Li Xianglan: I became famous when I was young but tired of the times. Ten years of singing and filming missed the original intention, and after waking up from the dream, I ran for the rest

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Li Xianglan, this name moved the land of China and even the island countries in the Republic of China, and attracted the attention of countless people around the world. How many people were chanting and crazy about the song "Evening Fragrance".

However, what many people don't know is that Li Xianglan, later known as the "Goldfish Beauty", is actually a real Japanese, whose original name is Shuko Yamaguchi.

Li Xianglan: I became famous when I was young but tired of the times. Ten years of singing and filming missed the original intention, and after waking up from the dream, I ran for the rest - Lujuba

Figure | Li Xianglan

1. Become famous when young-the beginning of becoming a puppet

On February 12, 1920, Ms. Yamaguchi, whose ancestral home is located in Saga County, Japan, was born in Beacon City, Liaoning Province. No one thought she was of pure Japanese origin. In the future entanglement between China and the day, he plays a role that cannot be ignored. Although

is Japanese, Yamaguchi was used to using Chinese as her mother tongue since she was a child. In addition to being born in China and being influenced by the people around him, what is more important is that his grandfather was a sinologist. His father Fumio Yamaguchi was also interested in Chinese characters, and he would be considered one of the few pro-Chinese Japanese in the future.

After Fumio Yamaguchi came to China, he taught the employees of the "South Manchuria Railway Co., Ltd." (referred to as Manchurian Railway) to learn Chinese.

Ms. Yamaguchi, who grew up with Fumio Yamaguchi, is naturally indispensable to attend her father’s Chinese class. Not only did she learn faster than the employees of Manchurian Railway, but she also passed the Chinese third-level exam in the sixth grade, which made the adults in the class speechless. With talent, Yamaguchi's family also have high hopes for her future.

When Shuko Yamaguchi was in elementary school, she received attention because of her excellent singing on the radio station. The school was willing to commend and promote outstanding students, and she gradually became famous locally.

However, Yamaguchi Fumio was very disgusted with the infiltration and invasion of Manchurian Railway in China at that time, and did not support his daughter to record programs on a radio station controlled by Manchurian Railway, and wanted to stop her singing career.

Reluctantly, the Manchurian Railway authorities thought this was a good opportunity to improve the image of the Japanese army in the Northeast. The Japanese at the time obviously met the requirements. Under the pressure of the Manchurian Railway member Masahiko Amazawa, the Yamaguchi family could only accept the arrangement. .

Li Xianglan: I became famous when I was young but tired of the times. Ten years of singing and filming missed the original intention, and after waking up from the dream, I ran for the rest - Lujuba

​​Picture | Photo taken with his father when he was at school in Beijing

When the "September 18 Incident" broke out in 1931, the Japanese Kwantung Army designed to blow up the rails of Nanman Road near Liutiao Lake in Shenyang, and planted the blame on the Chinese army. Machine guns bombarded Shenyang Beidaying.

At the beginning of the "Fifteen Years War", the first half of Ms. Yamaguchi, Li Xianglan's life was trampled underfoot, and the peaceful life was broken.

In 1932, Ms. Yamaguchi witnessed the "Pingdingshan Massacre" with her own eyes. More than 70 years later, when she recalled in her autobiography "My Name is Li Xianglan", she still trembled secretly about this brutal massacre and couldn't calm her heart.

was this incident. Yamaguchi Fumio was detained by the Japanese army suspected of collaborating with the Chinese in an attempt to harm the interests of the Japanese Empire. After the suspicion was lifted, the Yamaguchi family decided to move to Shenyang.

On the way from Fushun to Shenyang, Mrs. Yamaguchi met a noble person of the same age-Liuba, a Jewish girl from Russia. It is in the near future that Liu Ba introduced the lady to worship the wife of the famous Soviet opera actor Podoletsov as a teacher, and she embarked on a real musical path and became a generation queen.

The Jewish girl's important influence on Ms. Yamaguchi's first half of her life cannot be ignored. At that time in Shenyang, Mrs. Portorisos did not think she had any talent and was not willing to teach. Thanks to Liuba's help, she was able to learn music under the master's school.

"If Liu Ba gave up easily at that time, maybe I would not become a singer... She has appeared on important occasions in my life many times since then, and finally even saved my life." Li Xianglan once recalled.

Li Xianglan: I became famous when I was young but tired of the times. Ten years of singing and filming missed the original intention, and after waking up from the dream, I ran for the rest - Lujuba

2. A generation of superstars-the pain behind the halo

When she was 13 years old, Yamaguchi recognized her father's Chinese friend and the then pro-Japanese president of Shenyang Bank Li Jichun as her adoptive father, and she also had her first Chinese name, Li Xianglan.

At this time, Li Xianglan's singing career gradually became hot, and Yamaguchi was extremely reluctant to make her debut in the music industry. Shuzi's mother supported her singing road, and Li Xianglan got better and better on the road of acting. Her adoptive father Li Jichun asked her to record the program on Fengtian Radio.

