The top 10 action movies on Douban scored the bottom of the V for Vendetta, and the number one is controversial?

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Many people think: A truly good movie can be hidden in your heart for a lifetime, because it will become a part of your life; you don’t even recommend this movie to others easily, just as you don’t easily open your heart to others ; You will not easily share this movie with others, just as you will not easily share your life with others; you will not easily argue with others about this movie, just as you will not easily allow others to comment on your life.

Let’s share with you the top 10 action movies on Douban (the rankings and ratings belong to the benevolent, the wise see the wisdom)

10, "V for Vendetta" (U.S.): 8.9 points

released in 2005, 132 minutes in length, top 250 Douban movies The 56th place.

The top 10 action movies on Douban scored the bottom of the V for Vendetta, and the number one is controversial? - Lujuba

Watching this film, there is a kind of immersive wonder. I think this is an all-round wonderful movie. The reason why it is all-round wonderful is that no matter what aspect of the movie you like, you can find your favorite in VFV (V For Vendentta), such as: Political philosophy, equality and freedom, vision and hearing, acting skills, etc. V is the most handsome killer, freak, samurai and avenger in the world. The clip in the

film where V uses the speaker to play music twice reminds me of the music clip in "The Shawshank's Redemption". The music is really amazing.

9, "Ghost in the Shell" (Japan): 9.0 points

was released in 1995, and the film length is 83 minutes. The only animation in the top 10 action movies on Douban. I think it is the most serious cartoon.

The top 10 action movies on Douban scored the bottom of the V for Vendetta, and the number one is controversial? - Lujuba

"Ghost in the Shell" has almost always been regarded as the pinnacle of Japanese animation. Oshii Mamoru, known as the three major supervisors (the other two are Hayao Miyazaki and Katsuhiro Otomo), this work in 1995 made people who are accustomed to recreational or entertaining anime at a loss. The Conquer series currently includes two movie versions and two TV versions, almost all of which are insurmountable masterpieces. "Ghost in the Shell" is the earliest one, and it is also by far the highest rated, the most crazy. Fans' pursuit of this film is "If I think you are not qualified, I will not show it to you" To the point.

The reason why "Ghost in the Shell" is so classic that it cannot be surpassed is not only because of its thinking, but also because of its expressiveness. It was amazing to be able to make such a movie in 1995. The green subtitles at the beginning of the film make people feel that the inspiration for the iconic background subtitles of The Matrix must come from this. Although the picture is rough, the storyline of the film is fascinating (it is not ruled out that some people cannot understand it the first time).

8, "The Lord of the Rings: Two Towers" (United States): 9.0 points

The top 10 action movies on Douban scored the bottom of the V for Vendetta, and the number one is controversial? - Lujuba

Released in Mainland China in 2003, with a duration of 179 minutes, 223 minutes (extended version), and 235 minutes (extended Blu-ray version). Douban movies ranked 51st in the Top250 . As a three-step movie, I think it is more perfect than the three "The Godfather"! The trilogy of "Lord of the Rings" expresses the persistence and firmness of faith with the tragedy of war. While the second part of

continues the style of the first part, the story presents a pattern of multi-line development, and the plot has a higher appreciation. The second part of the battle scene is grand, but it is no longer moved by many lines like the first part The Fellowship of The Ring. However, there seems to be some thinking about the mapping of the various races and even the representative roles in each race on people. Are the colorful characters in the Lord of the Rings a reflection of a certain trait or identity in our real world?

7, "The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the Lord of the Rings" (US): 9.0 points

Released in Mainland China in 2002, with a length of 178 minutes, 208 minutes (extended version), and 228 minutes (extended Blu-ray version). Douban movies ranked 55th in the Top250 .

is one of the most shocking and grandest magical masterpieces in the history of movies. It is a perfect display of the Middle-earth world built by Mr. Tolkien's life, and the respect for him is everywhere. Regardless of the special effects, plot, and details, they are all perfect. I don't think there are other movies that can surpass the "Lord of the Rings" series. It is the pinnacle of magical film history. I love it infinitely.

"The Lord of the Rings: The Reappearance of the Ring" did not disappoint me as the first part of "The Lord of the Rings". In the film, we saw a lot of special effects, which are very realistic but unassuming.There is no feeling of being overwhelming, but it has the effect of combining with the plot, adding a bit of mystery and atmosphere to the movie. The acting of

actor is wonderful, and the almost natural performance of actor EW fits the style of the film very well. Those sensitive, fragile and innocent eyes can read dreams on the face in the sunshine at first. The panic, hesitation, panic, and despair during the adventure can be seen in his eyes. And after hardships, the calm that settled on his face is even more touching. Supporting roles, improper props, unwilling to be content with green leaves, and flesh and blood, Liv Taylor's stunning glance, Cate Blanchett's stunning debut of the Queen of the Elves...

