Can be popular for six years without plagiarism, worthy of the trump card of the country

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. There is such a national comprehensive. Relying on the wildest operation,

grabbed n many hot searches as soon as the broadcast started, and the barrage netizens were enthusiastic about it.

probably someone has guessed it. What

shop said is him-

The sixth season of "Wonderful Talk"

Can be popular for six years without plagiarism, worthy of the trump card of the country - Lujuba

"Wonderful Talk" was launched in the first season of 2014, and it was awarded Douban 9.1 for its "non-serious debate".

has been on the hot search list almost every time it starts broadcasting.

Can be popular for six years without plagiarism, worthy of the trump card of the country - Lujuba

, let alone those golden sentences that repeatedly swiped the screen, it became the memory of a generation.

Can be popular for six years without plagiarism, worthy of the trump card of the country - Lujuba

​​Recently, the new season of "Wonderful Flower" has returned with a high profile, and the competition system has become more "wild".

new and wonderful works are powerful.

The old strangers return to the audition.

The mentor who has always been aloof was also pulled off the altar and led the team to debate. The

players shouted "I am too difficult."

The troublesome MM horse laughed.

"I especially like this season's competition system

. All the old strange flowers will experience this torture from the very beginning." The

half of the survival battle, the opening is an open topic selection.

plus BBKing "decentralized" the top 56.

doubled the pressure.

is afraid of being assigned to the BBKing confrontation group.

The old strange flower is worried about being surpassed by the newcomer.

Are everyone worried?


is tense and arrogant.

The smell of gunpowder is unusually strong.

Chu Yin, a senior figure in the debate world, named Huang Zhizhong aggressively.

Werewolf killed professional player Xiao Hei, and his gun was straight at Xiao Xiao.

More cruel game system, more intensive watching, better debater. The exciting battle of

is about to start.

Weihua said it has been on the air for five years. In the five years, even if it faltered, it even fell into a whirlpool of public opinion.

However, "Wonderful Flower" can rebound in the sixth season.

can get a large number of loyal fans every year.

You may want to ask, what is so good about "Wonderful Flowers"?

In this "entertainment to death" environment, all the variety shows are flattering us and madly outputting funny baggage and no-nutrition gimmicks.

They will indeed make the audience laugh like tickles.

But after turning off the video, we will only leave a greater emptiness in our hearts.

This kind of joy is too simple and often does not touch our emotional memory.

and too deep and serious programs can hardly arouse people's desire to continue paying attention.

He did not deliberately create conflicts and gimmicks, shaking some unnutritious baggage.

also has no rigid words, too much emphasis on professionalism. Since the first season of

, Ma Dong’s positioning of this program is "a dishonest debate program." As a debate program,

dares to choose the topic.

urging marriage is love or perversion?

Is it wrong for me not to have children?

Big city bed or small city room? Should the

money be wiped out?

Is it a bad thing that people will eventually become people they hate?

Among these questions, some are social phenomena, and some are popular culture.

and others are issues that you have debated with yourself many times in your heart.

, as an unscrupulous program, his wonderful views emerge endlessly. Before

, Professor Xue described marriage as running a business:

“Marriage means running a business, which means signing a contract. Running a family business, signing a lifetime wholesale futures contract.” After

, Huang Zhizhong should not encourage terminally ill patients. Stick to it.

"The words of encouragement are the words to close the real communication. When you leave, when you leave this ward, I hope you will know by yourself that this is our last side. Please tell me when you treat him as our last side. , While I can still listen, while I can respond."

They let us know that this world can still be explained in this way.

It turns out that these deviant ideas are allIt is acceptable.

is an unscrupulous debate program, he showed us various expressions and various ways of thinking.

It can be perceptual in reason.

, for example, Harvard Law School talented girl Zhan Qingyun who emerged in the fifth season. In the debate of "Everyone can press the button to revive a favorite, do you support it?" In this debate, she first changed the focus of the topic to policy, and then brought death closer to the individual.

Then step by step combined the benefits of "resurrection" with the pain caused by not being selected, and shattered the seemingly beautiful fantasy.

Next, she magnified the argument to the sociality of resurrection:

"resurrection" will make love less pure, and it will attract some utilitarian manipulation.

Therefore, in the future world, our social problem is not only the polarization between the rich and the poor, but also the polarization between life and death. The

statement ended. In addition to winning the audience applause, there was also a piece of goose bumps.

In addition to rational speculation, contestants can also clarify the truth while playing around.

Such as the old strange flower Fu Seoul.

used a paragraph in the debate of "If there is a knowledge chip to assimilate everyone's knowledge, should it be used", she used a paragraph to dispel the seriousness of the debate itself.

or the sensational lieutenant general said the truth.

such as Tsai Kangyong.

and so on.

Seeing Qihua said that there is a very obvious phenomenon, the audience are all clutter.

may have just persuaded a group of viewers in the last round, and their supporters may betray completely in the next round.

doctrine and stand in our hearts for only three minutes.

build, overthrow, build again, overthrow again.

This is not because we are not firm, but every time, the debaters are broadening our horizons and increasing what we can see.

Every time you think you have thoughtful, he will play a card that you have never seen before, letting your established logic discourage you.

In the sway of our positions,

's "Wonderful Flower Talk" has given each of us ordinary people a chance to think carefully. It was mentioned in the book "Entertainment to Death" that in the era of President Lincoln more than a hundred years ago, the debate table of those in power was just a small box in the vegetable market. The

candidate stood on this small box and delivered a long and difficult speech.

Under the "stage", whether it is a peasant woman or a cowboy can listen to it with gusto.

Now, we have advanced forms of

, but we can't resist what is flooded with TV and the Internet. After watching programs that make people feel more empty. Is

people no longer willing to spend time thinking?

Are people giving up the pursuit of knowledge?

no. The popularity of

"Wonderful Flowers" just proves that as intelligent creatures, we are still thirsty for knowledge.

We are still able to tolerate different perspectives, understand rational argument and empathic thinking, and know how to listen to the voices of other worlds.

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