If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage

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Huang Xiao’s original orange forest


head back to HNA’s New Village to fly directly to Shenzhen. The time is particularly good, morning and evening, no need to stay up late, not sleeping and worry about the consequences of jet lag, unable to sleep or wake up. Flying during the day can enjoy watching movies without psychological burden. I watched three movies throughout the whole season, one season of "English Village Story", for eleven hours, except for eating. The result was too tired to come back for three days.

If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage - Lujuba

movies are all domestic word-of-mouth films that have been missed in 2007, "Wonderful West East", "Jianghu Children", "Devil Cat Biography". At least the rhythm is quite international, the transition is not procrastinated, the visual has its own unique creation, and the structure story is clever. The Douban short comment of "The Legend of the Demon Cat" is particularly funny. For example, it turns out that the demon cat is the editor, and it asked Bai Juyi to remind him of the draft. In addition, Bai Juyi and Kong Hai must have occupied the cover of the WeChat Moments campaign in the past two days. The most enjoyable thing is "The English Village Story". In the cabin in the dark day and night, at an altitude of 10,000 meters, I was giggling and giggling, but the corners of my mouth never came down because I was wearing headphones.

If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage - Lujuba

"English Village Story" translated into "English Village Brain Remnant Story" in China, I have been thinking about it for a long time, and I haven't had a turn to watch it. This one was used on the plane for one season, and when he came back to Shenzhen, he won the second season. Kerry said, I really don’t know who will watch our broken show? I really want to send her a messenger, me, if you dare to show off, I dare to chase after.

Kerry and Kurtan are two English country brothers and sisters. This is a pseudo-documentary written and directed by the two of them. They are all about the idiot stories of the people around their village. Their lives are based on themselves. Wang Shuo said that Shi Tiesheng said one thing, I think it is right, everyone is a good novel, you can write it by yourself, don't learn from others, you can't learn it.

In the play, the siblings play a pair of cousins. Kerry's father is Kurtan's uncle. In the play, Kerry's bastard father is actually the real father of the siblings. The life is sad and boring, sad and happy, I really like the tune of what the fuck in that life. The pseudo-realistic life of two waste woods can be made into a big hit drama, shows that everyone has a waste wood in their hearts, it is the difference between dare to release them and whether they have the capital. I think mine has been released and cannot be taken back.

If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage - Lujuba

The English countryside is very similar to the New Village town that I am increasingly familiar with. It is conservative, gossip, no secret, and unreasonable, and looks super friendly. This kind of rural life depends on how you look at it. Facing the rural festivals and fairs that come at the end of the day, I still have a novel vision. If I follow the sights of Kerry and Kurtan, it can be another Of course, the boring day after day, so familiar, there is nowhere to escape. Compared with those in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou, who have never dared to forget the Nasdaq, and are full of agitated young hearts, these English village children basically live in a closed small universe. It is difficult to find a job after graduation, like Kerry. Like Kurtan, wandering around the village all day long, Kerry, a fat girl, ridiculously established a pseudo-gang organization. The members are all teenage boys, scary black organizations, and they use the little boys to hustle and bully their leaders. The gang leader threw strawberries on the glass window of the gang leader's house to create a criminal case, and then Wuyang Wuyang followed to solve the case.

One of my most touching moments is Kerry, who has a huge body and a naive heart, celebrates his birthday. From the night he has been scanning Facebook pages, hoping to get blessings. In the morning, the postman came and left. Her bastard dad even Kurtan prepared it. Refusing to sign a birthday card, saying that it’s not emotional, don’t involve feelings, and it’s the same thing as "talking about feelings hurts money." The

If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage - Lujuba

gang leader and club member

Kurtan prepared a surprise for his cousin Kerry. He took Kerry to the mountains and walked a long way. On the viaduct, Kerry saw a banner wishing him a happy birthday. Kurtan asks you whether you are pleasantly surprised or not, you just say whether you are pleasantly surprised or not. He was surprised by his creativityHi, I said that I used to see things like this on the flyover. It's strange, who would do it. I know now, I will! After the surprise, the two of them lost their way, and they couldn't find their way home after spinning around in the mountains. I missed the machinery exhibition that Kerry likes to watch. To make up for the obsolescence, Kurtan bought Kerry the soda dispenser she wanted and sent it along with the birthday card that had forged the signature of her bastard dad. This is the biggest surprise, the blessing from my father, although it is fake.