6, "Fight Club" (United States): 9.0 points

1999 Released in 2016, the film is 139 minutes long, and Douban movies ranked No. 43 in the Top250. This movie is called a masterpiece, with perfect shots, rich special effects, unpredictable plots, and excellent lines without 13 characters.

In "Fight Club", a group of people who have been numbed by the modern lifestyle think that they are the victims of a society that has lost their humanity and feelings. They hate the materialistic social reality, but at the same time they are helpless. The theme of the film tells us that in today's materialistic world, our souls have been captured and imprisoned by the body. Only by putting everything aside can we usher in the moment when the soul is free again. For us, we must first have the courage and effort to break the traditional thinking. Otherwise, we don't even have the basic thinking ability, so what about spiritual freedom?

5, "General" (United States): 9.1 points

premiered in 1926, 67 minutes in length. The Douban score is as high as 9.1, and nearly 60% of the people scored 5 stars. It is considered one of the best silent films in the United States. Many of the segments in the film are too advanced to be suitable for viewing now more than 90 years later. As a silent film, it is not only not boring, but also has a tense and exciting rhythm. "General" The General is the name of a train. One of the shots of the

movie (pictured below) cost 42,000 US dollars (approximately 270,000 RMB). It was the most expensive shot of that era. The train that crashed into the river was only salvaged for auction 16 years later.

However, the film was lost, and director Buster Keaton took part in his life. Twenty-nine years later, someone found a forgotten copy in the director’s old mansion. After another 5 years, the director was awarded an Oscar for lifetime achievement. In 2000, 74 years later. AFI (American Film Institute) selected the 100 greatest films in film history. This film is ranked 18th. To this day, many fans have given their knees after watching it. Now 92 years later, it is still shocking. The story of the film

is based on the book "The Great Chase of the Locomotive" about the Civil War. Keaton took over many important tasks such as screenwriting, directing, starring, editing, and subtitles. The train driver Johnny he played in the film only loved two things in his life, one is his "General" locomotive, and the other is his girlfriend Anna. He was rejected for enlistment and was misunderstood and scorned by Anna, who thought he was a coward. However, when "General" and Anna were taken abducted by the northern army, Johnny spared no effort and pursued the enemy indefinitely, starting a thrilling rescue operation.

Many fans can't help but sigh after watching: Keaton has already driven the train out of the car half a century ago. When you watch the whole movie, you can't help but laugh, and your palms are sweaty. There is no green screen, no Via, and the top speed is 60 mph (about 96.5km/h). This is the real speed and passion.

​​The film's screenwriter, director, and starring Buster Keaton is an outstanding comedy star in the golden age of Hollywood silent films, standing with Charlie Chaplin and Harold Lloyd. He has a light body, agile and dexterous, elegant and unrestrained, no matter how he beats, his face will always remain calm and sly wisdom. His comedy creativity has been borrowed by many Hong Kong directors, such as the Hui brothers, Stephen Chow, and Jackie Chan are his "students."

4, "Seven Samurai" (Japan): 9.2 points

was released in 1954, and the newly revised version was released in 1991. The film length is 160 minutes. Douban movies ranked 144th in the Top250. Classic masterpiece, grandPaying equal attention to the delicate, the form and the theme are excellent, it can be called a model. This is an excellent black and white film that can achieve the unification of commercial interest and artistic aesthetics. The film ostensibly tells the story of a group of poor peasants who hired samurai to protect their rations during the Warring States Period. In essence, it explores the living conditions of the Japanese samurai in a deeper level.

This "Seven Samurai" sixty-five years ago has long been regarded as a classic by generations of masters, no matter the theme, characters, photography, story, or martial arts, scenes, all show the style of a master. The appearance of the seven samurai alone is wonderful, and the mystery is hidden deep, allowing people to see a few true samurai with distinctive personalities, and vaguely hear the sigh of Akira Kurosawa's respect and regret. "Seven Samurai" from the leading role to the dragon set, the appointments are all powerful. The actors of the seven samurai are regulars in Kurosawa's movies.

