She shaved her hair into a bald head for Guardians of the Galaxy, but she was still sexy and beautiful!

movie 1857℃
She shaved her hair into a bald head for Guardians of the Galaxy, but she was still sexy and beautiful! - Lujuba

In the eyes of Chinese fans, Karen Gillan’s fame may have only recently occurred, that is, when she starred in "Guardians of the Galaxy" in Nebula, she really knew her.

She shaved her hair into a bald head for Guardians of the Galaxy, but she was still sexy and beautiful! - Lujuba

In fact, she was born as a model and has been working hard in the show business since adulthood. Born with red hair, she never expected that the human escort Amy who appeared as a doctor in the British longevity science fiction drama "Doctor Who" would give her such a big exposure, she was immediately followed by many international directors. Karen, who entered Hollywood, quickly found her famous work. The Marvel movie "Guardians of the Galaxy" quickly opened his popularity, and "Game of the Brave" gave her a wave of nationality.

Although she has achieved great success in a short period of time, she did not let her reputation go to her head. She is still the girl who loves acting but has to overcome stage fright.

Not only that, Karen is also a feminist, but she rarely dates people, so there are no scandals and lace news, and from her red carpet look, she loves retro style.

Let’s get to know this big beauty who shaved her hair for a movie role and worked hard for many years but never forget her original intention!

She shaved her hair into a bald head for Guardians of the Galaxy, but she was still sexy and beautiful! - Lujuba

She doesn't like American dating.

As an authentic British actor, dating someone in Hollywood makes her very uncomfortable, especially the fast pace of life in Los Angeles and New York.

Not long after she moved to Los Angeles, she said that she was intimidated by how people in this city dated.

is actually the most uncomfortable because Americans often date several people at the same time, trying to find their "soul mate."

is very different in the UK, perhaps because it is more subtle, at most drinking (or drinking tea) at the same table, it does not seem like a date to others.

She loves retro style

Karen has an ancient soul. This character is deeply influenced by his father. When she was growing up, Meg and her father would go to the store on weekends and search for some old records. The

father-daughter time obviously left a mark in her life, and she has always loved time idols like Nina Simon and Elvis.

's love of retro has also affected her style of clothing. Her private clothes during the break and some of her red carpet styles have a strong retro style.

Her psychological endurance is very strong.

"Ghost Covering Eyes" is a very different movie in her film career, because she rarely makes horror movies, and most of them are movies with a more relaxed atmosphere.

But the result is that she is not afraid of horror at all. If some actors know that they want to make a horror film, they may be hesitant because of the horror atmosphere of the shooting scene, but she has the courage of steel.

is not only a fan of science fiction, she also likes to watch horror movies, including movies like "The Exorcist", "Screaming" and "I Know What You Did Last Summer".

In fact, for the filming of "Ghost Covering the Eyes", she was most worried about her lines, because her personality is very calm, but she has a long monologue in the movie, and this passage is in the absence of horror scenes That said, the director's request is to be very emotional, so it is a big challenge.

Judging from the effect of the movie, she still performed super well!

What if she has time? Since

has played "Doctor Who", many people have asked her, what if she really had a chance of time?

Her answer is also very simple, she will certainly not be used to recall the past, because she would rather see what the world will look like in the future.

To be honest, you really deserve to be an actor who has played time and space science fiction dramas. Can you keep your face like this for so many years, are you sure you don't have a time machine?

shaved off his long red hair for "Guardians of the Galaxy"!

If there are any characteristics of Karen, except for her tall figure of 1.8 meters, she has to count her big red curly hair. In order to star in "Guardians of the Galaxy",

had to shave all her hair and turned into a bald head, but instead of throwing away the cut hair, she found someone to make a wig with her own hair. , Wait for the hair to come back.

is precisely because the wig is made of their own hair, so many people think that electricYingli Nebula's bald head is just a special effect, and it was a shock to know that she had really shaved her hair because she didn't see it at all.

But after she shaved her hair, she also got a new skill, that is, when she went out to play, she would take off her wig if she didn't want to be accosted by others, which is amazing!

shaving the long hair she has loved for many years is actually an experience for her, because when her hair is shaved, she really feels that she is a completely different person.

She once dropped out of school

when she was in the UK and went to acting school, and later dropped out to concentrate on acting. She was only 18 years old at the time, but she took a risk in order to perform on the big screen as soon as possible.

Although she had to work in a bar to maintain her life before getting a stable role, she finally found a job and it has been smooth sailing ever since.

But she doesn’t regret it at all. She thinks it’s important to her life that she dropped out of school to act as a part-time job. After all, it’s not easy to find a studio in the show business circle. Besides being lucky, she has to work hard, but working in a bar is also An important experience in life.

In order to act, she also overcomes many things.

