personality is true. It is understandable to regard "transparency" as a compliment. It is of course attractive to be able to look on the sidelines with cold eyes, analyze thoroughly, and leave with a calm smile and a dashing attitude. However, there should not be only this kind of worship. shouldn't regard it as a desperate need, and it's the ultimate pursuit of all day long. Those who are obsessed with hot, owe some rational smiles and tears, are also real and lovely.

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