Under the arrangement of the Broadcasting Bureau, Li Xianglan sang "The Fisher Girl", "Zhaojun Resentment", "Meng Jiangnu" and other songs.

In 1934, Fumio Yamaguchi sent Li Xianglan to Peking in order to get her daughter out of singing., So Li Xianglan recognized another foster father. This person was Pan Yugui, then the director of Peking Public Security and the pseudo-mayor of Tianjin, and Li Xianglan therefore had another Chinese name-Pan Shuhua. Looking back at history, coincidentally, Li Xianglan's two adoptive fathers are both ironclad traitors among Chinese politicians. When

was in Beiping, sixteen-year-old Li Xianglan attended a Chinese-Japanese middle school. At the same time, Japan invaded the three northeastern provinces, and the anti-Japanese voices in various parts of China were high. Many classmates Li Xianglan knew also shouted in this voice. Even if she tried to avoid the trend, she would still be affected. A classmate of

asked Li Xianglan what he thought, "If the Japanese hit Peiping in the future, what should we do?"

Li Xianglan calmly replied, "I chose to stand on the wall of Peking, and was penetrated by Japanese and Chinese bullets. The whole body." This answer of

may make outsiders think that she is desperate for war, but what is more profound is that Li Xianglan is helpless about the dispute between her motherland China and her motherland Japan, so she chose to die under the fire from both sides, because she loves her heart. These two countries.

At the age of 17, Li Xianglan gradually entered the film and television industry under the constant care of the Japanese agent Shan Jiaheng. At this time, she was still named Pan Shuhua.

At that time, she was spotted by the pseudo-Manchurian Film Association (Manchurian Film Association) that was manipulated and planned by Japan in China. Li Xianglan became a full-time actress for Manchurian Film. It was only when she arrived at Full Film that she realized that she was doing a drama The heroine.

Li Xianglan's first foray into the film industry was to play the heroine in "Honeymoon Express".

After this, Man Ying tasted the sweetness, and refused to let go, directly found Li Xianglan's parents and signed an exclusive contract in private. As a result, Li Xianglan shot Riman promotional videos one after another and gradually became the first heroine of Man Ying.

After the age of 19, her "Mainland Trilogy"-"Song of Bailan", "Night of China" and "The Oath of Hot Sand" made her famous in the film industry, and she sang "China The interlude "Suzhou Nocturne" in "Night of the Night" became a hit in the singing circle for a while, and she won countless praises and enthusiastic fans.

In 1941, Li Xianglan once again returned to his motherland, Japan. This time, Man Ying arranged for her the "Li Xianglan Solo Concert" at the Tokyo Theater. This concert attracted countless people. At that time, there was a congestion and riot, and the entire venue was full. Seven and a half circles. After the

"seven laps and a half riots" incident occurred, Li Xianglan's reputation in China and Japan has increased even more. However, she is full of anxiety about the increasingly shining star path, a kind of deep depression. The earth pressed her heart, making her often awake at night.

Actually, Li Xianglan was treated differently when she visited her homeland for the first time. At that time, she was wearing Chinese clothing while holding a Japanese passport. Not only was she reprimanded by the customs police, she was almost forced to change her "inferior" Chinese clothing. Fortunately, the person in charge of Manying at the time explained that Li Xianglan's identity was important to Japan. The role of Chinese propaganda was able to escape. The incident of

deeply hurt Li Xianglan, and she realized that she had fallen into the old grudge between the two countries.

She sighed in the book "The Puppet Li Xianglan in Full Mirror": "How explicit is the superiority and inequality of the Japanese towards other Asian nations. It is really a disgusting nation!"

A photo taken with the star Chen Yunshang during the filming of "Wonderful Life" in Shanghai

In 1943, her film "Wonderful Life" held a press conference in Beiping. One of the young reporters asked her: "Li Xianglan, are you not Chinese? Why do you want to perform ugly and disgusting films that insult our country like "Night of China" and "Song of Bailan"?"

When she was asked, her eyes were wide and she tremblingly replied, "I was young and didn't know. The meaning in the movie, I'm sorry, I sincerely apologize to everyone, and I will never do such a foolish thing again."

seems to be her apology is very sincere, and the people around choose to accept it in good faith and express understanding. In

's autobiography, Li Xianglan stated that she had wanted to disclose her identity several times, but for various reasons, she never made it public.

In 1944, the 33rd year of the Republic of China, Mr. Li Jinguang wrote lyrics and music, and originally sang Li Xianglan. The song "Evening Fragrance" made a sensation in the world. This song also pushed her artistic career to the pinnacle.

However, Li Xianglan behind the halo has been struggling in the abyss of pain.

