The development history of Spider-Man: Sony Marvel fell in love and killed each other, is the parallel universe and the single villain the way out?

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The original copyright of

went through several hands. Spiderman was almost photographed as a monster

. Back in the 1980s, Marvel began to sell a large number of comic IPs, including Spiderman, because of poor management.

In 1985, Cannon Pictures bought the five-year film rights of Spider-Man from Marvel. If Cannon Pictures hasn't made a "Spider-Man" within 5 years, the copyright will automatically return to Marvel.

Cannon Pictures didn't know how to adapt this IP, so I asked the screenwriter to write a script. But he wrote Spider-Man as an eight-legged monster, and arranged for it to fight other mutant monsters in the basement.

If the film was successfully shot and released, then the Spider-Man we will see later may really be just a mutant monster, which is scary to think about.

However, this unreliable idea was aborted with the decline of Cannon Pictures.

The financial crisis fell from the sky due to the disastrous box office losses of "Superman IV" and "Decisive Time War Zone" promoted by the owners of Cannon Film.

In order to survive this catastrophe, Cannon Pictures was acquired by EMI, and the "Spiderman" IP later fell into the hands of 20th Century Fox. But the facts have proved that the two have nothing to do with each other, and they only meet briefly.

Columbia appeared

Spider-Man series officially took shape

until the emergence of Columbia Pictures, completely reversed the situation. The

Spiderman IP is finally no longer in "exile" and officially enters the production stage. Columbia Pictures found Sam Lemmy, who had directed the "Ghosts" series, and sold this IP that had changed hands to a global box office of 800 million US dollars Superhero movie.

The development history of Spider-Man: Sony Marvel fell in love and killed each other, is the parallel universe and the single villain the way out? - Lujuba

Since Columbia Pictures was later acquired by Sony, the copyright owner of "Spider-Man" has also become Sony.

A "Spider-Man" made Sony at the time successfully ranked among the six major Hollywood film companies. The subsequent launch of "Spider-Man 2" and "Spider-Man 3" also maintained an average box office of around 700-800 million US dollars.

But the good times did not last long. Since 2008, the "Spider-Man" series has entered a development bottleneck. Due to the withdrawal of Sam Leimi, Sony has suspended the development of a sequel to the series.

Hollywood has never revolved around just one company. While Sony suspends "Spider-Man", Marvel started its own cinematic road. Although it only started filming the first movie "Iron Man" in 2008, the first trial Water reached a global box office of 500 million US dollars, allowing Marvel to taste the sweetness of film adaptation.

After "Iron Man", Marvel has successively filmed single-player films such as "Invincible Hulk", "Thor", "Captain America", and then launched "Guardians of the Galaxy" and "Avengers" series to build a comic Granville movie universe.

The development history of Spider-Man: Sony Marvel fell in love and killed each other, is the parallel universe and the single villain the way out? - Lujuba

In 2012, Marvel's "Avengers" was released hotly. At that time, Sony was far behind by Marvel. According to the agreement between Sony and Marvel, Sony must make a Spider-Man movie every 5 years. As a result, Sony had to find Marvel to cooperate with and filmed "The Amazing Spider-Man". The film was also released in 2012, but the box office was nearly half that of "Reunion".

restarted the Spider-Man movie this time, and Sony changed the starring roles to Andrew Garfield and Emma Stone. The series originally had to shoot 3 parts, but because of the poor reputation of the second part, the follow-up planning was aborted.

The development history of Spider-Man: Sony Marvel fell in love and killed each other, is the parallel universe and the single villain the way out? - Lujuba

"The Amazing Spider-Man" failed at the box office and gave Sony a heavy blow. On the one hand, Sony itself is unable to restart the Spider-Man movie. On the other hand, the growing Marvel has once again aimed at the Spider-Man who has been in exile for a long time. Sony at the time of

has been unable to recreate the brilliant record of 2002. So they joined forces with Marvel and reached an agreement. In the future, the two parties will cooperate in 6 Spider-Man series movies, which will be invested and distributed by Sony, and Marvel will be responsible for shooting. Spider-Man can join the Marvel Cinematic Universe. After the

agreement was reached, Spider-Man appeared in "Captain America 3", "Avengers 3" and "Avengers 4". The restarted single-player movie "Spider-Man: Homecoming" also won a global box office of US$800 million. , The majestic reproduction of the Spider-Man series.

Marvel even regarded the restarted second Spider-Man single-player movie "Spider-Man: Far From Home" as the finale of the third stage of the Marvel Cinematic Universe. It can be seen how much Marvel values ​​the IP of Spider-Man.

However, although the Spider-Man IP is full of blood on the screenResurrection, but this collaboration between Sony and Marvel seems not as simple as it seems on the surface. The contention behind it extends from film development to derivative copyrights.

derivative copyright

Sony and Marvel do not want to let go

Sony and Marvel have been arguing about the rights and interests of Spider-Man movie derivatives.

In the beginning, the copyright of "Spider-Man" obtained by Sony included the beneficiary rights of derivatives.

later delayed because of "Spider-Man 4", Sony saw that it would violate the agreement to make a Spider-Man movie every 5 years, so it quickly found Marvel to cooperate with the filming of "The Amazing Spider-Man." But in exchange, Sony will no longer enjoy the Spider-Man derivative share.

