The two brothers have immortality, experienced 200 years of war, hardcore science fiction movie sharing

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A good movie every day, hello everyone, welcome to Kankan's movie sharing. Today I will introduce to you the movie "Wolverine 1", the birth of Wolverine, the strongest mutant in history. At the beginning of the

film, Uncle Wolf and his brother Old Wolf were born in the 18th century. They have infinite self-healing ability and flexible bone claws since childhood. They are regarded as monsters. In desperation, they are still two young children, and they can only choose to escape. .

The two brothers have immortality, experienced 200 years of war, hardcore science fiction movie sharing - Lujuba

years later, the two came of age, and time has come to a turbulent age. The two were involved in relentless wars. As the wheel of history rolls forward, they have experienced countless wars. Because of their infinite self-healing ability, every time Can successfully survive the war. The two were born warriors, but the old wolf became more and more cruel, and the uncle wolf maintained his kindness. If it were not for war, he was unwilling to kill. Unknowingly, the two had passed nearly 200 years.

The two people who fought in the war all day long finally ushered in a turning point in their fate. One day, the general found two and claimed that their mutant abilities could serve the country in his place. The two following the general discovered that the generals were formed by mutants. The team, their first goal is to find Adamantite meteorite.

The two brothers have immortality, experienced 200 years of war, hardcore science fiction movie sharing - Lujuba

Of course, the gang members who mastered the Adamantite Meteorite were vulnerable to the mutants, and the team broke the gang’s defense in a few strokes. But the meteorite landed in a village. In order to seize the meteorite, the general ordered a big killing. The old wolf enjoys killing, and Uncle Wolf is obviously not the same with them, so he immediately parted ways with the general.

In a blink of an eye, six years later, Uncle Wolf is already a lumberjack and his wife living an ordinary life, but Uncle Wolf is not an extraordinary person, how can ordinary people enjoy their lives. The general visited that day, because the mutant army six years ago had been disbanded and was undergoing a mysterious assassination at this time. Many of the team members died one after another. The army came to alert Uncle Wolf. But Uncle Wolf would not believe the words of a war machine. He didn't expect that Mrs. Wolf would be murdered just two days after the general left.

The two brothers have immortality, experienced 200 years of war, hardcore science fiction movie sharing - Lujuba

The perpetrator is the old wolf, and the old wolf is not afraid of the wolf, and directly waits for the wolf to get revenge in the bar. Uncle Wolf immediately stretched out his claws and attacked the old wolf. The two brothers had the same abilities, and they fought extremely fiercely, but the old wolf appeared stronger and Uncle Wolf was no opponent at all. The battle ended in Uncle Wolf's defeat. Seeing that Uncle Wolf was beaten so embarrassed, the general came to show his courtesy, claiming that as long as Uncle Wolf followed him, he could build a special weapon for Uncle Wolf, and he would surely defeat Old Wolf by then. Uncle Wolf was full of hatred now, and he wished to kill the old wolf immediately to avenge his dead wife. He didn't bother to care about that much, so he just followed the general. General

soon brought Uncle Wolf to his secret base. The so-called special weapon was the fine gold of the year. As long as the fine gold was injected into Uncle Wolf, the bones in Uncle Wolf's body would be metalized. In this day, foreign gold is invincible, and Uncle Wolf will be invincible in the world. Although the operation was risky, Uncle Wolf didn't care too much for revenge, so after the heart almost stopped beating, the operation was successful.

In fact, the general is not sincere to help Uncle Wolf. He originally intended to make Uncle Wolf a super weapon, and then was about to clear Uncle Wolf’s memory. At a critical moment, Uncle Wolf regained consciousness and immediately escaped. A good family took in Uncle Wolf who was weak after the operation. However, the general's chasing and killing troops subsequently killed him. Two shots killed the good-hearted man. Uncle Wolf was completely angry. He drove his motorcycle out of the sea of ​​flames and attacked the chasing troops while running. Although the opponent had helicopters and several armored vehicles, they were vulnerable to Uncle Wolf, who had just been equipped with super weapons, and the chaser was eventually wiped out.

