Say he is a star with almost no faults, don’t you all agree?

movie 1559℃
The hot summer of

always ignites everyone's enthusiasm for star chasing. Just look at so many recent competitions and talent show passion battles!

Say he is a star with almost no faults, don’t you all agree? - Lujuba

Among the competitions for beautiful singing and dancing, the host contest held by CCTV is a bit special. In order to create momentum for the game, He Jiong, who came from CCTV, recorded a video for all the players, one of which was very moving.

He said: "The happiness of picking up the microphone for the first time 25 years ago and walking with my dreams has not been forgotten in 25 years."

Say he is a star with almost no faults, don’t you all agree? - Lujuba

has been in the industry for 25 years and is 45 years old this year. He has reached middle age and his initial heart. But still like a teenager. For a long time, Mr. He has been a role model: his host style is ever-changing, children's shows, entertainment shows, beauty shows, formal evening parties, he can hold live in all occasions; more than that, he also acts as an actor and plays in dramas. , Do dubbing, and write a column for twenty years.

Say he is a star with almost no faults, don’t you all agree? - Lujuba

Whenever I see Teacher He, as a junior and young man, there is always a kind of humiliation.

After all, the common state of many young people is either from beginning to end, or shouting to work hard, but still boiling frogs in warm water.

How wonderful is a life like Mr. He who is always vigorous and does not set limits for himself? Let’s take a look at it.

-I am the dividing line of a wonderful life-

flips through teacher He's resume. There are brilliant results in every field.

is a host, he has a representative program that can be produced by ratings and word of mouth, and even the TV station will adjust the program according to his time; as a singer, there are classic songs with a high degree of singing; as an actor, both dramas, dramas, TV dramas and movies To get involved.

He seems to be omnipotent, knowledge, affinity, quick wit, control, coupled with the right humor, all advantages in one.

In the column he insisted on writing to middle school students, someone once asked him if he has achieved such a great achievement now, is there any regret?

Teacher He said: "We all need to cherish what we can have more, instead of spending precious time on the past that cannot be changed by sighing. I have never regretted myself, and I have not surpassed the height of 1.8 meters. Because, I Already have heights other than 1.8 meters." The heights of

other than 1.8 meters are of course achieved through hard work: the recording was injured, and after going to the hospital, I continued to return to the studio and insisted on recording; Not reconciled to just stay in the comfort zone, any type of program is willing to challenge.

Teacher He’s "fighting", perhaps many people can do it through gritted teeth, but how to fight is what we ordinary people need to learn from Teacher He.

Teacher He’s efforts are never anxious and always work happily.

He once said in a variety show that many people complain and sad in the process of hard work. Such hard work can bring improvement, but it can't bring happiness. You must work optimistically to bring you happiness.

Teacher He has been able to work optimistically for twenty years because he has never broken the wings of imagination by life, and will never set limits on his life.

He told them in a column for middle school students: The joy of life needs you to find it yourself.

And over the years, he has indeed been looking for the way: always maintain a childlike heart, and be able to host children's programs after twenty years; besides

, he has also continued to host all kinds of web comprehensives.

On the surface, this is a test of the ability of hosting and personal energy. In fact, the mode and content of the web synthesis are quite novel. Therefore, Mr. He must maintain the enthusiasm for new things and continue to understand the world of young people and be familiar Their language can hold.

"The Longing for Life" is a new word he gave to Huang Lei's continuous popular science young people who love to play and use; the new young idols, Huang Lei does not know, but Teacher He can easily say their work. Teacher

He said: "Imagination is a precious gift." He has been cherishing the gift of

, so he is not restricted by his age number in his life, and he is not restricted by his comfort zone. Only if you dare to think can you create unlimited possibilities.

——I am the dividing line of infinite possibilities——

Many young people are much younger than Teacher He, but they have imagination and energyBut he can't compare with courage. As the teacher said, today's adults have put too much shackles and pressure on themselves. Why don't children worry? Because he can see the world gives him many possibilities.

In fact, when it comes to life, have we ever lacked imagination?

When I was seven, I dared to dream of launching a warplane. When I was seventeen, I wanted to see all over the world. But when many people reached the age of 27, imagining the future became a luxury because it took a lot of effort to live well in the present. .

As the years get older, the precious gift was confined in the box, and the outside is thickly wrapped with tape called "mature", "fear" and "tired", gradually making it dusty, and then slowly forgotten .

In fact, as long as you reopen it, you will find that it is still shining in that corner.