Spider-Man movie derivatives

movie derivatives have always been profiteering industries. Foreign media once said that Sony had a plan to operate Spider-Man derivatives internally, but it did not end because of the agreement with Marvel.

However, things turned around when "Captain America 3" started. Marvel was short of a superhero role at the time, and took the initiative to find Sony, hoping to make Spider-Man appear in this movie in a cooperative way.

The two parties have negotiated a new agreement, Sony will be responsible for the investment and distribution of the Spider-Man movie, and Marvel will be responsible for the filming. The agreement includes 3 single-player Spider-Man movies and 3 other movies in which Spider-Man participates. In exchange for

, Sony regained the share of movie derivatives. This cooperation of

seems to be a win-win situation for Sony and Marvel. Sony enjoys derivatives profits, and Spider-Man has also entered the Marvel Cinematic Universe.

But in fact, Sony seems to have lost the power to control the Spider-Man movie. Because from the story, the current Spider-Man is completely a role in the Marvel movie universe. So, it began preparations for the Spider-Man spin-off movie "Venom." Facts have proved that the global box office of the film 800 million US dollars gave Sony a shot of stimulus. The success of the

film made Sony eager to develop the Spider-Man villain universe. However, every move of Sony has also been seen by Marvel. When

was preparing for "The Amazing Spider-Man 2", Sony tried to associate the film with the subsequent project "The Sinister Six". However, after the "Six Men" project was difficult to produce, Sony's attempt ended in failure.

Subsequently, Sony also plans to develop an independent movie of the villain "mystery". However, Marvel was the first to put this role in "Spider-Man: Far From Home", which is the role played by Jack Gyllenhaal. Sony therefore had to abandon the "Mystery" project. The screenshot of

is from Mtime

. It seems that Marvel and Sony coexist peacefully, but in fact it is undercurrent. For the future development of Spider-Man, both sides have their own little abacus.

What other movies will Spider-Man appear in after "Farewell"


The agreement between Sony and Marvel on six Spider-Man movies will expire this year. Up to now, Spider-Man has appeared in 3 Marvel movies, including "American Team 3", "Reunion 3", and "Reunion 4". The other 3 Spider-Man single-player movies have also been shot in two.

Next, where does Spider-Man go? Is it continuing to appear in the Marvel Cinematic Universe? Or return to Sony's arms? Can Venom and Little Spiders be in the same frame?

Regarding this question, some media asked the CEO of Marvel Pictures and the producer of "Venom" separately, and their answers were ambiguous. Marvel Pictures CEO Kevin Fitch said in an interview that whether Venom and Spider-Man can be in the same frame depends on Sony Pictures. The screenshot of

is from Mtime

, and the producer of "Venom" said that it is not impossible that Venom and Spiderman are in the same frame. "Everyone wants to see the same frame (Spiderman and Venom). Maybe one day, it may be possible."

The screenshots from Mtime

left too much suspense, and did not say that Venom and Little Spiders cannot be in the same frame. We can look forward to it for the time being.

In addition to Spider-Man, Sony has the copyright to more than 900 Marvel characters, many of which are related to Spider-Man. Such as Venom and Spiderwoman.

Sony has now officially prepared a "Spider-Man Derivative Movie Universe" without Spider-Man. The series of movies in the universe that have already started or are in preparationThere are "Venom 2," "Mobias the Vampire", "Hunter Craven", "Spider Silk", "Silver Mink" and "Black Cat".

Among them, Tom Hardy will return to "Venom 2," and the online film will be released in North America on October 2, 2020.

"Mobias the Vampire" has started shooting, Jared Leto plays the actor Morbias. The film tells the story of a Nobel Prize-winning biochemist who accidentally turned into a "fake vampire" while treating a rare disease. It is scheduled to be released in North America on July 31, 2020.

"Mobias the Vampire" studio photo

Sony’s planning for the above projects is basically like "Venom", through the use of first-line actors combined with the adaptation of the plot, to find a new way different from Marvel movies. If Sony can succeed, this "Spider-Man Derivative Movie Universe" may be able to rise rapidly after the third phase of MCU ends.

In addition, from the eggs of "Spider-Man: Far From Home", we also saw the newspaper boss in the 2002 version of "Spider-Man." Many fans have speculated whether there will be a Spider-Man parallel universe in "Spider-Man 3". If this happens, it will not only connect the original "Spider-Man" movie, but also greatly benefit Sony's subsequent development work. The

little spider was also asked by foreign media this year whether he wanted to be in the same frame as the two former Spider-Man, he said openly, "Of course I would like to make a movie with them, it must be super cool." Screenshot of

from Mtime

The spider's answer seemed to be sold out. No matter what Marvel and Sony decide, this is the picture that Spider-Man fans want to see.

For Sony and Marvel, due to the expiration of the agreement, both parties must discuss the next cooperation method this year. We also look forward to any new changes this time. After all, the current Spider-Man is no longer what it used to be. If you suddenly withdraw from the Marvel Cinematic Universe, it will be a loss for both the economic interests of both parties and the fans of Spider-Man and Marvel.

But if Sony’s Spider-Man universe and Marvel Cinematic Universe are to be further integrated, both parties must pay a higher price. However, according to foreign media reports, Sony has revealed that it wants to expand the idea of ​​Marvel movie members. Marvel may really want to consider whether to accommodate "Venom" into the Marvel Cinematic Universe first.

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