The "Climber" Douban score has fallen to 6.3, what is the right score? Please rate it

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's movie "The Climber", which was released on National Day this year, has been in theaters for 58 days, with a real-time box office of 1.08 billion yuan, which is more than double the box office of "Captain of China" released in the same period ("Captain of China" real-time box office 2.864 billion yuan), in addition to the box office is much lower than expected, the score of "Climber" on Douban has dropped to 6.3, and it is about to fail!

The 'Climber' Douban score has fallen to 6.3, what is the right score? Please rate it - Lujuba

suffered a "hack" before "The Climber" was released. There have been a lot of negative comments on the film on the Internet. This reason may also affect the box office, but I think it is not the main reason. People nowadays There is a kind of rebellious psychology. If you say it is not good before it is released, I will go and watch it.

don’t blow, don’t black! What needs to be said is that this is a movie recording the national mountaineering team's climb to Mount Zhu, not an action movie! And there is a fatal mistake, which is also the mistake that most films of this type must make: there is no real professional or semi-professional guidance. Many fans once suspected that the mountaineering consultants hired by this film group were absolutely unprofessional. First of all, let’s talk about equipment. Everyone is climbing Mount Everest. They only wear a simple oxygen mask on their faces. The temperature is over 30 degrees below zero. There is no ice on the face. You just wear a mask and I think you can do it.

is to climb Mount Everest again. After all, it is more than 30 degrees below zero. Please wear a thicker one. I feel cold when you look at you wearing such clothes! What else, skiing on the top of Mount Everest, Wu Jingfei ice cracks, more than 8,000 meters above sea level, that kind of oxygen thinness, walking is difficult, just climb the mountain, don't mess with those messy things! Speaking of this, I suddenly remembered why mountaineering only wears so little, because wearing too much will hinder the performance of these action actors! Since it is a movie that records heroes, please give everyone a real hero! Recommend a movie that also climbs Mount Everest: Desperate Altitude! Don't say anything else, please refute me after reading it!

is the main melody? In fact, the emotional drama is added, the tears are felt when the old captain is dead, and the reorganization of the mountaineering team is still touched, and the emotional drama between Xu Ying and Fang Wuzhou is downgrade. It is not that the emotional drama cannot appear, but the writing is too bad. Nor did it serve to set off the main line. "It is the mountain between us" that felt like the main line rather than the secondary line. Six o'clock is not bad, in line with the director's usual standard.

rating is a matter of fact, it is an objective evaluation of the film by film critics. It’s not that after you make a good movie, it must be a good movie. Fans and fans can like it crazy, but other film critics don’t care about it. We say that the box office of a movie is proportional to its own quality? The art value thing may be like "going to the bathroom to be a big size, but I didn't expect it to be a fart after working hard for a long time."

Of course, people will have prejudice. The benevolent sees the benevolent and the wise sees the wisdom. There is no so-called objectivity. Everyone’s growth environment is different, and the degree of knowledge they receive is different. Everyone has growth values, how can there be objective evaluation of?

But, let's give a serious comment, what exactly is the right score for "The Climber"? Please score.

Tags: movie