What we lack is just a key to regain our imagination.

About ten years ago, Mr. He once dubbed the Pixar animation "Food Story". The producer who had been a Disney director for more than ten years praised him at the time: "Who is the most suitable voice for the protagonist, Xiaomi, a mouse? The first impression that came out was that of He Jiong, and then I focused on him. "

Teacher He's character who dares to think and do, and is always optimistic and hardworking, indeed matches the little mouse Xiaomi in "Food Story".

As a little mouse, Xiaomi has a strong sense of taste and dreams of becoming a well-known chef, but no one believes that little mouse can be a chef.

was a saying from the idol of the God of Cooking who appeared on TV to encourage him: "You must have imagination and courage. You cannot let anyone limit your abilities based on your origin. The only thing that can limit you is Your heart."

Affected by this, the little mouse began to understand that he has been limited by the past and will never have a bright future. What

said by the idol of the God of Cooking is the key to unlocking the imagination of the little mouse and giving it the courage to imagine the future; for us ordinary people, watching the story of the little mouse finally becoming a chef is also from it. Gained warmth and touch.

For adults, animation is undoubtedly a comfort in life. And Pixar animation, in addition to bringing us comfort and hope, is also the key that allows us to open the box and regain our imagination.

Because Pixar means that all the unimaginable things can happen in front of your eyes.

Each of us can find ourselves in Pixar animation.

Pixar-like protagonists are never superior, they are ordinary, small, but clumsy and cute.

In addition to the little mouse with the dream of a chef, there are also the silly idiot robots in "Robots", the little ants desperately saving the family in "Insect Crisis", and the noisy clownfish in "Finding Nemo".

No matter how small a life is, it also has a huge energy, which can bring an ordinary life to an extraordinary life.

Over the years, Pixar Animation has always exerted its unlimited imagination, making toys and racing cars have life, letting little mice and ants become the protagonists, and creating a magnificent, wonderful and dreamy castle for every adult, only storage Happiness and hope.

​​In the world created by Pixar, our nightmare will become the power source for the monster world in "Monsters Electric Company". Therefore, in every night awakened by a nightmare, there can be less helplessness and more gentle imagination about the monster world.

The little tortoises and goldfish we raise may also be like the little animals in "Finding Nemo", swimming around thinking about their relatives...

Death is no longer a terrible thing, if people die To be able to go to the colorful world in "Dream Quest", the pain of separation will eventually be covered by the expectation of reunion many years later.

Eighty-eight think that the most powerful part of the imagination of Pixar animation is that it can make every adult softer.

will be moved by the friendship of robots, will believe that underwater creatures have their own rich world, will be moved by a little ant... Whenever immersed in Pixar animation, it is like regaining the infinite vision of the world at the age of seven And imagination, because it can always touch the softest corner of your heart.

So even He Jiong, Nicholas Tse, Mao Buyi and Han Han can no longer be calledAdults who are boys, when talking about the characters in Pixar's animation, they all show a gentle look instantly.

Teacher He said that he cherishes all the friendship years like Hu Di in "Toy Story".

, who once sang the Chinese theme song for "Dream Travels", is not easy. He wants to be a little boy who chasing dreams in the movie. He has love and persistence.

Pixar gave him a simple, beautiful and free world.

Han Han most admired is McQueen in the Pixar movie "Cars". Only by seeing what he thinks from his experience can he move forward decisively on the field of life.

Han Han encouraged everyone with his experience in participating in the competition that everything is possible.

Pixar animation films, these years have taught us a lot of things.

Nicholas Tse, who is also a singer, actor, chef, and company owner, mentioned that when he talked about his fate with Pixar Animation, he started working as a post company at the age of 22 because he liked to stay in an infinite world, and Pixar Animation , Its imagination is unlimited.

is like Nicholas Tse’s favorite line in "Food Story": "Not everyone can become a great artist; But a great artist can come from anywhere."

Not everyone will become an artist, but a great artist It may come from anywhere.

With the spirit of "Imagination · Infinite Possibilities" and , Pixar has been adhering to ingenuity over the years and has created for adults one after another with incomparably rich imagination and beautiful world. After two hours of traveling in that world, we have gained happiness, and Regained confidence. The most important thing about

is that Pixar’s animation makes everyone who is living an ashy life re-radiate brilliance. It wants to tell us the truth, hidden in every robot, fish, racing car and toy. The principle of

is actually very simple: never set limits on life, your imagination can create unlimited possibilities.

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