Now Uncle Wolf knows that the things behind this must not be that simple. So I looked for the former mutant team members to check the news. After several inquiries, I found a guy called the God of Gamblers, but he encountered the old wolf again. Uncle Wolf also knew that the old wolf was in the same group with the general. The two immediately started a fierce fight. Of course, the current old wolf is not Uncle Wolf's opponent. At this time, the gambling god took advantage of the two men to join in the middle of the fight, and the two were separated, and the old wolf took the opportunity to escape. Although this god of gambling was a little capable, he was almost in front of Uncle Wolf, and was subdued by Uncle Wolf within a few rounds. Knowing that Uncle Wolf was here to find the general's revenge, the Gambler immediately agreed to take Uncle Wolf to the general's island base for revenge.

When Uncle Wolf came to the island, the general did not panic. It turned out that Mrs. Wolf was not dead. What made Uncle Wolf sad was that his wife was also the person who arranged for him by the general. Uncle Wolf has mixed feelings in his heart. Since his wife is fake and is not dead, there is any hatred, and he is ready to turn and leave.

Of course things are not that simple, although the madam arranged it by the general, But the feelings are real. It's just that my wife's sister was caught by the general and had to pretend to be indifferent. Seeing that his wife was worthless, the general wanted to kill the wife immediately. Uncle Wolf heard the painful cry of his wife and immediately returned to rescue. The old wolf immediately fought against Uncle Wolf. The two muscular men were able to fight, but there was no suspense. The old wolf was completely conquered. But the two are brothers after all, and the temporary rage is gradually replaced by reason. Uncle Wolf finally let go of his brother who has been having trouble with him. Then Uncle Wolf helps his wife to rescue a group of mutants such as his sister. The reason why the general caught so many mutants People are to gather all the abilities of all people into one person to create the strongest weapon, and this weapon has already been created to stop Uncle Wolf and others.

Uncle Wolf had to ask his wife to take the mutant to withdraw first, and fight against this transformed mutant Xiao Hian by herself. The two launched the ultimate duel, fighting from the ground to the big smoke pipe. Xiao Jianjian now has many special abilities in one. Uncle Wolf is not an opponent at all. Seeing Uncle Wolf is about to be beheaded, the old wolf appears in time, and the brothers are like in the old battlefield. Side by side against Xiaojianjian. At this time, Xiao Jianjian not only has the ability to heal itself, but also has the ability of pure gold body, teleport, and fire eye laser.

Xiaojianjian has a strong combat power, but after all, he is a puppet controlled by others, lacking wisdom, and in the end he was cleverly decapitated by the two brothers of Uncle Wolf. The brothers joined forces to complete a battle, but the two did not reconcile, and finally parted ways.

Uncle Wolf hurried to find his wife, but Mrs. Wolf was shot in the process of escaping. Uncle Wolf was about to take his wife away to heal her injuries. Unexpectedly, the general was killed, and the general’s weapon contained fine gold bullets. Unfortunately, Uncle Wolf was hit by a bullet in the brain. Department, unconscious. In the end, the general intends to send the two on the road. At this time, the wife uses her own mental superpower to control the general to leave. And when Uncle Wolf woke up on his own, he lost his memory because of a brain injury. He can't remember everything in the past, including his beloved wife, and the film is over. The greater the ability of

, the greater the responsibility is not necessarily, and the greatness of Uncle Wolf lies in the vicissitudes of life, no matter how strong he is, he never forgets his kindness. Among all the series of works, my favorite is this movie. Uncle Wolf's fierceness to his enemies and gentleness to his lover are vividly displayed. Although it is a commercial blockbuster, it is worth watching. Today’s Kankan movie sharing is over here, friends who like it, don’t forget to pay attention.

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