The longest 5 movies, each of which is a classic, the longest reaches 511 minutes!

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In everyone’s impression, movies are basically around 2 hours, or around 120 minutes, but some movies are much longer than that. The 5 longest movies, each step is a classic, the longest reaches 511 minutes!

The longest 5 movies, each of which is a classic, the longest reaches 511 minutes! - Lujuba

fifth, "Gone with the Wind". The length of the movie reached 238 minutes, which is almost double that of ordinary movies. This 4-hour movie has an endless aftertaste. It mainly tells the love story during the American Civil War.

The longest 5 movies, each of which is a classic, the longest reaches 511 minutes! - Lujuba

​​fourth, "Lord of the Rings". There are 3 movies in this series, and the total time is more than 10 hours. The longest movie is 263 minutes, and the shortest movie is 228 minutes. Each is very classic.

The longest 5 movies, each of which is a classic, the longest reaches 511 minutes! - Lujuba

The third part, "Cleopatra". The movie has a length of 320 minutes. It can be said to be the originator of the blockbuster style. The scenes and costumes in the movie are extremely luxurious. In order to shoot this movie, investors can be said to be bankrupt, and this movie is now Regarded as a classic.

The second part, "A Brilliant Life". This film lasts for 6 hours and 366 minutes tells the changes that a family has experienced in 34 years. It can be said to be an epic film in Italy with a very high cultural depth.

The first step, "War and Peace". The length of this movie reaches 511 minutes, which is about 7 hours. It is adapted from Leo Tolstoy’s work. The war scenes in it are almost all real people, showing a lot Major historical events are very real.

Tags: movie