Akira Kurosawa not only joined the aesthetic taste of Hollywood, but also used the traditional Japanese samurai spirit to attract the audience and deeply analyze the tragic fate of the Japanese samurai. In the lens, there are dilapidated cities, deserted villages, naives with vegetables, old people with dead wood in their hearts, the smoke of gunpowder, the rampage of bandits, the muddy and bumpy roads, there are silent and proud swordsmen coming and going, The glorious face of the past was haggard, hungry and vain. It was an era when no samurai was needed. People only saw the sword, but not the person behind the sword. So some people cling to the city lord and gain fame in the repeated competition and endless killing. Some people have high self-esteem and proudly protect their swords. Listen No shengge, no groaning. Some have become bandits, some have been displaced.

Akira Kurosawa is not only an excellent director, but also an excellent screenwriter. His famous films are written by him personally. The story is strong and fascinating, coupled with his strong narrative ability and philosophical rationality. Artistic thinking shows his film talent in this movie. His fascinating thing is that the film lasts for more than 3 hours, but it does not make the audience feel the length of it at all, but after the appreciation, there is a feeling of uninterrupted taste, which makes people memorable.

3, "Lord of the Rings 3: The King of Invincibility" (United States): 9.2 points

was released in mainland China in 2004, with a length of 201 minutes, 254 minutes (extended version), and 263 minutes (extended Blu-ray version). Douban movies ranked 32nd in the Top250.

The charm of "Lord of the Rings" lies in the process of constantly challenging oneself to find hope. In this world, no one is firm and brave from beginning to end. They have been confused, confused, held back and even desperate when facing tremendous pressure. , But every time they asked themselves whether they had already arrived here, whether to move forward or backward, they all chose to move forward. This is the most fundamental and most indestructible force in darkness, and it is also the source of the world's vitality. "No matter how small people are, they can change the world." It is a not-short journey from the hobbit’s home to the mountain of destruction. In the process, everyone has lost a lot of precious things, calm minds, former friends, Beautiful homeland and even eternal life, but in the end it will be exchanged for eternal peace and tranquility in Middle-earth. Such sacrifices are as magnificent as epic. In the end, Frodo’s departure brought an imperfect ending, but it added the tragic effect and heaviness of the movie, and then sublimated the whole theme. In the trilogy, we can also see many magical touches, such as trees. Human flood strategy, McGonagall's dual character and so on. The film also contains a lot of humanistic and natural care emotions, such as the awareness of environmental protection throughout.

I think everyone who has read the "Lord of the Rings" trilogy will have the idea of ​​rereading the original, but the original is vast and the characters are intricately related. It is actually difficult to understand. No wonder people once said that "The Lord of the Rings" It is impossible to make a movie. The wonder of the world is that miracles happen anytime, anywhere, and "Lord of the Rings" created this miracle.

2, "Batman: The Dark Knight" (U.S.): 9.2 points

was released in 2008, 152 minutes in length, and ranked 26th in the Top250 Douban movies. The 2008 global box office champion and the second-selling film in Hollywood history. The praise of

for this movie was unanimously praised by fans. It is better to see it after hearing it. This kind of comic book superhero story actually involves six episodes. It is really going to push the screenwriter to the rhythm of jumping off the building. The last show is " "The Night Rider" has completely surpassed the original, sad to the charming state, it is really a miracle. The script is really excellent, the director is really good, and the actingI really have to admire it, it's too shocking for tmd!

It is regrettable that Heath Ledger, the actor of the clown, was found to have died suddenly in a rented apartment in Manhattan, New York in 2008. He was only 29 years old.

1, "This killer is not too cold": 9.4 points

was released in 1994, with a length of 130 minutes, and ranked 4th in the Top250 Douban movies. Among the top 10 action movies on Douban, "This Killer Is Not So Cold" ranked No. 1 without any dispute. I believe that friends who like American movies have seen this movie, and it was later remade by India into the Indian version of "This Killer Is Not Cold". Too cold."

is undoubtedly a typical Hollywood commercial film. It is not just an action movie, but a movie about life choices. Screenwriter and director Luc Besson said: "This is a story about two children, a girl and a boy. In their hearts, they are both 12 years old. They both feel lost and they love each other deeply."

"The Killer Is Not So Cold" tells a somewhat sentimental story that actually tells a very bright attitude towards life. This attitude makes this film not only a tight plot, but also a deeper aftertaste. Perhaps, especially for some older people, this feeling is deeper.

Have you watched all the 10 films above? Please leave a message below to share your experience of watching movies.

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