"Two Tigers" is full of bad reviews? Too many people indulge in fate and cannot change

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1. Some things are not destined, but we are careless

To be honest, after Mr. Zhibai came out of the cinema, he really wanted to give this film a bad review, but not because of the awkward part of the film. , But because I was supposed to watch it with her, but I could only find a small partner temporarily.

Some things are clearly not destined, but because of our carelessness, or because of our timidity, or because we always think too much, but can not grasp the essential direction of the thinking, so they are doomed.

The quality of a film does not lie in the plot or the actors, but in what the film intends to express? Is it related to humanities? Is it related to society? Is it related to life? Is it related to the future?

'Two Tigers' is full of bad reviews? Too many people indulge in fate and cannot change - Lujuba

has something to do with many things, maybe it doesn’t need to be so obvious, but it is enough to express these things to you incisively and vividly, but some people will say: "I am watching a movie, not watching the great principles of life."

It should be a poisonous sentence that has been popular in our society in recent years or all the time. It looks like a sentence of self-superiority, but in fact it reveals my humbleness and ignorance everywhere.

'Two Tigers' is full of bad reviews? Too many people indulge in fate and cannot change - Lujuba

is that we have forced the movie to a corner where there is no need for connotation. Money is supreme and material desires are overflowing. When Zhi Baijun stepped into the cinema, only two pairs of people were watching in the huge cinema. Of course someone would say: "This is enough to show that this is a bad film, so only the four of you are watching." But this is not the case. It was Friday night when Mr. Zhi Bai went to see it.

2. When we don’t even have the most basic requirements for movies.

We don’t even have the most basic requirements for movies. A film full of humanities and full of discussion about life is unpleasant, so people are concerned about other aspects. There is no requirement, until even the consumption power is lost. What the film

discusses is that when we are kidnapped by money, just as the rich businessman said in a play like Ge You: "If you earn one million, you will think of two million, and you will think of ten million until you are like me. I’m going to jump off the building.” The

movie seems to tell you that Ge You, a wealthy businessman, was kidnapped by a kidnapper. In fact, the core is that when this wealthy businessman was kidnapped by the kidnapper, he discovered that his life is precious, and that the real kidnapping made him escape the virtual kidnapping .

'Two Tigers' is full of bad reviews? Too many people indulge in fate and cannot change - Lujuba

Muzi Superman should have a sufficiently similar experience to the rich businessman in this play, and he is firm enough to keep nagging in his heart "don't make the last copper plate" introspective, so he went to a distant country.

The screen was full of the sound of not letting him run, but he left, walked calmly and thoroughly. Those who scolded him, those who wanted to get him back, many also It's ordinary people. How can a movie like

not give a bad review? A wealthy businessman was about to jump off the building, and he was kidnapped by the kidnappers and reborn in Nirvana. This completely does not conform to the imagination brought by poverty.

Our bones hate wealth, our bones are afraid of progress, our bones are unaware of the future, so we hope that all people will maintain this state like us.

3. Don’t wait for everything to be completely lost before remembering that the steamed buns were also very delicious

but the earth is not ours. Fortunately, the earth is not ours. We can still see what the world is like in the chaos and soberness. Look at what life is like in other societies. For most people,

may still disdain to watch it. Of course, they may never have the opportunity to watch it. Once Wang Jing said that the third- and fourth-tier cities saved Chinese movies, but now this can be stopped.

People in third- and fourth-tier cities are also empty, and people in third- and fourth-tier cities have no requirements for good movies. Cheap smiles are the most important, but the value of connotation is dispensable. This is also destined .

Hawking once said: "I noticed that even those who claim that'everything is destined, and we are unable to change', will look left and right when crossing the road. "

finally we will all be truly and completely destitute. Later, we will understand that when we define everything as destined and powerless to change, we really can only surrender forever, humble and dispensable.

From love to childhood, from friendship to relativesLove, what this movie shows is not how beautiful these human emotions are, but rather tells people how fragile these human emotions are.

is so fragile that people want to lie, escape, witness their relatives jumping off the cliff, and have to understand that money can measure everything since childhood. Emotions are no longer important, and people are becoming more and more strange and indifferent.

people want to live, but the way of living is still very different. Of course, watching such a movie will make people feel dull. There is no Ge You comedy at all, Zhao Wei is brisk, Fan Wei is dark, and Yan Ni is charming.

4. It’s easier to think about a bad review of a movie. It’s just a full screen of bad reviews. So people give bad reviews one after another. They asked a lot of big names to make such a junk movie? I hired two comedians and made such a dull movie?

People don’t feel that life has deceived themselves, but they feel that this movie has deceived themselves. People don’t believe that feelings are fragile, people don’t believe that wealth cannot be easily obtained, people don’t believe that they are humble.

So Zhi Baijun stayed up all night to write this article, just to tell those who are trying to make films about humanities, about society, about feelings, about life, about money... please give up this thought.

doesn't need these elements here. People here may not even know what kind of movies they want to watch, so they don't have to be disliked by the general environment and bored by ordinary people.

is like the father of a wealthy businessman played by Ge You. He wanted to be a poet since he was a child. He wrote tens of thousands of poems by hand, but he was burned page after page, was driven to a remote mountain village, and then jumped off the cliff. Become a poetry fairy.

He probably doesn't believe that everything is destined and cannot be changed, but his disbelief and his changes are within his ability, so he can only choose to jump off the cliff, the most noble and noble.

is also like the man who kidnapped the rich businessman in the play. He also wanted to be a poet, but he could only be beaten again and again. He only remembered the foreign poem "If Life Deceived You", which was later made for money. Kidnappers.

Zhibai Jun does not believe that we do not believe in destiny and cannot be changed, so we must jump off the cliff and must be kidnappers. This kind of consciousness seems that we are all too humble, although history may have been deduced in this way.

Paper Bai Jun’s wine has also bottomed out. I won’t say too much. When the text is here, Zhi Bai Jun silently give this film a dispensable praise. If possible, don’t shoot this kind of reflection. The movie is out, we don't deserve it.

2019-12-7 Writing in Mobian Pavilion

Tags: movie