In order to realize the acting dream, she had to overcome the stage fright problem that she had had since childhood. She was not good at communicating with people when she was young, so she had to overcome this problem, otherwise it would definitely affect development.

And her stage fright problem is not small. When she was a child, she couldn’t speak a word to strangers. When she grew up, she overcame her shyness and faced her own fear, because this is something that must be done, because she sees Now, what she is afraid of is actually unfamiliar things, and some things as long as they are familiar.

does not forget her original intentions and her hometown

Thanks to her film career, she has the opportunity to move to Los Angeles, a place where she is rich in money, but this does not mean that she does not want to miss her hometown of Scotland.

Karen has always had a touch of lovesickness since she came to the United States. Her acting career requires her to be close to Hollywood, but she does find ways to return to her hometown. For example, her debut work "Tupperware Party" mentioned above is based on her Inverness, my hometown, is a city in the Highlands of Scotland.

, ​​as I said before, is a film she directed and acted in and composed by herself, so she had to deal with investors because they wanted to change the background of this film to Glasgow. Although it is a British city, it is very different.

So she categorically refused this request, because filming location in her hometown is extremely important to her, because in her mind, the city where she was born and raised is idyllic.

She is an outspoken feminist

Now Karen is not afraid to express her thoughts and feelings, especially about her beliefs, when the latest doctor in "Doctor Who" was a woman (before A dozen of them are all men), many people have questioned, but she feels very happy, because it is ridiculous to doubt whether an actress can perform a role played by a male actor before!

And she is willing to play Nebula in Guardians of the Galaxy because this role is different from most heroines in Marvel.

Nebula is actually closer to the villain to a certain extent, which is very attractive to her. In commercial blockbusters, actresses are often reduced to a member of the "emotional line", or to some extent have to be ambiguous with the male protagonist. She is good-looking, and she must be hot, but Nebula is different. She is chaotic, irritable, and dare to do bad things, and this is really cool.

Acting is not her dream career

She has been a small director by herself since she was very young, and she still acts and shoots herself. She has a video camera. She writes some clips at home and shoots them by herself. Most of them are scary. Slices, because ketchup can be found at home anytime.

Now she has a good acting experience. Gradually, she turned her attention to being a director, because in her heart, this is what she should do. What's more important is that she has written, directed and acted in a movie called "Tupperware Party". She herself plays the heroine, and has hired Hollywood acting guy Lee Pace to be the leading actor! The movie

is one of the most important experiences in her life and is expected to be released at the end of the year.

She didn't want to make an action scene at the beginning.

"Game of the Brave" made her a new Hollywood actionThe star, in fact, she didn't want to shoot, maybe it's just her height of about 1.8 meters to help her get the role.

But she really likes filming action scenes, because filming action scenes can be regarded as challenging most actresses' stereotypes in movies.

In her opinion, the actresses in action scenes are not only strong and sexy girls, but also very powerful.

She considers herself a complete freak

Her mother is a science fiction fan, and she often took her to watch science fiction movies when she was a child, and they were all similar to movies like "X-Files" and Star Wars Star Trek.

So she herself became a fan of science fiction, especially after filming several seasons of "Doctor Who", she felt that she had become a complete nerd and little freak. It is not easy for

to transition from a TV series to the big screen.

fans who have followed her since "Doctor Who" are all excited about her success on the Hollywood big screen and become a true movie icon.

is really perfect for fans, but it sounds easy but hard to do.

First of all, whether it is an American, British or domestic drama, the shooting progress is very fast, because the budget is small, and there are dozens of episodes at every turn, it is possible for the actors to be synchronized in batches, and the film often takes several months to draw. It takes only a few years to complete the filming, but the budget and time are a lot.

It is common for a shot to be NG dozens of times, and some directors with higher standards will often shoot several endings or several versions, just for the convenience of future selection and editing.

Take Karen’s filming "Guardians of the Galaxy" as an example. It took a whole week and only filmed a fight between Nebula and Kamora. One shot was taken several times, and different cameras were taken several times. normal.

Her American accent is absolutely top-notch.

Look at "Doctor Who" and you will know that her natural accent has a heavy Scottish accent, but after watching "Guardians of the Galaxy", she also knows that her American accent is very convincing. Li, is simply perfect. After watching "Guardians of the Galaxy", most people think she is an American actress. They never thought she should be.

has to boast that she has spent a long time training her vocabulary and tone, because American English and British English are different in many places.

And for British people, it is easy to learn American English. At least it is fine to learn a very authentic American accent, but it is difficult for ordinary Americans to learn British English well.

, ​​but the accent has a different interpretation in her opinion, because in the United Kingdom, American entertainment has reached saturation, many Hollywood stars and others are very popular, and movies are also directly released in American English, while in the United States , Most people are familiar with "Downton Abbey" and "Harry Potter", science fiction fans see "Doctor Who", so for the British who often hear the American accent, it is easier to imitate .

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