"I was wearing a war by accidentFighting for the times' is manipulated by the fate of this coat... When I realize it, I have been caught between the conflicting motherland China and the motherland Japan, and the sparks of fighting splashed all over my body", Li Xianglan recalled.

at the end of 1944 Li Xianglan took the initiative to terminate the contract with Man Ying. At that time, no one in China knew that she was a Japanese.

3. Awakening from dreams-the rest of my life repented

After the defeat of Japan, the Manchukuo disappeared, and the "cultural traitor" trial took advantage of the trend. Born, the star Li Xianglan, who worked for Man Ying, naturally became a subject of much attention.

She was accused of "as a Chinese, but co-produced a film that pretended to be China with the Japanese, assisted Japan's mainland policy, and betrayed "China" and "using Chinese and Japanese languages ​​and using friendship to engage in espionage activities."

In the days before the execution, Li Xianglan, who was under house arrest, was full of fear. Whenever a car was parked at home in the compound, she became nervous. He panted, and even shrank into a ball with fright.

Fortunately, at that time, the Jewish girl Liuba returned to China and helped Li Xianglan by hiding her Japanese escort certificate in the doll and sending it to her, so she was exempted from it. The suspicion of traitor was sent back to Japan.

Picture | Reunited with her lifelong friend and benefactor Liu Ba after 53 years

In the court at the time, Li Xianglan was crying, singing a popular song, and bowing to the Chinese Hearing Group. In the end, the Chinese relented and agreed to let her go back to China.

In 1946, Li Xianglan embarked on the way home. She boarded the "Unzen Maru" and said calmly-"Li Xianglan is dead. From now on I will be "Yamaguchi Shuko". "

However, when the ship slowly left the Chinese dock, the moving voice of "Evening Fragrance" wafted from the radio. The singer of this song couldn't help shaking his whole body. Li Xianglan may have been deeply planted in her heart. Unable to remove.

Since then, Li Xianglan has regained her identity as Ms. Yamaguchi. Under the name Ms. Yamaguchi, she has appeared in many movies in China and Japan many times.

In the 1950s, she filmed the first film "My Life" in Japan after returning home "The most glorious day in the movie", starred in "The Escape Before Dawn" and received great acclaim, and then took the film "Scandal" directed by Akira Kurosawa.

Then Li Xianglan was invited by Hong Kong Shaw Brothers Film Company to go to China to film " In the days to come, Li Xianglan still strongly condemned Japan’s war of aggression and hoped that China and Japan could reconcile.

went to Hollywood, USA While studying acting and English and French, she reaped another love in her life. In New York, Li Xianglan met the sculptor Isamu Noguchi. The two seemed to fall in love at first sight, and they married soon afterwards.

later recalled, “It seemed to be smooth sailing. right? No, life rarely has a smooth sailing time. "

five years later, the two of them divorced.

At this time, Li Xianglan not only fell into a trough in love, but also a miserable career, and felt that her whole life was a failure. It was at that time that Li Xianglan met another The important person in life-Japanese diplomat Hiroshi Otaka. At the time, Hiroshi Otaka was 8 years old, and almost everyone opposed them being together. In the end, they were still together, and Mrs. Yamaguchi changed his surname to Mrs. Otaka. .

In 1969, nearly 50-year-old Li Xianglan stepped out of the housewives, became a host of Fuji TV, became a frontline reporter, and went to report in turbulent places such as Vietnam, Cambodia, and the Middle East. He also interviewed Allah. Influential figures such as Fatt and Mandela. After

, she even promoted the passage of Japan's first animal protection law, and she became a member of the Japanese parliament with perseverance, and always made efforts for Sino-Japanese friendship.

In 1972, When the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Japan resumed, Li Xianglan shed tears of happiness this time. She said: "It's really a happy day. This day is the'best day in my life'."

In 1989, Hiroshi Daihawk passed away. Later, Li Xianglan still served as the vice chairman of the "Asian Women's Foundation", and did her best to facilitate the Japanese government to apologize and compensate the war victims and the "comfort women" who served in the army.

In 2005, she published a long article admonishing Japanese Prime Minister Junichiro Koizumi Do not visit the Yasukuni Shrine, because "that will deeply hurt the hearts of Chinese people."

September 7, 2014At 10:42 on the morning of the day, at a moment that silenced countless seniors, Li Xianglan passed away at the age of 94.

A generation of celebrities who have enjoyed fame for a lifetime, but because of shame, they ran for the rest of their lives.

Picture | Li Xianglan in his later years

Li Xianglan's life is not less "exciting", the ups and downs of identity experience is more exciting than any drama movie. Her achievements in artistic attainments cannot be completely obliterated by the Sino-Japanese grievances. Her singing voice is charming and affects a generation, and so many contemporary singers have been obsessed with her.

She once said: "A person who has been fooled by the times and by a false policy will be happy if he wakes up from a nightmare and has the opportunity to reflect on and correct his behavior at the time."

Yes, the nightmare wakes up. Later, it is happy to have the opportunity to use the rest of my life to make up for the guilt of the first half of my life.

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