About marriage and loneliness: this Douban 9.3 high score drama, poked the hearts of countless women

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About marriage and loneliness: this Douban 9.3 high score drama, poked the hearts of countless women - Lujuba

Text/Xingzhi Online Special Author Happy Insects

On November 15, the classic movie "Sea Pianist" was screened for the first time in domestic theaters. A netizen at

About marriage and loneliness: this Douban 9.3 high score drama, poked the hearts of countless women - Lujuba

, ​​Zhihu, was indignant: "I was crying for the actor 1900 and collapsed in the theater, but the girl next door fell asleep?? I really can't figure it out." The

friend Xiaoxu said, 1900 and Virginia exploded. , There is a kind of sadness of burning jade and stone.

In fact, "The Pianist on the Sea" tells the story of a piano genius who moved the world, but it also tells the lonely and sad life of a piano genius drifting on the sea.

About marriage and loneliness: this Douban 9.3 high score drama, poked the hearts of countless women - Lujuba

Genius is on the left, alone is on the right

"The Pianist on the Sea" is directed by Italian director Giuseppe Tonatore. The pictures in the film have a quiet and solemn beauty. What's more moving than this is the music played by the male lead 1900 in the movie. He learned without a teacher, drifting on a luxury cruise, and even defeated the founder of jazz who came to provocatively at that time. No doubt he is a piano genius.

tends to be high and widowed. Even though everyone, rich or poor, likes to be surrounded by 1900, listening to his natural sound of the piano, but at the moment of seeing the edge of the United States, no one does not exclaim "America". The lens of

slowly zoomed in, leaving only the blank face of 1900-the ship reached the shore, and everyone was going to go ashore after all. On the land, we had a farewell to him over and over again.

Once, he also had parents, but was abandoned in first class. While crying, he was rescued by the rough man Danny, a coal stove worker. Although he did not have a registered residence, he became a black child. However, Danny made him a cradle, and he was taken care of by his adoptive father.

was in 1900 when he was playing around in his childhood, and his adoptive father, Danny, was also scratched in the back of his head by an out-of-control chain hook under the harsh working environment. At this point, the cute little 1900 has once again become an orphan.

The dusk is deep and the sea is vast. With the prayers of seeing off his adoptive father, where should he go?

is slightly luckier than the orphans in reality, 1900 has the gift of music from heaven.

In addition, when he was in his middle age, he met his good friend Max Tony, a trumpet player.

ended up, 1900

1900 who did not disembark was born at sea until he became middle-aged. The sea is his home. This luxurious cruise ship,

, ​​is loaded with 2,000 people every time it sails to the mainland. Everyone goes ashore and lives a secular life. Only the single man 1900 remains on board.

Some people say that he is a musical genius. He could have gone ashore on his own terms, competed for fame and fortune, took the limelight, and lived a prosperous life. But he didn't have

. He was for his own musical ideals, for the company of the sea and the piano. On the eve of the bombing of the ship, he gave up his life when he could only choose between life and ship. The explanation of

is quite romantic and sounds very legendary. But what if 1900 is you, me, and the ordinary person around? He and Virginia disappeared brilliantly. From a realistic perspective, it was a regrettable suicide.

Actually, he wanted to disembark. The talents of

1900 were seen by the merchants. They came here admiringly, let 1900 sit down and record the audio discs for him, in order to sell them.

It was a rainy day. 1900 sat down and was recording a disc, so bored. When I looked up, I saw a beautiful girl's face.

This teenage girl has a pompous manner, under the round hole in the cabin, she is as beautiful as a painting.

1900 is tempted. He secretly kissed her sleeping; braved the rain to give her the audio disc; when the boat drew ashore, the girl said, "Dad opened a fish shop. I hope you come to visit us when you have time."

After that, 1900 had the idea of ​​disembarking for the first time. He tremblingly exchanged his thoughts with Max after landing: "Will you come to see me? Max."

Max cheered on the side: "Of course. Then you can introduce me to the mother of your child. Invite me. Come for dinner on Sunday, I will bring dessert and a bottle of wine. You said to me, "You are too kind," and you show me around your house. Your house is built like a boat, and your wife is roasting turkey. weSit around the dining table together. I will praise her cooking skills. She said you always talked about me. "

Then, 1900 wore the nice coat given to him by Max and walked off the ship's side step by step. However, halfway through

, ​​he returned. On the eve of

bombing the ship, when Max came to persuade 1900 to disembark again, 1900 couldn't restrain his fear anymore, revealing his heartfelt voice: "It is not what I saw that made me stop, but what I couldn't see. There is everything there, except the end. Oh my God, have you seen those streets? Just the streets, there are hundreds of thousands, can you tell me where is the end of the world? "

In the end, 1900 chose to disappear into the sea with the ship. Such an ending is really distressing. The fear in

1900, each of us had the fear in

1900, and each of us had it. The lonely, autistic state, who dare not face the state of future life, who has not lived? As small as waiting for an interview notice, as large as waiting for the response of the person you like, or the diagnosis and treatment results of dying patients.