If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage - Lujuba

Kerry's bastard to the strange father is one of her important background boards. A man with a trash character abandoned his wife and daughter very early. He was still in the same village. He was kicked out by a cohabiting woman and lived in an abandoned RV. Kerry rushed to accompany him and play games with him. Flight simulator, as his co-pilot. He refused to express a little kindness to his daughter. He stole a car of vacuum cleaners and told his daughter that he would come to do business together and let her use his name to rent a warehouse and store the stolen goods. When the police found out, she asked her daughter to surrender, saying that she did it all by herself, and it had nothing to do with him. Kerry is willing to do anything for her dad. She is like her trash dad's dog. She can't drive her away. She also said that our family takes care of each other. The missing father's love and the roaring mother's love made Kerry in his 20s and 30s look like a 10-year-old child, funny and pitiful. This is also the reason Kurtan is so good to Kerry, he really feels that she lacks love and is unfair to her. But they did not act as miserable as I wrote. Both of them laughed very low and were easily satisfied. They did not confront life and self-pity. looks at yourself coldly, laughs at yourself, does not condemn or question, just to show you the bottom line of life, that is a very advanced thing.

was unemployed because of graduation. Both Kerry and Kurtan didn’t have much money. They couldn’t even afford McDonald’s. One day Kurtan brought a pizza to Kerry’s house and wanted to heat it in the oven. Kerry wanted to eat it too. Kurtan didn’t share anything. Meaning, the ghost kills a whole pizza by himself. At this point, I have almost gone to the village to do what I am. If I do or not, the whole pizza is my own. Kerry took out the chicken nuggets from the refrigerator and planned to heat it for lunch. The two of them quarreled about whose food was placed on the upper floor of the oven. Kurtan said I was a guest, and you should treat the guests better. Kerry, you stay in this room more than I do, what kind of guest are you. The two brothers and sisters were tied together in such trivial and boring ways. The most exciting thing was that the teacher they didn't like died, and the two children danced to the streets childishly to celebrate.

If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage - Lujuba

younger brother Kurtan was a scarecrow festival. He secretly sold potatoes and cattle from his neighbor's house, and posted nude photos of him and Kerry's pastor to the bottomless bastard on the dating site. This is how Rao said, the pastor has always been loving, never giving up, and supporting the two siblings. Helped Kurtan apply to enter the university. The conjoined baby cousin was about to separate, and Kurtan had no courage to tell Kerry. Knowing this from other sources, Kerry angrily vented his gangster.

Finally, Kurtan appeared and asked whether the gang still lacks a certain operating officer. I decided to GAP for one year and lead an organizational life first. The siblings got together again. This is the friendship between the younger brother and the older sister, and it is also Kurtan's loss of what to do with the strange world outside. He grew up in a closed village, and it is difficult for the outside world to have a friendly face. The two people wrote and acted this play because they were in the city, they were uncomfortable and didn't like it, and they couldn't forget their home and country. That was their comfort zone and everything.

Tennis star Federer said, If you’re great at one thing, make it everything. If you are only good at one thing, then make it everything . This is also true. Either return to the hypocritical state of your original intention, or return to the comfort zone and dig your comfort zone well. Sure enough, the siblings ended up being stars in the comfort zone, earning fame and fortune. It's better than being a hurried nobody in a big city.

If you dare to show off the brain damage, I dare to pursue the brain damage - Lujuba

Like the Chinese village, the English village has another characteristic, that is, there are few young people, KerryIt's hard to have an age-appropriate relationship with Kurtan. In Kurtan’s words, the women in the village are all pensioners ( pensioners shocked and felt discriminated against! ) He said that he was looking for a girlfriend on a dating site, and the distance became more and more set. The farther I go, even if they are not too far away, I don’t have the money to cross the English Channel every day to play with a French girl. I said to all the FB that popped up, "People you may know" Hi, what is the animal in your soul? Only one girl replied, saying it was a giraffe, and then asked me, I said that all animals that can have sex with giraffes are my soul animals. She thinks I am very funny.

Kurta later found a job in a bowling club, and said that he didn't want to go there at first. It was all old stuff. Later I found that they were pretty good. As long as they don't mention foreigners and self-checkout, this is what they hate most, and they will let you know how much they hate this.

Watching this kind of drama will doubt and confirm the life lost at home. For Kerry and Kurtan, the happiest thing is that they have each other. They are not afraid of the funeral and can write the funeral together into a script. Don't be afraid to live like a joke, and it can be made into a drama for more people to watch, which is advanced. On the way

, mourned at an altitude of 10,000 meters, mourning and compassionate. The private goods behind


people want to be smart and decent. Everywhere they are superior and one step ahead. In the modern world of , there is no shortage of such people, and you can grab a lot of people who you don’t know. Sisters and brothers like Kerry and Kurtan, who don't dislike their naive and stupid expressions at all, deal with what the fuck in a serious manner, without a bit of packaging, in fact, they reveal a certain essence of life and compassion.

I now remove my career and all my vanity, and live a basic life without a little halo. I look at the world and people. My vision becomes flat, even looking up. There are also benefits, is humble and arrogant, the latter has a bigger blind spot, more like a real joke.

So Kerry and Kurtan humbly joke about themselves to show you, it will become a big hit, and get the prize soft.

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