Life is so complicated, we can master and understand too little, many people will be as unbearable as 1900 "uncertainty" in life.

Or, in order to avoid rejection of a new interview, you choose a long time Don’t change jobs, even if your current job is not suitable.

Or, in order to avoid being rejected by the people you pursue, you would rather miss than take the initiative.

people who do not have enough sense of security are often more intolerable than others. "Uncertainty" brings about the fear of the unknown.

friend Xiao Y, from the second day after marrying her husband, she began to suffer from her husband's domestic violence unfortunately.

endured abuse and even suffered derailment, so It lasted ten years. The friends around

had solved her many times before, but she was reluctant to divorce.

For nearly a year, she accidentally started to study psychology courses, just like waking up from a big dream, little by little My real situation:

Little Y’s family was not poor since she was a child. Her parents have four houses. But because her mother prefers sons over daughters and favors her younger brother, she grew up neglecting her since she was a child. I am still clear about

. I remember, in the summer, when she was a child at home, quarreling with her younger brother, her mother indiscriminately yelled at her, and then she came to my house to play and did not want to go home.

Xiao Y’s parents often quarreled. He even made a big fight. Dad once pinched his mother’s neck to red, and Dad once tried to commit suicide by drinking sleeping pills.

grew up in such a family scene. Little Y's heart is extremely insecure. There is no sense of security. She has no confidence to divorce psychologically: "Although my husband is not good now, I always have someone who wants it. If divorced, who knows what will happen? Can I meet better people? "

has no sense of security, and naturally has a strong desire to control life, just like 1900's persistent control of 88 fixed notes.

Sometimes, maybe we can choose to build a new comfort zone

In fact, there is so In an instant, I could understand the fear of 1900. Just like a Douban hot post: "I always think this is a true story, because he is cowardly, cowardly so real. "

's cognition in 1900, the Virginia, which carries 2,000 passengers and performs 88-note pianos, is his comfort zone. The world on the shore is so complicated that he does not know which woman to choose and which one to go. Street.

And what about us?

Douban netizen Du Yang Seatory said: "Everyone has his own boat in his heart, a small destination that is almost paranoid. It's just because it makes us feel really safe, and it's not helpless. "

In fact, each of us has our own comfort zone. This comfort zone gives us the sense of security that we have been eager for all our lives, and feels that it will not be displaced.

Staying in the comfort zone is not bad. Okay, but if one day, our small boat in the comfort zone, like the Virginia of 1900, is about to be blown up, where should we go?

1900, which did not disembark, has become the god of piano sung by the world, but hope We can all get off the boat because, alive, Only by living in peace with the world can we have the opportunity to realize our long-awaited ideals.

Little Y got divorced at the end, in March this year.

When she came to tell me the news, she looked firm: "For so many years, I have figured it out. After marrying him, I have never spent his money. Without him, my life would be better. "

Little Y finally left her "Virginia".

Expand your comfort zone a bit, and you will be more comfortable.

From a psychological point of view, the comfort zone means the range in which a person feels at ease. The Virginia and the sea are the comfort zone of 1900. And we all living beings, the current living area is our current comfort zone.

Then, if your comfort zone expands a little, your vision expands a little, and you will be more comfortable. As

grows older, I feel more and more that the human generation of every woman has a lot to do with her cognitive range. The achievements you have made now, even if the lover you find now, are within your communicative range, vision range and cognitive range.

How big the horizon is, how big the achievement is. If

wants to expand your comfort zone and weaken the influence of fear, you might as well try the following:

establish a new goal of "jump and reach".

It is human nature to seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and everyone’s natural reaction to fear of the unknown is also a natural response. You might as well treat yourself gently, and when you step out of your comfort zone, set yourself a small goal of "jump, reach," step by step.

is looking forward to eating a fat man in one bite, the effect is likely to be counterproductive.

discover the power of role models around.

There is a term in psychology called "Peer pressure". We often notice its negative effects, but between peers, it also brings positive effects-as long as there is someone around us starting to change, for example Say goodbye to a bad relationship, and then start a happy life; for example, bid farewell to the job that you want to leave soon, and then find a new job.

So, as long as you pay attention to these changes that are happening quietly, believe me, as long as you want to change yourself, you can do it too.

Change your cognition and discover more positive and beautiful aspects in the future.

Cognitive restructuring is a very effective method for people who are prone to passivity and pessimism and fear of the future. Excessive fear of the future may be because you are overly concerned about future risks. In the end, most of the things you worry about will not happen.

Think about those beautiful things-if 1900 had done a good job of mental construction before the ship was destroyed, and had a strong desire to live with that girl, maybe he would not choose to fend for himself? Who is right?

still remember the idea of ​​disembarking in "The Pianist on the Sea" in 1900, which originated from the farmer’s dialogue:

"Life is infinite, understand? Infinite. Change life and start again."

Wish us All can become 1900, who got off the ship in parallel time and space, embraced the infinite life, and restarted at a certain moment.

Tags: movie